



八年級英語上冊課件 篇1

What are you doing for vacation? 學習目標: ? 在這一單元中,我們要學習如何談論假期的計劃(Vacation plans),對將來的安排(Future plans) 語言目標: ? 1. 用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來。 ? (Present progressive as future) ? 2. 用where , when , what , how long 提問的句子。 主要句型: ? 1. What are you doing for vacation ? ? I’m spending time with my friends . ? 2. When are you going ? ? I’m going next week . ? 3. How long are you staying ? ? We’re staying for two weeks . ? Step 1. National Day is coming . We all have a long vacation about 7 days . What are you? doing for vacation ? ? Now Let’s talk about future plans . ? 在這里,我們用到What are you doing for vacation ? ? 同學們可能會奇怪,“be doing”結構不是現(xiàn)在進行時嗎?在這一單元中,用現(xiàn)在進行時代表將要發(fā)生 的動作,表示對未來的計劃和安排,譯為“我將要…”,“我打算…”。 ? eg . What’s she doing for vacation ? 她假期要做什么? ? She’s babysitting her sister . 她要看她妹妹。 ? 這是我們進入初中以來第一次接觸到將來時。這種用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來動作的用法,實際上在英語中 是很常見的。 ? Now , answer my question . ? “What are you doing for vacation ? ” ? You may have lots of answers . Now , translate the following sentences into English , and? choose one as your answer . ? Of course , you can add more activities if you like . ? ? Exercise : ? 1. 我要去野營。 ? 2. 我打算看望我的姨媽。 ? 3. 我打算在家里看電視。 ? 4. 她要照顧她的小妹妹。 ? 5. 他打算玩籃球。 ? 6. 他們要在家里休息。 ? 7. 我要去山區(qū)徒步旅行。 ? 8. Dave準備去騎單車。 ? 9. Mary要去旅行觀光。 ? 10. Mike準備去釣魚。 ? 11. Isabella要去散散步并且租些錄像來看。 ? Keys : ? 1. I’m going camping . ? 2. I’m visiting my aunt . ? 3. I’m watching TV at home . ? 4. She’s babysitting her sister . ? 5. He is playing basketball (for vacation). ? 6. They are relaxing at home . ? 7. I’m going hiking in the mountains . ? 8. Dave is going bike riding . ? 9. Mary is going sightseeing . ? 10. Mike is going fishing . ? 11. Isabella is taking walks and renting videos . ? Step 2 . We’re going to learn other questions to ask about one’s vacation plans . ? 除了用“What are you doing for vacation ? ”之外,我們還要學習其它幾個問句,來幫助我們更好 地談論假期的`計劃。 ? 1. When are you going ? ? 你什么時候去呀? ? when表示對具體的時刻來提問,所以可以用on Monday ,(在星期一),on the 12th (在12號那天) nextweek (下周)、等等。 ? eg. I’m going the first week in June . 我將在六月份的第一周去。 ? 2. How long are you staying ? 你要在那里呆多久? ? How long 是對表示持續(xù)的一段時間來提問。因此回答時,也要用表示一段時間的時間狀語,而不是具 體時刻。 ? eg. How long is he staying ? ? He’s staying for a week . 他要呆一個禮拜。 ? 或He’s staying until September . 他在那里一直到九月份。 ? 3. Where are you going for vacation ? 你要去哪里度假? ? I’m going to Italy (Greece or Spain ). ? 我要去意大利(希臘或西班牙)。 ? 4. What’s it like there ? 那里怎么樣? ? 這個句型是我們在第二冊中學習過的,當時我們對人提問,“What’s she like ? ”她這人怎么樣。 現(xiàn)在是對地點對問,請你介紹一下對某地的看法與印象。 ? 你可以回答:It’s beautiful ! It’s wonderful ! 等等。 ? 5. How’s the weather there ? 那里的天氣怎么樣? ? 這也是上學期我們學過的句子。你可以用一系列表示天氣的詞來回答。 ? 如It’s cool . (hot , humit , warm …) ? 6. Who are you going with ? 你準備和誰一塊兒去? ? I’m going with my parents . 我和我父母一塊兒去。 ? 學會了上面這些句子,我們又增加了許多談話的內容。同學們在課外,可以勤練習。 ? Step 3. Section B. 3a P17 ? 1. Read the article . After reading , answer my questions . Pierre Lambert’s Vacation Plans ! ? Pierre Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer ! ? He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but finally decided on Canada . “I always? take vacations in Europe , ”he said . “This time I want to do something different . I heard? that Canada is beautiful , and I know there are many people there who speak French . ” ? Pierre is going to Canada’s Great Lakes region . He is leaving the first week in June and? staying until September . He plans to have a very relaxing vacation . “I’m taking walks ,? going fishing , and going bike riding . I’m hoping that the beautiful countryside will help? me forget all my problems . At night , I’m renting videos and sleeping a lot …a no-stress? vacation ! I can’t wait . I’ll be a new man when I return to Paris ! ? Questions : ? (1)Where is Pierre going for vacation ? ? (2)When is he going ? ? (3)Why did he decide on Canada ? ? (4)What is he doing there ? ? (5)How long is he staying ? ? Keys : ? (1)Pierre is going to Canada’s Great Lakes region . ? (2)He is going the first week in June . ? (3)It is beautiful and there are many people there who speak French . ? (4)He’s taking walks 、 going fishing 、 going bike riding . ? At night , he’s renting videos and sleeping a lot . ? (5)He is staying until September . ? 二. 重點、難點: ? 1. Pierre Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer . ? 著名法國歌星皮埃爾,在這個夏季,準備度個長假。 ? take a (long) vacation . 去度(長)假。 ? 2. He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but finally decided on Canada . ? 他考慮要去希臘或西班牙,但最終決定去加拿大。 ? △think about (doing)sth . 考慮(去做)某事。 ? eg. He often thinks about going camping . 他經??紤]去野營。 ? △decide on 決定(后面加名詞) ? eg. decide on a blue coat 決定(要買)一件藍色上衣 ? decide on Canada 決定(去)加拿大 ? 3. I want to do something different . ? 我想做一些不尋常的事。 ? something 為不定代詞,另外還有anything , nothing , somebody , anyone 等,都是不定代詞。當 有形容詞修飾這些不定代詞時,切記放在這些不定代詞的后面。 ? eg. something different 不尋常的事 ? somebody important 重要人物 ? Is there anything wrong ? 有什么不對的嗎? ? 4. I know there are many people (who speak French ) there . ? 我知道,那兒有許多人講法語。 ? 在本句中,出現(xiàn)了一個重要的語法現(xiàn)象,定語從句?!癢ho speak French ”做為定語從句修飾前面的 詞組many people . 許多人,什么樣的人呢?說法語的人。這樣,我們就很好理解了。從前,我們學過, the beautiful flower , 這里beautiful 做為定語,修飾flower , 花,什么樣的花?美麗的花。當單個 的詞做定語,一般放在名詞的前面,(注:修飾不定代詞時需放在后邊),而當一個句子做定語時,一般要 放在被修飾詞的后面,這個句子則被稱為定語從句。 ? eg . I’m waiting for that man (who is in black . ) ? 我正在等那個穿黑衣服的人。 ? 5. Canada’s Great Lakes region . ? 加拿大的五大湖地區(qū)。(加拿大與美國之間的五個大湖, ? 景色怡人,風景秀麗。) ? 6. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation . ? △plan to do sth . 計劃去做某事,to后面加動詞原形。 ? eg. My classmates plan to go to a picnic . ? 我的同學們計劃去野餐。 ? △have a very relaxing vacation . ? 過一個非常愜意的假期。 ? 另外,have a good time 過得很愉快。 ? 7. I’m hoping (that the beautiful countryside will help me forget all my problems . ) ? 我希望美麗的風光能幫我忘記一切煩惱。 ? △在本句中,that引導的一整句話,都做為謂語hope的賓語,被稱為賓語從句。這一整句都是“我所希 望的事”。that只是賓語從句的引導詞,沒有實際含義。 ? eg. The teacher said that some students left school at 5:30 yesterday . ? 老師說,昨天有些同學五點半才離校。 ? help sb do sth . 幫助某人做某事。 ? 在Unit 1 中,我們學過“help me to study more”這

八年級英語上冊課件 篇2

Teaching Plan For Unit 1

Teaching Materials & Analysis Contents Warming Up P1

Pre-reading P1

Reading P1-2

Comprehending P2

Learning about Language

Discovering useful words & expressions

Discovering useful structures P3-4

Using Language Listening & speaking P5-8

Reading, speaking & writing

Summing up

Workbook & Test P41-47

Importance 1. Have students learn some useful new words and expressions and let them learn effective ways to remember English vocabulary.

2. Get students to learn about the history of the Amber Room and famous cultural relics in China and abroad to stimulate their sense of cultural relics protection.

3. Enable students to learn to tell the difference between facts and opinions to train their thinking and analyzing ability.

