





1. impression



have an impression of sth./doing sth. 對(做)某事有印象

make an impression on sb. 給某人留下印象

make no impression on 對……無影響/效果

give sb.a favorable impression 給某人留下好印象

an impression of one’s foot 某人的腳印

Your performance gave me a strong impression.


What I said made no impression on him.



impress v.留下印象

impress sth.on/upon one’s mind 把……牢記在心上



She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great on her employer at the first time.

A. Influence B. pressure

C. Impression D. Effect

解析:選C。make an impression on sb. 給某人留下印象。

2. lack

v.&n. 缺乏;缺少的東西



lack sth. 缺少某物

lack for sth. 缺少;需要

for/through lack of... 因缺乏……

no lack of... 不缺乏

a/the lack of ... ……的缺乏

He didn’t go there because he lacked courage.


The plant died for lack of water.植物因缺水而死。

They lacked for nothing.他們無所需求。


lacking adj. 匱乏的;不足的;沒有的

be lacking in 缺乏(品質、特點等)

She seems to be lacking in common sense.




Though money, his parents managed to send him to university. (2010?01?陜西寶雞檢測)

A. Lacked B. lacking of

C. Lacking D. lacked in

(2)完成句子 (原創(chuàng))


The trip was cancelled through .


He .

解析:(1) 選C??疾榉衷~作狀語。his parents與lack之間呈主謂關系,所以應用現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語;lack作動詞時不與of搭配,所以答案選C。

(2)①lack of interest ②lacks confidence

3. sight

n. 視力;視覺;看見;光景,奇觀;名勝


lose sight of 看不見;忘記;失去

catch sight of sth./sb. 看見某物/人

at first sight 初看之下;乍看起來

at (the) sight of 一看見就……

out of sight 看不見

be in sight 看得見,在眼前

Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不見,心不煩。

Last summer we had seen the sights of Beijing.


Crusoe was frightened at the sight of a man’s footprint.




For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree .


A. in sight B. on earth

C. at a distance D. in place

(2)完成句子 (原創(chuàng))


We several precious animals.

解析:(1) 選A。in sight為固定搭配,意為“看得到”;on earth用在疑問句或否定句中,用來加強語氣,意為“究竟;到底”;at a distance意為“在遠處”。

(2)have lost sight of

4. require

vt. 需要;要求;命令


require that+主語+(should)+動詞原形 需要某人做某事

require sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事

require sth.(of sb.) 要求(某人)某事

I will do everything that is required of me.


The situation requires that I(should)be there.



require后接賓語從句時,賓語從句必須用should do的虛擬語氣,其中should可以省略。

另外,表示“需要”,且是物作主語時,后接動詞 ing形式的主動形式表示被動含義,可以等于不定式被動形式;在這一點上,need和want用法相同。

The house requires mending.

=The house requires to be mended. 房屋需要維修。

All cars require servicing regularly.

所有汽車都需要定期檢修。They required him to keep it a secret.




①In competition, women are required some of their exercises music.(2010?01?山西平遙檢測)

A. perform; to B. to perform; to

C. performing; with D. to perform; by

②All the people present agreed that the matter required . (2010?01?山西太原檢測)

A. to look into B. being looked into

C. to be looked D. looking into

解析: ①選B。be required to do sth.意為“被要求做某事”。第二個空的to是介詞意為“隨著,伴著”。

②選D。require, want, need表示“需要”,當其主語是動作的承受者時,其后的賓語常用動詞不定式的被動形式或動名詞的主動形式。

5. assist

vt.&vi. 幫助;援助;參與;出席


assist sb. in/with sth. 幫助(某人)某事

assist sb. in doing sth. 幫助(某人)做某事

assist sb. to do sth. 幫助(某人)做某事

assist with 幫助(照料,做);在……上給予幫助

I am willing to assist you whenever there is an opportunity.


I’m afraid I can’t assist you, you have to go and see the manager. 我恐怕幫不上忙,你得去找經(jīng)理。

The headmaster assists with a lot of things when free.



用assist的相關短語填空 (原創(chuàng))

①The young nurse was very nervous when she in her first operation.

②A team of nurses the doctor performing the operation.

③She employed a woman to her the housework.

④Good glasses will you read.