4. Let students learn to give opinions and ask for opinions in English.

5. Let students learn the. new grammar item:the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause.

6. Develop students’listening,speaking,reading and writing ability

Difficulties 1. Train students' thinking and analyzing ability by making them learn to tell from facts and opinions.

2. Develop students’ speaking ability by encouraging them to give opinions and ask for opinions in English.

3. Develop students’integrated skills.

Teaching Aims Topic cultural relics protection;

famous cultural relics in China and abroad

Vocabulary Words race,valuable,survive,vast,dynasty,amaze,amazing,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel,artist, belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth,local,apart,painting,castle,trial,evidence,explode,entrance,sailor,sink,maid,informal,debate

Expressions in search of,belong to,in return,at war,less than,take apart,think highly of

Functional Items 1)Asking for opinions

2)Giving opinions

Structures the attributive clause


of time 1st Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending

2nd Language points

3rd Grammar

4th Using Language: Reading & talking

5th Using Language: Listening & speaking

6th Using Language: Reading & writing 1)Asking for opinions

7th Revision

1)Asking for opinions

The 1st Period

Unit 1 Contents Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words rare,valuable,survive,vase,dynasty,amaze,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel,artist,belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth

phrases in search of,be long to,in return,at war,less than

1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Let students learn about the history of the Amber Room.

Ability 1. Let students read the passage In Search of the Amber Room to develop their reading ability.

2. Enable students to learn to talk about cultural relics.

Emotion 1. Stimulate students’sense of cultural relic`s protection by reading the passage In Search of the Amber Room.

2. Develop students’sense of cooperative learning.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Let students read the passage In Search of the Amber Room and learn about the history of the Amber Room.

2. Get students to learn different reading skills.

Difficulties 1. Develop students’reading ability.

2. Enable students to learn to talk about cultural relics.

Multimedia Computer PPT CD

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussion

Teaching Procedures

The 1st Period

Step 1 Warming up

1. Warming up by looking and talking

2. Give students 4 minutes to read the passage carefully,and do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 in Comprehending on page 2.

3. Listening and reading aloud

Play the tape of the text for students to listen to and follow. Then ask them to read the text aloud.

4. Deal with some new words,expressions and structures.

5. Discussion of style. Let students discuss the following questions:,

How does this passage present facts about the Amber Room? Can you find the opinions?

What is the author's attitude towards the Amber Room? How do you know?

Step 2 Pre- reading

Turn to page 1 and finish Pre- reading part.

Step 3 Reading

1. Skimming for the general idea of each paragraph

Ask students to read the passage fast to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph and fill in the chart.

The general ideas

Paragraph The History of the Amber Room






2. Scanning for detailed information

Ask students to read the passage carefully to locate the detailed information.

Do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 in Comprehending on page 2.

3. Deal with any language problems students might meet while checking the

answers with the whole class.

4. Reading aloud and underlining

Ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebooks after class as homework.

be used to do..., be made into, make the design for the room,

feel as hard, as stone, be of the fancy style,

give the name, be made into any shape, be made with gold and jewels, in fact, as a gift of, in return,

be made to be a gift, serve as, add more details to...,

the search for, be made for, one of the great wonders,

art objects, look much like, at war,

remove... from., remain a mystery, be ready for…

Step 4 Consolidation

Go over the key words with the students and write them on the blackboard. Give students 3 minutes to prepare and then ask some to retell the story of the Amber Room to the class.

Step 5 Closing down by having a discussion

Raise the following questions and discuss them with the students.

Can you imagine the fate of the Amber Room? What is it?

Do you think if it is worthwhile to reproduce the Amber Room? Why?

Step 6 Homework

1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.

2. Read the text again and try to talk about the history of the Amber Room.

The 2nd Period

Unit 1 Contents Reading Comprehending & Learning about language

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words rare,valuable,survive,vase,dynasty,amaze,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel, artist,belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth

phrases in search of,belong to,in return,at war,less than

1. Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this part

2. Let students learn some important and useful sentence patterns

Ability 1. Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.

2. Enable students to make sentences after the useful sentence patterns.

Emotion 1. Stimulate students' interest in learning English.

2. Develop students’ spirits of cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Enable students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as survive,belong,doubt,belong to,in search of,etc.

2. Get students to master the patterns:“Sadly,although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now missing,and“There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg.. .”

Difficulties 1.Let students learn the usages of the words“belong“ and“doubt”and the expression ”belong to".

2.Get students to understand some difficult and long sentences.

Multimedia Computer PPT CD

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussion

Teaching Procedures

The 2nd Period

Learning about important language points

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask some students to tell the history of the Amber Room.

Step 2 Reading and finding

Get students to read through Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.

a cultural relic,be rare. and valuable,survive for a long time,whether... or not,an amazing history,be used to do...,the design of the room,the fancy style,popular in those days,give the name,decorated with gold and jewels,in fact,as a gift of...,in return,be made to be a gift,serve as,add more details to,the search for,be made for, one of the wonders,art objects,look much like...,at war,remove... from...,remain a mystery,be ready for.

Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book after class.

Step 3 Practice for useful words and expressions

1. Turn to page 3. Go through the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.

2. Give them several minutes to finish the exercises. They first do them individually,and then discuss and check them with their partners.

3. Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.

Step 4 Vocabulary study

1. survive vt. & vi。

1)vi. continue to live or exist繼續(xù)生存或存在

Few survived after the flood. 洪水后生還者極少。

The custom still survives. 這種風俗習慣還保存著。

2)vt. continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed


He survived the shipwreck. 在這次船只沉沒事件中他幸免于難。

The plants may not survive the frost. 這些植物不經凍。

The house survived the storm. 經過暴風雨襲擊,這所房屋并未倒塌。

3)vt. remain alive after sb.比某人長命

He survived his wife for many years. 他比妻子多活好多年。


survivor,person or thing that has survived幸存者;逃生者;殘存物

survival n. 1)state of continuing to live or exist幸存;殘存;生存

2) person, thing, custom,belief, etc. that has survived from an earlier time 遺老;遺習;舊風俗;舊思想

2. belong to: be the property of; be a member of 屬于;是…的成員

The land belongs legally to the government. 該地依法屬政府所有。

The blue sky belongs equally to us all. 藍天為我們所共有。

They belonged to a younger generation. 他們屬于年輕的一代。


belong to不用于被動語態(tài),也不用于進行時態(tài)。例如:


正:This book belongs to me.

誤:This book is belonged to me.

誤:This book is belonging to me.

3. in return: as payment or a reward for sth. 作為對某事的酬謝或回報

I bought him a drink in return for his help.我請他喝酒以酬謝他的幫助。

He presented her a notebook in return. 他回贈給她一本筆記本。

4. doubt n. & v.uncertainty or disbelief; reason for not believing sth.


There is not much doubt about it. 這沒什么可懷疑的。

I have doubts about his competence. 我對他的能力有很大懷疑。

He has his doubt to this being true. 他懷疑這件事是否屬實。

Please dismiss all doubts about it. 懷疑是人的天性。

I do not doubt of your success. 我不懷疑你的成功。

I doubt whether/if he is at home. 我看他不一定在家.

I do not doubt that he can recite it. 我相信他能把它背下來。

Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他會獲勝嗎?

I doubt what he said. 我不相信他說的話。

5.remain vi. usually not used the continuous tenses通常不用于進行時態(tài)

1)be left or still present after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with剩下;剩余)

After the fire,very little remained of my house. 火災過后,寒舍所剩無幾。

If you take 3 from 8,5 remains. 8減3剩5。

2)be left to be seen, done, said, etc. 留待以后去看、去做、去說等

It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正確,以后可見分曉。

Much remains to be done. 要做的事情還很多。.

3) stay in the same place;stay behind停留,逗留;留下

I remained in London until May. 我在倫教一直待到五月.

She left,but I remained(behind). 她走了,我沒走。

4) continue to be;stay in the same condition仍然是;保持不變

We should remain modest and prudent. 我們應該保持謙虛謹慎。

Let things remain as they are. 保持現(xiàn)狀吧.




This place remains cool all summer. 這個地方整個夏天都涼爽。


He stayed to see the end of the game. 他一直待到比賽結束。

Step 5 Sentence focus

1. This gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.


這是一個復合句,句中which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it為非限制性定語從句,從句中又含有原因狀語從句because several tons of amber were used to make it。

非限制性定語從句,修飾物時用which, whose;修飾人時用who, whom, whose。非限制性定語從句和它的先行詞之間只是松散的關系,往往是對先行詞作補充說明,這種從句在朗讀時有停頓,在文字中通常有逗號與主句隔開。例如:

The chairman,who spoke first,sat on my right.


The speech,which bored everyone,went on and on.



On April 1 they flew to Beijing,where they stayed several days.


I'm seeing the manager tomorrow,when he will be back from New York.



They have invited us to visit their country,which is very kind of them.


They usually take a walk after supper,which does them a lot of good.


2. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.


這是一個“主系表”結構的句子,in the fancy style...在句子中用作表語,注意介詞in的用法,此處表示“以……方式,以……式樣,以……風格”。類似用法有in a different way等。

popular in those days是形容詞短語修飾the fancy style,形容詞詞組作定語時,通常都作后置定語。例如:

They have a house larger than yours. 他們的房子比你的大.

The boys easiest to teach are in my class. 我班上的男生最好教了。


a house larger than yours= a house which is larger than yours

the boys easiest to teach=the boys who are easiest to teach

3. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.


句子中的the way she wanted作狀語,表示方式。此句實際為the room was

completed the way she wanted it to be completed, the way表示“方式;方法”,在定語從句中作狀語時,后面的從句的引導詞常常用that或in which或省略。例如:

I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted.


We have to make it work in the way(that/in which) they want it to.


He was looking at her in the way that surprised her.


4. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.


這是一個復合句,that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg是同位語從句,表示與之同位的doubt的實際內容。which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea是Konigsberg的非限制性定語從句,先行詞為Konigsbergo

同位語從句常用that來引導,但隨著與其同位的名詞不同,也可由when, where,whether, how等來引導。例如:

They had to face the fact that the nearest filling station is thirty kilometers away. 他們不得不面對這樣一個現(xiàn)實:最近的加油站還在30千米外。

The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient was suffering from cancer. 醫(yī)生們作出了診斷結果:病人身患癌癥。

I have no idea when he will return.我不知道他何時回來。

* There is no doubt that...可作為固定句型來用,意思是“毫無疑間……”。例如:

There is no doubt that he is a fine scholar.


There is no doubt that you can find a way to solve this problem.


Step 6 Using words and expressions

Turn to page 42. Ask students to do the exercises in Using words and expressions in the Workbook. The following procedures may be followed:

1. Go through the two exercises with students and make sure they know what to do.

2. Several minutes for students to finish them individually.

3. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 7 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises. Do Exercise 3 in your exercise book.

2. Learn the useful new words and expressions by heart.

The 3rd Period

Unit 1 Contents Learning about language

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words local


1.Get students to know the structures of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

2. Let students learn the usages of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

Ability Enable students to use the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses correctly and properly.

Emotion l. Get Ss to become interested in grammar learning.

2. Develop Ss' sense of group cooperation.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Get students to master the structures and usages of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

2. Let students know the differences between the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause.

Difficulties Enable students to learn how to use the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses correctly.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning & Practice

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Dictate some important sentences in the passage In Search o f the Amber Room.

Step 2 Grammar revision

Ask students to review relative pronouns and relative adverbs and then do some related exercises.

Step 3 Learning about grammar

1. Let students pick out the sentences that use the attributive clauses from Warming up,Pre-reading and Reading,read them aloud and then translate them into English.

2. Ask students to study these sentences,and compare the sentence“This gift was he Amber Room,which was given this name because almost several tons of amber were used to make it with the others. Let them try to find the difference.

3. Sum up:Restrictive & non-restrictive clauses.

Do the following pair of sentences mean the same thing?

My uncle,who lives in London,is very rich.

My uncle who lives in London is very rich.

The first sentence has a non-restrictive clause within two commas,and the second has a restrictive clause. A non-restrictive clause simply adds more information into the sentence and does not affect the meaning of the main clause;it is therefore bracketed off with commas. Conversely,a restrictive clause defines its referent in the main clause more specifically and contributes significantly to the meaning of the sentence.

Step 4 Grammar practice

1. Let students finish Exercise 3 and Exercise 4 in Discovering useful structures on page 4 and exercises in Using Structures on page 43.

2. Check the answers with the whole class,and see how well the students did.

Step 5 Additional exercises

Provide some exercises for students to test whether they have grasped the restrictive & non-restrictive attributive clauses.

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises. Do the exercises in Using Structures in your exercise book.

2. Preview the next part Using language.

The 4th Period

Unit 1 Contents Using language: Reading & Talking

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words trial,consider,opinion,evidence,prove,pretend

phrases more than,even though

1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part

2. Let students know what a fact is,what an opinion is and the difference between them.

Ability 1. Develop students’reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials.

2. Train students’ speaking ability and enable them to tell the difference between facts and opinions and talk about something which interests them and about something which they are familiar with.

Emotion 1. Enable students to learn from Feng Jicai and protect cultural relics in their home town or city.

2. Develop students' sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Develop students’reading skills by extensive reading.

2. Train students' speaking ability by telling the difference between fact and opinion and talking about something which interests them and about which they are familiar with.

Difficulties 1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.

2. Get Ss tolearn how to tell facts from opinions.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning & Practice

3. Discussing

Teaching Procedures

The 4th Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask students to translate some sentences using the attributive clause.

Step 2 Warming up by discussing

Tell students:We are going to read a passage about fact,opinion and evidence. Before reading it,let`s discuss the following questions.

1. If you want to go in for law against somebody,and if you want to win,what`s the most important thing, you should do first?

2. What makes a judge decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe?

Step 3 Reading

1. Ask students to turn to page 5.

2. Two minutes for students to read the passage fast and try to get the main idea.

3. Four minutes for students to read the passage again and answer the questions.

What is a fact?

What is an opinion?

What is evidence?

4. Ask students to listen to the tape and read the passage aloud.

5. Photocopy a brief newspaper article,preferably one which talks about. a crime trial. Then have students pick out the facts and opinions and give reasons for their answers.

Step 4 Talking

1. Ask students to turn to page 41 and make a dialogue giving facts and opinions.

2. Let them check and practice the dialogue in pairs and then give a performance for the class.

Step 5 Reading task

1. Show students Feng Jicai`s photo and one of his novels and talk about them.

2. Ask students to turn to page 45,read the passage Big Feng to the Rescue to try to find the best summary and answer these questions.

3. Let students discuss:How can we do to help Feng Jicai with his projects?

Step 6 Summing up

Ask students to choose one of the following to prepare and then report to the class.

1. Tell the differences between facts and opinions.

2. Tell something about how Feng Jicai protected the cultural relics of his hometown.

3. Talk about something which interests you in your own life.

Step 7 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2. Read the two passages again and try to grasp the main idea of them.

The 5th Period

Unit 1 Contents Using language: listening & speaking

Teaching Aims Knowledge 1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this unit.

2. Let students learn the expressions of asking for opinions and giving opinions.

Are you sure he/she was telling the truth? How do you know that?

How can you be sure he/she was telling the truth?

Why/Why not?

I don't believe...,because...

That can't be true. It is(not) a fact.

I (don't) agree with you. I don't agree that..,

It can be proved. The truth is (not) easy to know.

I think they have said useful things.…h(huán)as no reason to lie.

Ability 1. Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.

2. Develop students’ability to get special information and take notes while listening.

3. Get students to learn how to ask for opinions and give opinions.

4. Let students write a short report.

Emotion 1. Enable students to know more about cultural relics and stimulate their sense of protecting cultural relics.

2. Develop students’sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Develop students' listening and speaking abilities.

2. Enable students to master different listening skills.

3. Let the students learn how to ask for opinions and give opinions.

Difficulties 1. Get students to listen and understand different listening materials.

2. Develop students’speaking ability.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussing

Teaching Procedures

The 5th Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask some students to talk about facts,opinions and evidence.

Step 2 Warming up by talking

Ask students to talk about the story of the Amber Room and its fate. Tell the students:

No one knows exactly what happened to the Amber Room. A few people say that they were eyewitnesses who saw where the Amber Room was hidden. Listen to their stories. .-

Step 3 Listening on pages 5-6

Turn to page 6.Ask students to look at the two forms and listen to the tape,take notes of what they hear and fill in the forms.

Step 4 Speaking on page 6

Turn to page 6.Ask students to share their forms with a partner,discuss together which person gave the best evidence,write down a short list of reasons for their choice and then give a short report about their list to the class.

Step 5 Listening on page 41

Ask students to turn to page 41,look at the picture and talk about the Aswan Dam and Abu Simbel temple. Let them listen to the tape and answer the questions and then check the answers with the class.

Step 6 Listening task on page 44

1. Ask students to look at the picture on page 44 and describe it. Then play the tape for students to listen to and get the main idea of the listening text.

2. Let students listen again and fill in the chart with details.

3. Ask students to listen to the tape a third time and try to get the right answers.

Step 7 Consolidation

Show students the three listening texts,let them read the texts aloud and then retell them.

Step 8 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2. Read the listening texts again and try to retell them.

The 6th Period

Unit 1 Contents Using language: Reading & speaking

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words treasure,besides

phrases search for,think highly of

1. 1. Get students to learn and master the new words and useful expressions:

2. Let students know the form of an English letter.

Ability 1. Develop students’writing ability by writing letters.

2. Enable students to express agreement and disagreement.

3. Enable students to express good reasoning and strong feelings.

Emotion 1. Stimulate students’sense of cultural relic's protection and encourage them to persuade others to protect cultural relics.

2. Enable students to master writing skills and write excellent letters.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Develop students’writing ability.