答案:①was assisting ②assisted; in

③assist; with ④assist; to


6. take up


This table takes up too much room. 這張桌子太占地方。

She has taken up a job as a teacher. 她當上老師了。

This chapter takes up where the last one off.



take off 脫掉(衣服等);起飛;打折;作為折扣而減價

take over 接管;獲得對……的控制或管理

take apart 拆開;分開后將……分成許多部分

take for 把……視作;誤認為

take...for granted 認為……是理所當然

take down 寫下;記下

take back 收回(諾言)



①In Singapore, a southeastern Asian country, the Chinese people the largest percentage of its population, so you can speak Chinese there. (2010?01?安徽利辛檢測)

A. make up B. take up

C. hold up D. turn up

②Since the 2008 Olympic Games Beijing has taken a new look everywhere. (2010?01?山西四校檢測)

A.Up B. on C. over D. Off

解析: ①選A??疾槎陶Z辨析。make up編造; 彌補; 組成; 構成;take up拿起來; 占據(jù)(時間或空間);hold up阻止;turn up開大; 調高; 出現(xiàn)。

②選B??疾槎陶Z辨析。take on呈現(xiàn); take up拿起; 從事; take off脫下; take over接管。

7. sweep up


These students are sweeping up dead leaves.


He ran forward and swept her up into his arms.


The whole country was swept up in the excitement.


We’d better sweep up all the bits of broken glass quickly.



sweep aside 放/堆到一邊; 不予理會

sweep away 掃清;消滅;徹底消除

sweep off 掃清; 吹走; 大量清除

sweep out 掃掉; 清除

sweep over 將……一掃而光; (某種感情)掠過(……的心頭)


用sweep up的適當形式填空 (原創(chuàng))

①After the party, the house needed .

②The leaves were into the air by the strong wind.

答案:①sweeping up ②swept up


8. This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying,...



when flying是when you are flying的省略形式。在有些表示時間、條件、方式或讓步的狀語從句中,如果謂語包含動詞be,從句的主語又和主句的主語一致,或者主語是it,通??梢园褟木渲械闹髡Z和be動詞省略。

When asked where’s the toilet, the waitress showed the way politely to the guest.


Until finishing the homework, the child was allowed to watch the cartoon film.


If necessary, you can call help from the police.



翻譯句子 (原創(chuàng))




答案: ①Though beaten to death, he still kept the secret.

②If possible, please come to meet me at the airport.

③When crossing the road, the children are required to stop to look around and walk hand in hand.

9. ...some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.



from under the floor 從地板下面


from behind the door 從門后面

from under the table 從桌子底下

From under the tree the man kept an eye on the sheep.




His head soon appeared out of the window, he saw nothing but trees. (2010?01?山西大同檢測)

A.Where B. which C. there D. from where



摘 要:當今世界,各國之間的經(jīng)濟、文化交流日益頻繁,英語作為一門通用語言,其重要性不言而喻。學好英語不僅關系到學生的高考成績而且還影響其未來的長遠發(fā)展,但實踐表明學生英語學習情況的關鍵因素還在于詞匯。









在教授音標時可以采用英漢對應法,即:將音標與漢語拼音對應起來,幫助學生減輕記憶負擔。比如,英語中的輔音/b/,/p/, /d/,/t/,等讀音與漢語拼音中的b,p,d,t,g,發(fā)音與書寫都很相似。在教授單詞時,教師可以采用音、形、意結合法。例如學習furniture時,教師可列詞匯:nature,culture,future, agriculture,

architecture 等進行音、形、義上的比較,發(fā)現(xiàn)其相似性。







教師可以大膽創(chuàng)設情境,不僅能使課堂生動有趣還能加深印象。例如,學習take off這個短語時,我們可為學生創(chuàng)設一個語境:一個人去度假,飛機上熱,他脫掉衣服后就成功地休假了,因此教師引導學生根據(jù)此語境按照正確的順序去記憶其意思,即:脫掉、起飛、成功、休假。實踐表明,此方法不僅有利于幫助學生記憶詞匯,而且還起到了增強詞匯學習興趣的作用。






1.cloning[′kl nI ]n. [U] (biology) (any of a )group of organisms or plants produced asexually from one ancestor(生物) 無性繁殖系,克隆 eg:

In the world today some scientists are still working at cloning. 在當今世界上,有些科學家仍在致力于克隆的研究。

2.genetic engineering [d I′netIk end I′nI ri ] n. [U] science of genes; branch of biology dealing with the ways in which characteristics are passed on from parents to offspring 遺傳學

3.which one do you think is the most important?你認為哪一個最重要?

do you think (believe, suppose, guess, imagine, say等動詞)有時用于特殊疑問句中作插入語,這時do you think(believe…)要置于疑問詞之后,其句型為:“疑問詞+do you think(believe…)+主語+謂語?”如疑問詞本身是主語,則句型為:“疑問句(主語)+do you think(believe…)+謂語?” eg:

Who do you think he is?你認為他是誰?