2. Get students to use the expressions of expressing agreement and disagreement,and reasoning.

Difficulties 1. Get students to learn to express good reasoning and strong feelings.

2. Let students learn how to write a persuasive letter.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussing

Teaching Procedures

The 6th Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask students to dictate the new words and expressions:treasure,besides,think highly of,tell the truth,etc.

Step 2 Warming up

Ask students to talk about cultural relics found in their daily life. Ask them what they would do if they found a rare cultural relic.

Step 3 Reading

Let students read the letter and answer some questions according to the letter.

Step 4 Writing

Ask students to have a class debate and write a report on their debate.

Step 5 Writing task

Suppose there is one cultural relic in your hometown that is worth saving or protecting. Write a letter to all the students of your school to encourage them to help save the cultural relic.

1. Let students read the outline as a guide.

2. Give 10 minutes to them to write the letter.

3. Ask as many students as possible to read their letters to the class.

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2. Write the two letters in your exercise book.

八年級英語上冊課件 篇3































八年級英語上冊課件 篇4








通過交流表達和聽力訓練,引入各種學習方法和策略來學習“Whatdo you think of…?”

Learning action tips:

Play the wonderful film clips that students most like to see, guide studentsto talk about the film types and contents they most like to see.

Task 1

Learning action tips:Previewthe words on Page33-34 in the word list. Students read the wordsby phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning.At last finish the task in 1a.

【Method coach】

▲Let\'s watch a talk show. 讓我們看談話節(jié)目吧。

讓某人做某事:Let sb. do sth.


( C )Let\'s ______ for a walk, shall we?




(1)作不及物動詞時,意為“站立”,構成stand up, 反義詞為sit down。

(2)作及物動詞時,意為“忍受,忍耐”,一般多用于否定句中,構成短語can\'t stand (doing) sth. 不能忍受(做)某事。如:情景導入 生成問題

1.T:Whatdo you think of …?


2.T:Whichcharacter do you like best?


自學互研 生成能力

Task1Let\'sread the new words and the phrases.

1.I can read.(我會讀)

sitcom, soap opera, news,mind, stand, educational, plan, hope, discussion, happen, expect

2.I can write.(我會寫)



(3)游戲節(jié)目game__show (4)體育節(jié)目sports__show

(5)才藝節(jié)目talent__show (6)從……學learn…from

(7)計劃去做某事plan__to__do (8)期待去做某事expect__to__do__sth.

(9)調查出,弄清find__out (10)希望成為hope__to__be


3.I can summarize.(我會總結)


mind doing sth.表示“介意做……”,stand doing sth.表示“忍受做某事”。



(1)enjoy doing sth. 意為喜歡做某事。

(2)practice doing sth.意為練習做某事。

(3)finish doing sth. 意為完成做某事。

(1)I don\'t mind watching(watch) soap operas.

(2)I can\'t stand closing(close)the window.

(3)I\'ll practice skating(skate)every day in window.

(4)You should finish doing(do)your homework first.

Task2Let\'slisten to the tape and finish 1b,2a,2b.

Task3Makeconversations and interview.

1.I can practice.(我會練)

A:What do you (1) want__to__watch(想看)?

B:What do you (2)think__of(認為)soap operas?

A:Oh, I (3)can\'t__stand__them(我不能忍受). I think soap operasare really boring.

B:Well, (4)what__about__game__shows(游戲節(jié)目呢)?

A:I like watching game shows. I watchit every night.


A:Because I think game shows are moreeducational.

B: Then let\'s watch gameshows.

I can\'t stand soap operas.我無法忍受肥皂劇。


My brother can\'t stand writing (write) diaries.

八年級英語上冊課件 篇5


一、教學目標: 1.語言知識目標:

1)能掌握以下單詞:sitcom, news, soap, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect 能掌握以下句型:

① What do you want to watch? ② What do you think of talk shows? ③ I can’t stand them.④ I don’t mind them.⑤ I like/love them./ I don’t like them.2)能了解以下語法:



二、教學重難點 1.教學重點:





三、教學過程 Step 1 Lead-in 學生們根據圖片提示學習各類電視節(jié)目并且練習運用What do you think of…? Step 2 New words Learn the names of the TV shows.Step 3 Game 1.引導學生們看1a中的圖片,根據提示依次說出每一部TV Show的名稱。2.讓學生們看圖片及1a中的詞匯,將圖片與正確的詞匯相連。3.Check the answers with the Ss.Step 4 Listening 1.T: Tell Ss to read the shows in the box.Make sure they know the meaning of the shows.2.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the shows1-4.3.Play the recording again.Check the answers with the Ss.Step 5 Pair work 1.Let Ss look at the pictures in the box.Then explain the meaning of each expression to the Ss.2.Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher.Then let Ss make their own conversation using the shows and expressions in the box.3.Let some pairs ask and answer about the shows.Step 6 Listening Work on 2a: 1.Read the shows in the box of 2a.Tell Ss to remember the information.2.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the TV shows [1-5].3.Play the recording again to check the on 2b: 1.Let Ss read the sentences below.Explain some main sentences for the Ss.Make sure they know what to do.2.Play the recording for the Ss to write the correct words in the blanks.3.Play the recording again to check the answers.Step 7 Pair work 1.Tell Ss ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a.They can use the information that is true for them.2.Let Ss read conversation after the teacher.3.Explain some main points for the Ss.4.Ss act the conversation in pairs.Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

八年級英語上冊課件 篇6

Unit 5 How much is it? 學習任務 1.能力目標 (1) 能夠簡單描述衣服、鞋子的大小,評論價格、顏色和款式,如:Its expensive\colourful. (2) 能夠詢問價格并做簡略評價,如:How much is it? It’s…. (3) 能夠聽懂并發(fā)出與各種鞋類相關的簡單指令,如:Put on your sneakers. 2.知識目標 (1) 掌握A 、B 部分read and write 中的單詞和句子并能做到會聽、說、讀、寫。 (2)聽、說、認讀A、B部分Let’s learn . Let’s talk 中的單詞和句子. (3) 理解Let’s do. Let’s chant 等部分的內容. (4) 了解story time. Good to know 等部分的 內容. 3.情感、策略、文化等有關目標 (1)情感態(tài)度:能以得體的方式與人交際。 (2)文化目標: 了解英美兩國與我國的衣物尺碼標記的不同。 ? 第一課時 課題:Unit 5 How much is it? A Lets learn Lets chant 教學重點:單詞:colourful pretty cheap expensive 句子:It’s cheapprettyexpensivecolourful.來描述價格和顏色。 教學難點:單詞expensive的讀音。 根據實際情景運用本課時的四個形容詞 教具準備:1、本課生詞的單詞卡片2、衣服的實物3、配套的教學VCD 4、配套的教學錄音帶5、課文配套掛圖 教學過程: (一)復習(Revision) 1、Talk about the weather What’s the weather like today? What do you want to wear? 2、Show us your clothes學生們走到臺前,介紹一下自己的衣服的顏色,樣子。 T:“How much is it?Oh, it’s cheap.It’s expensive.It’s pretty.It’s colourful.” (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) 1、教師出示幾件衣服的實物,并標出價格,說:“Guess, how much is it?” 引導學生回答價格,教師追問:“Is it cheap?Is it pretty?” 引導學生自己表述:“It’s cheapexpensivecolourfulpretty.” 教師根據學生的回答適時的出示相應的單詞cheapexpensivecolourfulpretty.并進行帶讀,讓學生進行認讀練習。 2、教師出示Let’s learn部分的掛圖。 T:“Look at that dress. It’s pretty. I want to buy it. It’s …yuan.” Students try to say like this. 3、觀看VCD展示,跟讀練習4、小組活動 學生兩人一組。每個學生準備一些衣物單詞的小卡片,在背面寫出價格。 兩人進行購物的對話練習。 教師先和一個學生進行示范(T: How much is that colourful dress? S: Very expensive. It’s …yuan. T: I want to buy it.) (三)趣味操練 (Practice) Guessing game: How much is it? 學生兩人一組,運用一些衣物小卡片,猜測價格。 A: Guess, How much is it? B: It’s twenty yuan . A: No , too cheap. Guess again. B: … Let’s chant 聽Let’s chant部分的歌謠,學生邊說邊兩個人一組表演 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) Is it expensive? 每個小組擁有一套衣物、文具等物品的單詞卡片和一套標有10-100元的幾個卡片。 學生兩個人一小組,一個學生任意搭配物品和價格,另一個學生進行描述:“It’s expensive…” 板書設計: Unit5 How much is it? Let’s learn:部分的掛圖 第二課時 課題:Unit5 How much is it ?? A Lets talk? C Good to know 教學重點:句型:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt…? It’s colourful…” 教學難點:對新詞的讀音的指導和規(guī)范,如:“ninety-nine yuan.” 教具準備:1、本課生詞的單詞卡片 2、課文的配套掛圖3、配套的教學VCD 4、相配套的教學錄音帶5、學生帶來的衣服實物 教學過程 (一)復習(Revision) 1、let’s chant: 讓學生邊說,邊兩人一組表演歌謠 2、How much is your shirt? 教師找一名學生詢問:Excuse me ,how much is your shirt?? It’s …yuan . Is it cheap?? Yes, it’s cheap and colouful. 學生們兩人一組進行對話 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) 1、教師在教室中掛上學生們帶來的衣物,圍繞教室掛滿一圈。 2、教師和學生們進行對話的交流 T: Look at this shirt. It’s colourful.? S: Yes, it’s pretty. T: How much is it? ? S: (請一個學生走到背面翻出價格)It’s one hundred yuan. It’s too expensive. 3、教師播放VCD,讓學生觀看故事,理解內容。 再看一遍,邊看邊模仿故事中人物的語氣說一說。 分角色給VCD配音,小組練習和表演。 各小組展示 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) Group work:學生運用自己手中的卡片,進行對話和描述。 仿照Let’s talk部分中的對話。 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) 購物活動:教師發(fā)給每個學生1000元紙幣(學生自己制作的),把教室分成四部分,組成四個服裝店,每個店請一個學生扮演售貨員。 讓學生們仿照課文中的對話,進行購物活動。 活動完成后,小組中交流購物收獲。運用How much is this skirt…? It’s cheap.等句子進行描述。 板書設計: Unit 5 How much is it? ? ? 第三課時 課題:Unit5 How much is it? A Read and write? C Story time 教學重點:聽說認讀掌握生詞:skirt shirt jacket dress T-shirt 教學難點:單詞拼讀;書寫指導 教具準備:1、本課生詞的單詞卡片2、配套的教學VCD 3、相配套的教學錄音帶 4、學生自己的衣物5、課文主題圖6、大小寫字母卡片 教學過程: (一)復習(Revision) 1、Free talk What color do you like? What color is your …? 2、Let’s chant: B部分的Let’s chant.的歌謠,邊說邊出示單詞。 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) 1、教師準備好一些大小不一的衣服。說:“I think this skirt is pretty.”然后教師穿一下,說:“But it’s too big.”然后再拿起一件,說:“This one, it’s nice. It’s fits me well.” 2、教師請一個學生上來選衣服,指導學生運用句子:This shirt is …, but it’s too …. 3、然后多請上幾個學生上來說。 4、小組活動 學生們把自己的衣服帶來,在小組中每個學生輪流挑選衣服,在這一過程中運用This shirt is …, but it’s too …. 5、觀看VCD,認讀句子,讓學生逐句認讀,小組認讀。 6、教師指讀生詞,讓學生搶答認讀。小組比賽拼讀,抽查學生的拼讀。 7、兩人一小組,一個拼,一個寫。單詞的抄寫練習。 8、出示句子的`句卡,然后學生試讀,教師提示學生注意第一個單詞第一個字母大寫,提示學生注意標點和占格。 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) 1、拼一拼,猜一猜 教師拼一個單詞,讓學生迅速說出詞。學生小組做游戲。 2、聽一聽,拼一拼 每個小組一套字母卡片,請一個學生說詞,小組拼,比比誰最快。 3、教師請幾個學生穿上不同大小的衣服(有的服裝不合適),然后大家一起來評論一下。運用句子This shirt is …, but it’s too …. (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) 每個學生設計一套衣服,給自己的和別人的娃娃穿上,然后進行比較。運用本單元學過的句型。 板書設計: Unit5 How much is it? ? ? ? ? 第四課時 課題:Unit 5 How much is it?? B Lets learn? Lets do C Lets sing 教學重點:理解掌握幾種鞋的單詞,學會用pair of …描述鞋的數量,并在實際情境中運用。 教學難點:在實際情境中運用詞匯。 教具準備:本課生詞的單詞卡片;教學錄音帶;教學VCD;各種鞋的實物和圖片。 教學過程: (一)復習(Revision) 1、A部分Let’s chant:學生跟錄音說一說,演一演。 2、Let’s talk:學生說一說,并進行角色表演。 3、Guessing game 教師將各種標有價錢的衣服放到一個大儲物袋中,讓學生猜一猜里面有什么,學生猜對后,取出并描述一下大小、價錢等。 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) 1、教師出示大掛圖,讓學生結合圖說一說What can you see? 引出新的各種鞋的單詞。 2、通過引入情景表演,描述圖中的各種鞋,引出a pair of …。 3、學生進行情景表演練習,并熟悉新的單詞及a pair of …的用法。 4、出示VCD,讓學生觀看VCD(關掉錄音),根據故事的內容給VCD配音。 5、播放VCD,學生看VCD理解含義。 6、學生分角色跟讀。 小組表演、各小組展示。 7、教師放錄音,發(fā)布指令,教師根據錄音內容舉起相應的鞋圖,并做出相應的動作。學生在教師的指導下做出相應的動作,熟悉各種鞋的名稱。反復練習后學生邊聽錄音做動作邊試著發(fā)布指令。 (三)趣味操練 (Practice) 教師出示各種鞋的圖片,然后將一圖片藏起,并詢問:What are they? 學生猜到后,找到該圖片,用學過的知識描述被藏起來的鞋子。 (四)擴展性活動(Add-activities) 學生運用學過的知識描述自己的鞋或其他同學的鞋。 板書設計: Unit 5 How much is it? ? 第五課時 課題:Unit 5 How much is it?? B Lets talk? Group work? C Lets check 教學重點:學習新句型:How much are they? A pair of …for …. 教學難點:在情景交際中正確使用How much are they? A pair of …for ….句型。 教具準備:1、單詞卡片。2、衣物圖片。3、教學VCD。4、教學錄音帶。 教學過程 (一)復習(Revision) 1、Let’s do:教師發(fā)出口令,學生聽到口令后出示圖片并做出相應的動作。 2、學生說唱本單元的歌謠。 (二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation) 1、教師出示Let&rsqu

八年級英語上冊課件 篇7

Lesson 41






Step 1 Revision

老師可先做Duty Report, 除規(guī)定的內容外,必須讓值日生回答以下幾個問題: What day is it today / tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What is the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday? 然后將答案(完全形式和縮略形式)寫在黑板上,并讓學生視聽,初步了解英文日期的表達與中文順序的不同。然后全班問學生幾個問題:What day is our National Day? October 1st. / Oct.1st. Which month is the Spring Festival in? Usually in February. Who / Whose mother / Whose father was born in February / April / May / September / October? 最好先找?guī)讉€學生是在已學過的這幾個月份出生的,或他們的父母是在這幾個月份出生的,這樣可先復習學過的幾個月份。按季節(jié)做以下表格。先填出學過的季節(jié)和月份。學完生詞后填滿表格。

Step 2 Presentation

Learn and practise

Today we’ll study the first month, the third month, the sixth month, the seventh month, the eighth month, and the eleventh month of the year.

以下單詞符合發(fā)音規(guī)律,請同學們自己拼讀, 應該不會有太大的困難。

March June July


autumn August February January September November, December

past last sing spring sea season 先讓學生根據舊單詞讀出劃線部分,然后再讀整個單詞。




T: How many months are there in a year?

Students: There are twelve months in a year.

T: What are they? Can you say them in English?

Ss: They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.


Ask and answer

T: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, slimmer, autumn and winter. Do you know when spring/summer/autumn/winter is in China?


S1: When is spring in China?

S2: It’s from March to May.

S1: When is summer in China?

S2: It’s form June to August.

… …


1. We say “autumn” in Britain, and say “fall” in American English.

2. When we say four seasons, we should use preposition “in”--in spring, in summer, in autumn/fall, in winter.

3. Preposition “on”

On Monday, On Tuesday, On Wednesday, On Thursday, On Friday, On Saturday, On Sunday

4. Preposition “at”

at 6 o clock, at 120 clock, at this time of year.

5. Preposition “in”

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.


Learn and practise

T: Do you remember the cardinal numbers that we have learnt before?

Let’s count them from one to thirty - one. OK! Could you please write them down in your note - books? Who wants to write the cardinal numbers on due blackboard?


one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve … twenty-one … thirty thirty-one


first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, … twenty-first … thirtieth, thirty-first


Step 3 Practice

T: Which is the first month of the year?

Ss: January is the first month of the year.

T: Show them the answers

1. January is the first month of the year.

2. February is the second month of the year.

3. March is the third month of the year.

4. April is the fourth month of the year.

5. May is the fifth month of the year.

6. June is the sixth month of the year.

7 .July is the seventh month of the year.

8. August is the eighth month of the year.

9. September is the ninth month of the year.

10. October is the tenth month of the year.

11. November is the eleventh month of the year.

12. December is the twelfth month of the year.


兩千零三年一月一日 New Year’s Day 日期January the first, two thousand and three / Jan. 1st, , 星期 Wednesday

二月 Spring Festival 日期星期

三月八日 Women’s Day 日期星期

五月一日 Labour Day 日期星期

六月一日 Children’s Day 日期星期

七月一日 Birthday of the Party 日期星期

八月一日 建軍節(jié) 日期星期

九月十日 Teachers’ Day 日期星期

十二月二十五日 Christmas Day 日期星期

然后讓學生練習關于詢問最近幾天的日期 (pair work),

S1: What day is it today?