Where do you believe he has gone?你認為他去哪兒了?

Who do you think told me so?你認為誰告訴我那件事的?

What do you suppose has happened?你猜出什么事啦?

4.Do these achievements have anything in common?這些成就有共同之處嗎?

in common with 相當于 together with意為“……一起,與……一樣”。

eg:In common with(=Like) many people he prefers meat to fish.


(2)have … in common (with…) (與……)共有 eg:

They have nothing in common with one another. 他們彼此沒有共同點。

1. get such a book?

2, Alexander Grahan Bell invented telephone in 1876.

3. The two have in common. They often quarrel with each other.

4. I’ve a super restaurant near here!

5. I saw an old woman who was dressed.

6.-Tell me, Mike. What’s the of the American Civil War?

-It is because the black slaves wanted freedom.

7. the development of information technology, we can get in touch with each other easily.

8. Do they anything in common?

9. Real friends should have everything common.

1. 愛因斯坦被認為是世界上最偉大的科學家之一。

2. 相對論不容易理解。

3. 你們有共同之處嗎?

4. 你認為哪個最重要呢?

5. 基因工程是生物學的一個重要分支。

1. That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. 這是一個人的一小步,卻是全人類的一大飛躍。

(1)giant[′d aI nt] ①adj. of great size or force巨大的 eg:

giant strength 巨大的力量 a cabbage of giant size 一棵巨大的洋白菜

②n. man of very great height and size 巨人 eg:

His son is a giant of 6 feet already. 他兒子已是6英尺高的大個兒了!

(2)leap [li p] n. [C] jump; sudden upward of forward movement 跳躍;

2. eureka [j ′ri k ] int. (Greek=I have found it!) cry of triumph at making a discovery(希臘語)有所發(fā)現(xiàn)時得意的歡呼,意思為“我找到了!”。

3. What would you say if you were …?此句為與現(xiàn)在或將來事實相反的虛擬語氣。意為“如果你要是……你會說什么?” eg:

What would you say if you were a leader?


I would fly to the moon if I had wings.



如本單元聽力部分題干中涉及到三位從事科學探索的著名人物,聽力內(nèi)容則應重點注意他們的 achievements。

1. You and your team are working on a cure for Aids. 你和你的隊員正在從事艾滋病的治療工作。

(1)work on “從事于(某項工作)”;“設法說服” eg:

They worked on the old car late into the night.


What are you doing? We are working on some wood-cuts.


Can you work on him to change his mind?你能說服他改變主意嗎?

(2)work at “學習,研究,致力于……” eg:

They have worked at this subject for many years.


(3)work out 作出;算出;設計出 eg:

This problem will not work out. 這道題算不出來。

They have worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to Mars.


2. extremely [Ik′stri mlI] adv. to a very high degree 極端地;極度地 eg:

It was an extremely difficult and dangerous task.


extreme [Iks′tri m] adj. reaching the highest degree 極度的 eg:

extreme patience/kindness 極度的耐心/仁慈

3. cure [kj ] (1)n. ①[C] curing or being cured 治療;治愈。 eg:

His cure took six months. 他的病花了六個月治療。

②[C]substance or treatment which cures 治療的藥物;治療法 eg:

Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?迄今對癌癥有治療方法嗎?

(2)vt. & vi. bring sb. back to health; get rid of one’s illness/habits eg:

This medicine will cure your headache. 這藥可以治好你的頭痛。

A few days’ rest will cure you. 休息幾天你就痊愈了。

③(詞組) cure sb. of one’s illness or bad habits 治愈疾病,改掉壞習慣 eg:

Moving to the country cured her of asthma. 搬到鄉(xiāng)下她的哮喘病就好了。

He was cured of his habit of smoking. 他改掉了吸煙的壞習慣。

4. You are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars. 你正在從事向火星發(fā)射載人宇宙飛船的工作。

(1)manned [m nd] adj. (of machines esp. in space) having men on board (飛船等)載人的 eg:

the development of manned from unmanned space craft

(2)man-made[′m n′meId] adj. produced by the work of men; not found in nature 人造的 eg:

The lake is a man-made one. 這是個人工湖。

We have sent up many man-made satellites. 我們發(fā)射了多少顆人造衛(wèi)星。

本單元學習表示打算和意圖的交際用語(intentions and wishes)現(xiàn)歸納如下:

1. I’m thinking of …

2. I’d like to…

3. I’d love to …

4. I’d rather…

5. I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to…

6. I feel like…

7. I hope that …

8. I expect that…

9. My plan is to…

10. My hope is to…

1.I’m thinking of (carry) out this policy.