S2: It’s November 3rd, /November the third, two thousand and two.

S1: What day was it yesterday?

S2: It was November 2nd, 2002.

… …


What day is it today / tomorrow? What day was it yesterday? What the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday? When is your birthday? When is your father’s birthday / your mother’s birthday / your friend’s birthday?


Step 4 Consolidation

編一段小短文,假定我們班一月份有五個同學過生日,說出這五個同學的生日,我們準備給他們集體過生日,要開一個生日Party, 定一個日期。并向全班宣布時間、地點。

Step 5 Exercises in class

Filling in the blanks: (keys in the following brackets)

1. New Year is on January, _________(the first)

2 .May the first is _________(Labor Day)

3. We love our teachers, we say Happy Teachers day on _________ (September, the tenth)

4. Flowers come out in________(spring)

5. Our second school - term lasts from ____ to ____. (February to July).

6. June the first is _________. (Children’s Day).

7. ______ is our National Day. (October, the first)

8.We can make a snow man in _________(winter)

9. September is the _________ month of year. (ninth)

10. ________, the twenty - fifth is Christmas Day. (December).


1. Recite the numbers, seasons and months.

2. Make five English sentences according to this lesson.

3. Do workbook.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 42






Step 1 Revision

1. Duty Report: 讓值日生報告,包括以下問題: What day is it today / tomorrow?What day was it yesterday? What is the date today / tomorrow? What was the date yesterday?等,并問學生What’s the weather like today? 老師可自己回答 It’s fine / cold.

2. Review the names of 12 months and four seasons.

Step 2 Presentation


Spring is the first season of the year. The weather is very warm. 教warm, weather. I like spring best. Everything begins to turn green. Flowers come out. We can wear beautiful clothes, again. 教 come out. Summer is the warmest season of the year. It often rains, sometimes quite heavily, in the South. 教 heavily. The crops grow very quickly. 教 crop. Autumn is the busy season of the year. We often help them with their harvest. We really enjoy working on the farm. Because I like working better than having classes in the classroom. 教really. Winter is the coldest of the year. Old people don’t like it, but children like it. Because it sometime snows, sometimes very heavily. 教snow. Children can make a snowman. 教snowman.

引導學生討論re-reading questions。先找一兩個較好的同學說一說,再找?guī)讉€小組的學生代表在全班展示。



閱讀P.12, P.69和P.153三封信。讓學生總結寫信應有些什么套話。

老師可總結一封信的格式, 用你自己學校的地址。

觀察SB P132 信封的寫法。也可給讓學生看一個真正的用過的信封、信紙。


Step 3 Practise

1)讓學生快速閱讀這封信,Say something about the weather in spring, summer, autumn and winter in Hangzhou.

2)Say something about the four seasons in Beijing. 可以小組討論后,代表發(fā)言,也可個人發(fā)言。

1. There are four seasons in Beijing.

2. It’s windy in spring. It’s warm in autumn.

It’s hot in summer. It’s cold in winter.

3. People like to have a picnic in spring.

They like to swim in summer.

They like to go outing in autumn.

They like to go skiing in winter.

Addition: How many kinds of sports do you know?

eg. running, skating, playing basketball, playing football, playing volleyball, the high jump, the long jump, relay race.


Step 4 Exercises in class

T: Let the students close their English books and fill in the missing words according to the letter. Then check the answers.

___1__Helen ,I___2___you are well. Thank you___3__your last letter. You__4___me about the weather here in China. There__5__four seasons in a year___6__spring,__7__, autumn and winter.

I think spring is the___8__season of the year. The weather___9___warmer, and the days___10__longer.___11__the fields everything begins to___12__. Trees__13__green, and flowers start to come__14__.

Summer__15___after spring. It is the__16__season. It often reins .sometimes quite__17___ The crops grow very quickly. Many people love this__18__of year, __19__it is good for___20__. I often go___21__, sometimes in a___22_near my home, and sometimes in a___23__. I enjoy it very___24__.

___25__is a busy season. The days get___26___and the nights get__27__. It is the harvest time, and all farmers are___28__.Often, we help them___29_the harvest.__30__month we helped them with the rice harvest. We really enjoyed__31__on the farm.

The coldest season of the year is winter. Some people___32___like winter, __33_I like it. Sometimes it snows, and the land is___34__white. Then we can play in the mow. I like to___35___snowmen.

How many seasons are__36___in your country? I___37__it is cold all the year __38__.There are not four seasons,__39__there?


Wang Wei.

Keys: 1. Dear 2. hope 3. for 4. asked 5. are

6.here 7.summer 8.best 9.gets 10. get

11. In 12.grow 13.turn 14.out es

16.waimest 17.heavily 18. time 19.because 20.sports

21.swimming 22.lake 23.river 24.much 25.Autumn

26. shorter 27. longer 28. busy 29. with 30. Last

31.woiking 32.don’t 33.but 34.all 35.make

36.there 37.hear 38.round 39.are 40.Yours

Step 5 Homework

1. Read the letter fluently.

2. Make sentences with the useful expressions.

3. Try to write a short English letter.

假如Helen 給你也寫了一封信,讓你談談你家鄉(xiāng)的四季,請你回一封信。

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 43-L44 教學設計方案







Step 1 Revision


Step 2 Presentation


It’s fine today, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

You’re from Japan, aren’t you? Yes, I am.

They are waiting, aren’t they? No, they aren’t.

He’s a middle school student, isn’t he? Yes, he is.

She is at home now, isn’t she? No, she isn’t. She is at school.

It was Sunday yesterday, wasn’t it? Yes, it was.

Jim knows the way Australians speak, doesn’t he? Yes, he is.

Han Meimei knows Jim a lot, doesn’t she?

They were watching TV yesterday evening, weren’t they? Yes, they were.

You like spring best, don’t you? No, I don’t. I like summer.


Step 3 Drill



Step 4 Practise pair work

聯(lián)系Part 2 可讓學生自由發(fā)揮, 如兩人談談北京的四季,和你家鄉(xiāng)的季節(jié),但主要練習反意問句及其回答。

教單詞:true near nearly like unlike opposite

Step 5 Listen and repeat

Open your books and do Exercise One, Lesson 44

Pay attention to these pronunciations.

Read the words again.

T: Now let’s do Exercise Two. Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers on Page 134.

Then check the answers together.

Step 6 Consolidation

1.看圖并談談北京的四季。一個學生可重點談一個季節(jié)。練習Lesson 43 Part3.

2.讓學生編一個對話,談談自己所喜愛的季節(jié)。引出一個十分有用的句型:That’s true.

仿照Lesson 44 Part3.

A: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter?

B: That’s an easy question. I think I like spring best.

A: Why?

B: Well, I like travelling. You can do a lot of sightseeing in spring. What about you?

A: Can you guess?

B: You like winter, don’t you?

A: Yes. How did you guess?

B: Because you like skiing.

A: That’s true, but I like summer better than winter.

B: Why?

A: Because I can have a long holiday in Summer then.

3.Listen Lesson 44 Part 4 Read.


Spring Weather Summer Weather Autumn Weather Winter Weather

China Mar- May Warm


Amer-ica Mar- May



Spring Weather Summer Weather Autumn Weather Winter Weather

China Mar- May warmshort June-August hot Aug.-Nov. quite warm Dec.-Feb. very cold

England Mar.-- May longer than in China and USA Not too hot or too cold

Amer-ica Mar- May A nearly the same as China.

Austra-lia Dec.-Feb. The seasons are opposite of China. June-Aug.

Ask the students to look at the two pictures in students Book and describe the pictures in their own words.

Let them talk about the weather in China, in England, in the U. S. A. and in Australia.

4. Go over Checkpoint 11

A: Grammar

1. disjunctive questions 2. the prepositions: in, on and at

B: Useful expressions

1. turn green/yellow/… 2. this year/month/… 3. the next year/month/…

4. be different from 5. What is the date today? 6. What’s the weather like?

Step 7 Exercises in class

Listening practice.

Listen to a story and try to answer the following questions.

Everybody talks about weather. “Isn’t it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain?” I think it s going to snow. These are common ways of starting a conversation in England.

Many people think that they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly ever agree with each other. One man may say, “Do you see it is cloudy in the east? It’s going to rain tomorrow.” Another man will say, “Yes, it’s cloudy in the east. We’re going to have fine weather tomorrow.”

People often look for the weather they want. When farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell himself that it's going to rain. When people play in a park on a rainy day, they are sure that the weather is going to be fine soon. They even sit eating their lunch while it rains.

Most people listen to what the weatherman says on the radio. But he doesn’t always tell them what they want to hear. Sometimes he makes a mistake, but he is still right more often than anyone else.


1. How do English people start a conversation?

2. Do many of them think they can tell what the weather is going to be like?

3. Why do they hardly agree with each other?

4. What kind of weather do people think it’s going to be if they go out to play in a park in the rain?

5. Who is right more often about the weather?


1. They usually talk about the weather.

2.Yes, they do.

3. Because each of them is so sure of himself that only he knows about the weather.

4. They think it s going to be fine.

5. The weatherman is.

Step 8 Homework

1. Make up a new dialogue according to Exercise Three.

2. Write about the weather of four seasons in China.

3. Read the text fluently and try to recite it.

4. Review Checkpoint 11 and the whole unit.

5. Go over disjunctive questions.

Blackboard Handwriting

八年級英語上冊課件 篇8

3. I’m sorry, I can’t. 對不起,我不能。

6. (That’s) too bad. 那是太糟糕了。

7. How about you, Jenny?

8. What about you, Wilson?


9. I’d love to. 我愿意。


11. 11. Sorry, I must ...


13. I can’t. I might have to ...

16. I can’t either. 我也不能。

2. I’m sorry, I’m not free.


I might have to ...我也許必須......

3. I’ll buy ... = I will buy...

5. (否定)I’m afraid not.

6. (肯定) I’m afraid so.


9. I’m not available. 我沒空。

11. Good luck!祝你好運!

12. It sounds great. 這聽起來太棒了。 (It sounds + adj.)

14. See you then./ See you. 再見。

I’d love to come.

That’s really too bad.

5. What’s today? 今天幾號星期幾?

3. is leaving (Be + Ving) “現(xiàn)在進行時表將來”將要離開

7. have a surprise party for sb. 為某人舉辦一場驚喜派對

10. any of ...

13. think of sth.考慮......

15. without + Ving/n./pron.

16. so that ...

18. hear from sb.

1. like ... a lot 非常喜歡......

2. help sb. to do sth.

8. bring sb. to sp.

1. thanks so much for doing sth. 非常感謝做某事

3. at the end of (this month )在(這個月)末

9. let me know (let sb. do sth.)讓我知道

3. the opening of ... ......的開幕式

6. invite sb,. to do sth.

八年級英語上冊課件 篇9

第三單元教學要點 ? 教學要點: 一、本單元是一個說明文單元,《中國石拱橋》和《蘇州園林》,《故宮博物院》是比較規(guī)范的說明文,其余則有一定的說明文性的小品。 二、本單元教學,要學生了解什么是說明文。 三、學習本單元,要理清說明文的順序,了解常用的說明方法。 四、學習本單元后,要學生學習寫作說明文。 教學時間:23課時 ?11 中國石拱橋 ?教學目的: 1.引導學生抓住中國石拱橋的特點。 2.列出文章結構,領會文章的內容。 3.激發(fā)學生熱愛社會主義制度。 教學重難點: 1.重點:抓住中國石拱橋的特點,理清文章結構。 2.難點:課后思考練習題三,以形象的語言介紹一種事物。 學法指導:引導自讀合作探究 教具準備: 小黑板 課時安排:3課時 教學過程: 第一 課 時 一.導入新課: ?我們常常用橋梁來比喻友誼,因為是友誼就像橋一樣把兩個人連了起來??梢姌蚴窃跊]有路的地方搭起來的路。根據史料和考察,在原始社會,我國就有了獨木橋和數根圓木排拼而成的木梁橋。河北趙縣的趙州橋是世界上第一座采用弓形拱的敞肩拱橋,歐洲在趙州橋建成七百年后才采用弓形拱的。我們的祖先的聰明才智值得我們每一位同學學習。 二.簡介作者 ?茅以升是我國著名的橋梁專家、教育家、社會活動有。他主持設計的錢塘江大橋,是我國第一座由中國人自己設計的鐵路公路兩用橋;他還參加了新中國第一座現(xiàn)代化的大橋――武漢長江大橋的建造。本文最早以表于是1962年3月4 日《人民日報》,文筆通俗易懂,為讀者介紹了中國石拱橋的特點,歷史上的輝煌成就,及新中國成立后的發(fā)展,贊揚了我國勞動人民的聰明才智和社會主義制度的優(yōu)越。 三.檢查預習?1. 查字典,給加點的字注音。 ?弧形 拱橋 陡坡 勻稱 惟妙惟肖 ?2. 讀了本文,你了解中國石拱橋的特點以及趙州橋和盧溝橋的不同之處? 四. 初讀課文,看看作者寫出了石拱橋的什么特點。 ?1. 提示:請同學們找出哪些段落是寫趙州橋的,哪些段落是寫盧光溝橋的?聯(lián)系課后思考練習題一,填空。 ?2. 學生讀,填空,教師巡視指導。 ?3. 總結: ?名稱 位置 修建年月 結構特征 ?趙州橋 橫跨在河上 修建于公元6左右。 1全橋只有一個大拱,長達37。4米。 2大拱的兩肩上,各有兩面三刀個小拱。3大拱由28道拱圈拼成。4全橋結構均勻。 ?盧溝橋 位于永定河上 修建于公元1189到1192年間 由11個半圓形石拱組成,每個石拱長度不一,自16米到21。6米,橋寬約8米,路面平坦,幾乎與河面平行。每兩個石拱之間有石砌橋墩,把11個石拱聯(lián)成一個整體,是一座聯(lián)拱石橋。 ?中國石拱橋的特點是形式優(yōu)美,結構堅固,歷史悠久。 第 二 課 時 一. 復習上節(jié)課學過的內容 1. 聽寫 2. 說說中國石拱橋的特點。 二. 細讀全文,理解作者是怎樣說明石拱橋的特點的。 ?1. 為了說明中國石拱橋的特點,作者舉了兩個例子,一個趙州橋,一個盧溝橋,這種說明方法叫做――舉例子。 ?2. 在寫趙州橋和盧溝橋時,作者列舉了許多精確的數字,這種用數字來說明事物的方法叫做――列數字。 ?3. 為了讓人們更清楚的認識中國石拱橋的特點,作者的語言很具有邏輯性,例如課文第五自然段,在寫趙州橋時,先介紹了橋的長度、寬度、設計施工的精巧。再分四點用數字分別說明。層次性很強。 ?4. 作者在介紹兩座橋時,既抓住了它們之間的共同點,又注意到了它們之間的不同點,請同學們找出來。(共同點是都介紹了地點,修建年代,及它們的結構特點。不同點是在介紹趙州橋時順便說明了橋的設計者,介紹盧溝橋時作馬可波羅的話來贊揚其高度的技術成就和藝術價值,還介紹了盧溝橋的的特殊歷史價值。這不但使行文有所變化,而且增強了文章的可讀性。) 三. 引導學生學習課文的最后兩段。 ?1. 第九段寫什么,怎樣寫?(文章又分三點解釋了到得如此輝煌的建筑成就的原因。先寫……再寫……最后寫……) ?2. 最后一段寫什么,怎樣寫?(介紹了解放后我國石拱橋的修建情況,列舉了我國修建的世界最長的獨拱石橋――“長虹大橋”、我國勞動人民獨創(chuàng)的鋼筋混凝土拱橋――(雙曲拱橋等,說明了我國橋梁事業(yè)取得的巨大成績。 四. 引導學生體會說明文行文簡潔、用詞準確的語言特點。(聯(lián)系課后思考練習題二) 五. 聯(lián)系課后思考練習題三,引導學生用打比方的方法,把要說明的事理解釋清楚。(我們常說用白紙寫黑字,黑板其實就是一張黑色的紙,用白色的筆來寫。我們把一張黑色的紙放大,再掛起來,就是一張黑板。) ?第 三 課 時 一、完成課后習題。 二、拓展延伸:形象的語言介紹一種事物 板書設計: 中國石拱橋 概括說明 一般:形式優(yōu)美,結構堅固 中國:歷史悠久,形式多樣 具體說明(舉例) 趙州橋:現(xiàn)存最古老 獨拱---37.4米(當時最長) 設計科學,施工巧妙 盧溝橋:聯(lián)拱---265米 石獅千態(tài)萬狀,惟妙惟肖 具有紀念意義 教學后記:學生對中國石拱橋的構造等的認識把握得較好,對文中的說明方法也掌握得不錯; 但對說明文的多種順序出現(xiàn)在同一篇文章中的形式認識有難度。 ? ?12 橋 之 美 ?教學目的: 流利、有感情地朗讀課文,理解作者喜愛橋的原因。 品味本文優(yōu)美而又富有意蘊的語言。 學習從某一角度欣賞藝術作品的方法。 教學重點難點 品味本文優(yōu)美而又富有意蘊的語言。 課時安排 3課時。 課前準備 布置學生預習課文,會寫生字、準確注音,排除字詞障礙。 課前學生借助網絡或圖書,查閱一些有關的圖片資料,或依據課文內容繪制幾幅 圖畫。(體現(xiàn)橋與周圍環(huán)境的和諧統(tǒng)一)準備錄音帶、錄音機、微機或投影儀。 教學步驟 ?第 一 課 時 導人新課。 ?馬致遠的“小橋流水人家”讓人聯(lián)想到家的溫馨;徐志摩的《再別康橋》使人產生無限的惆悵……在詩人的眼中“橋”是人性化的,是情感的載體;在畫家的眼中,橋則別有一番 韻味。今天就讓我們跟隨當代畫家吳冠中去感受“橋之美”。(板書課題,“美”字寫大,突出一下) 教師配樂范讀課文。 (要求:注意語氣、語速、語調及重音的把握) 學生自由朗讀課文,思考以下問題: (多媒體或投影顯示問題組) 問題.a.在作者的眼中橋美在何處? ?b.為了說明橋之美作者主要舉了哪些例子? ?c.聯(lián)系課文說說怎樣欣賞一幅畫? 四人小組討論明確: ?a.并不著眼于橋自身的結構美,而是緣于橋在不同環(huán)境中的多種多樣的形式作用。 ?b.舉了四個例子:烏鎮(zhèn)葦叢上的石橋;江南鄉(xiāng)間細柳下的石橋;水天間的長橋――頤和園的仿盧溝橋、蘇州的寶帶橋;形式獨特的廣西、云南、貴州山區(qū)的風雨橋。 ?c.畫面的構成是否有塊、線、面的搭配;畫中的形象是否都能和周圍的景物既形成對照又不失和諧。 ■研讀與賞析 ?(過渡)通過閱讀文章,我們不難看出作為畫家,作者看橋淡化其結構、種類、功用,更重其美學價值。那么你能用優(yōu)美的語言描繪文中你最欣賞的一幅畫面嗎7 重點研讀第④小節(jié)。 ?(出示學生繪制的四幅圖畫) 四人小組討論: ?a.說說四幅圖中你最喜歡哪一幅,用生動的語言描繪畫面并說說為什么喜歡? ?b.請有繪畫天賦的同學點評。 ?c.我們應從哪些角度欣賞一幅藝術作品? 明確: ?a.◆厚厚實實的平面鋪開的葦叢使空間顯得狹窄擁擠,令人產生憋悶感;間或出現(xiàn)的石橋輪廓簡單鮮明,能使空間陡然顯得疏朗開闊,令人覺得神清氣爽。 ?◆細弱的`柳枝拂著橋身厚重堅硬的石塊,這里有形體上的強弱、輕重、動靜之分,有顏色上的對比,還有變(柳枝年年發(fā)新芽)與不變(橋能歷久不變)之別,種種不同,歸結起來,其實是陽剛與陰柔這兩種美的類型的不同,因橋的輪廓精心設計而和諧統(tǒng)一。 ?◆長橋一般建筑在比較寬闊的水面上,打破了背景的單調感。橋是人們勞動的成果,出現(xiàn)在蒼茫水面上的長橋,是人類創(chuàng)造力的體現(xiàn)。整個環(huán)境似乎有了靈氣和生命。 ?◆橋面上蓋有廊和亭的橋,給人安閑、自在的感覺,這種感覺恰好與險峻的山峰、橋下的急流給人的感覺形成對照。 ?b.點評語言、欣賞的角度。 ?c.從色彩的搭配、畫面構成(塊、線、面)、景物的選擇(強弱、明暗、動靜等)是否對立統(tǒng)一……角度來判斷。 美句賞析。 ?(過渡)吳冠中以他畫家的真知灼見,不但告知了我們如何用“美學”的眼光來重新審視事物,而且他還用蘊涵豐富的語言引起我們強烈的感情上的共鳴。 ?a.找出意蘊豐富的語句,體味句子的情昧。 ?b.先四人小組討論,再讓小組派代表發(fā)言。 重點賞析以下語句: ◆茅盾故鄉(xiāng)烏鎮(zhèn)的小河兩岸都是密密的蘆葦,真是密不透風,每當其間顯現(xiàn)一座石橋時,仿佛發(fā)悶的葦叢做了一次深呼吸,透了一口舒暢的氣。 ◆早春天氣,江南鄉(xiāng)間石橋頭細柳飄絲,那纖細的游絲拂著橋身堅硬的石塊,即使碰不見曉風殘月,也令畫家銷魂! ◆無論是木橋還是石橋,其身段的縱橫與橋下的水波協(xié)同譜成形與色的樂曲。. ◆田野無聲,畫家們愛于無聲處靜聽橋之歌唱,他們尋橋,仿佛孩子們尋找熱鬧。 (過渡)我們從《橋之美》中,體會到了橋的美感,真是賞心悅目。同是寫橋的文章,《中國石拱橋》與之有什么不同之處呢? 課堂小結 ?同學們,今天我們在畫家吳冠中的帶領下,一起領略了橋的風采,生活中有多少美不勝收的景致,或纖弱或雄壯或含蓄……讓我們練就一雙慧眼去發(fā)現(xiàn)、去鑒賞這大干世界吧! ?第 二 課 時 一、完成課后習題。 二、拓展延伸 比較本文與《中國石拱橋》在內容和寫法上有何不同? 明確:本文是一篇帶有說明性質的小品文。它的說明性體現(xiàn)在文中先點明在畫家眼里橋美在何處,隨后舉了一些具體的例子。但是與《中國石拱橋》這種較為規(guī)范的說明文不同的是,在舉例時,作者并不是用科學、平實的語言向讀者解說,而是或描寫景物,或抒發(fā)感情,文字極富表現(xiàn)力和感染力。 板書設

八年級英語上冊課件 篇10

教案一:Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

1. 教學目標:

a. 學習并掌握目標詞匯和短語,如vacation, activity, tourist, guide等。

b. 學習并掌握目標句型,如Where did you go? I went to…

c. 學會用過去式敘述過去發(fā)生的事情。

2. 教學準備:

a. PPT展示相關圖片和單詞。

b. 學生練習冊。

c. 錄音機和磁帶。

3. 教學步驟:

a. 導入:利用PPT呈現(xiàn)一些度假圖片,引導學生回憶并復習相關單詞和短語。

b. 新詞學習:教師通過幻燈片和板書介紹并講解新單詞和短語,并提供相關例句。

c. 句型學習:教師通過示范并操練句型“Where did you go? I went to…”,確保學生能正確運用。

d. 練習冊:學生完成練習冊相關練習,教師巡視并糾正錯誤。

e. 聽力練習:播放錄音,讓學生根據聽到的內容選擇正確的答案。

f. 拓展活動:以小組為單位,要求學生同伴之間互相詢問對方的假期并作簡短介紹。

g. 總結與鞏固:教師再次復習已學內容,鞏固學生的知識。

h. 作業(yè)布置:布置相關作業(yè),如復習單詞和短語,完成練習冊等。

4. 教學評價:

a. 能正確運用目標詞匯和短語進行交流。

b. 能夠運用句型“Where did you go? I went to…”進行簡單的對話。

c. 能聽懂簡短的聽力材料并選擇正確的答案。

教案二:Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

1. 教學目標:

a. 學習并掌握目標詞匯和短語,如exercise, often, sometimes, rarely等。

b. 學習并掌握目標句型,如How often do you…? I … every…

c. 學會用正確的頻率副詞表達自己的活動頻率。

2. 教學準備:

a. PPT展示相關圖片和單詞。

b. 學生練習冊。

c. 實物道具,如計數器,用來演示不同活動的頻率。

3. 教學步驟:

a. 導入:利用PPT呈現(xiàn)一些運動圖片,引導學生回憶并復習相關單詞和短語。

b. 新詞學習:教師通過幻燈片和板書介紹并講解新單詞和短語,并提供相關例句。

c. 句型學習:教師通過示范并操練句型“How often do you…? I … every…”,確保學生能正確運用。

d. 練習冊:學生完成練習冊相關練習,教師巡視并糾正錯誤。

e. 實物演示:教師使用計數器和實物道具演示不同活動的頻率,引導學生用正確的頻率副詞表達自己的活動頻率。

f. 拓展活動:以小組為單位,學生互相交流關于自己日?;顒宇l率的話題,并寫下來。

g. 總結與鞏固:教師再次復習已學內容,鞏固學生的知識。

h. 作業(yè)布置:布置相關作業(yè),如復習單詞和短語,完成練習冊等。

4. 教學評價:

a. 能正確運用目標詞匯和短語進行交流。

b. 能夠運用句型“How often do you…? I … every…”表達自己的活動頻率。

c. 能根據實物演示理解不同活動的頻率,進行表達。



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優(yōu)秀的人總是會提前做好準備,當一次工作學習即將開始時,我們通常會提前查閱一些資料。資料是作用于人類社會實踐的一種可供參考的材料。參考資料可以促進我們的學習工作效率的提升。只不過,你是否知道有哪些幼師資料種類呢?請你閱讀小編輯為你編輯整理的《八年級上冊英語課件》,歡迎學習和參考,希望對你有幫助。We ...

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