2.I’d like (invite) my teacher to come to the party.

3.I’d rather (stay) at home in the evening when I live in the country.

4.I feel like (have) fish instead of meat.

5.He intended (take) the exam next year.

6.We hope that the foreigner (give) us a speech next week.

7.My plan is (travel) all over the world.

8.We prefer (watch) TV at home to going out for a walk.

9.Xiao Ming would rather listen to the radio than (watch) the football match.

10.I wish I (be) a bird of we had flood here.

Jill: 3 (我不喜歡跑步)I like walking.

Joe: Is walking a kind of exercise?

Jill: Yes. Now most people think walking is the best exercise.

Joe: Do you do a lot of walking every day?

Jill: Yes. I walk an hour every day. 4 (它對人身體有好處).

Joe: I’m not sure. I’d like to ask my grandpa. 5 (他喜歡走路).

1.likely adj. (1) that is expected 很可能發(fā)生的;有希望的 eg:

Is he likely to win?他有可能獲勝嗎?

The most likely result is a draw. 最可能的結果是不分勝負。

(2)that seems reasonable, suitable or right for a purpose 似乎合理的 eg:

That’s a likely excuse. 那似乎是個合理的借口。

(3)be likely to do… 很可能會……

It’s likely that… 可能會(有,發(fā)生)…… eg:

He is not likely to succeed. 他大概不會成功。

It is likely that he will be late. =He is likely to be late. 他可能會遲到。

2. grasp vt. , vi. & n.

(1)v. ①seize firmly with hand(s) or arm(s) 抓住;抱??;緊握 eg:

The boy grasped his mother’s hand firmly. 那個小男孩緊握住媽媽的手。

He grasped the rope and pulled it. 他抓緊繩子用力拉。

②understand with the mind 領悟;理解 eg:

I couldn’t grasp the teacher’s meaning. 我沒領悟老師的意思。

(2)n. firm hold or grip; power of grasping 緊握;抓緊;領悟力 eg:

He doesn’t have a thorough grasp of the problem.


(3)短語:beyond/within a person’s grasp 為某人所不能/能抓到的;為某人所不能/能理解的。

3. master vt. , vi & n.

(1) vt. ①become the master of; overcome 成為……的主人;征服;控制

eg: master one’s temper/feelings 控制脾氣/感情

It’s difficult to master nature. 征服大自然是困難的。

②gain as a skill 精通;熟練 eg:

master English 精通英語 master foreign affairs 精通外交事務

He never mastered the art of the public speaking.


(2)n. ①man who has others working for him 主人,雇主

②male head of a household 家里的男主人

③captain of a merchant ship 商船的船長

④male teacher 男教師 eg:

the maths master 數(shù)學教師 a master’s degree 碩士學位

4.a(chǎn)rrange [ ′reInd ] vt. & vi.

(1)put in order 安排;排列;布置 eg:

She is good at arranging flowers. 她擅長插花。

Before going away, he arranged his business affairs.


(2)make plans in advance 預做計劃 eg:

The Tourist Bureau arranged everything for our journey to Rome. 旅游局為我們?nèi)チ_馬的旅行準備了一切。

(3)arrange+ n. +for +n. 為……安排…… eg:

Mother arranged an appointment for me with the dentist.


(4)arrange sb. to do … 安排某人做…… eg:

I have arranged him to met her. 我安排他和她見面。

(5)arrange with sb. to do … 約定與某人做…… eg:

We arranged with his team to play a game of baseball.


(6)arrange that … 商定,安排。 eg:

He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week. = He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.


5. failure [′feIlj ] n.

(1)[U] failing; lack of success 失??;不成功 eg:

Failure is the mother of success. 失敗乃成功之母。

(2)[C] instance of failing; person, attempt or thing that fails 失敗的事例;失敗的人,企圖或失敗的事物 eg:

He was a failure as a teacher. 他不是個好老師。

Success came after many failures. 失敗多次之后終于成功。

6. locate[l ′keIt] vt. & vi.

(1)discover, show the locality of 找出……的位置,指出……的位置 eg:

locate a town on a map 在地圖上找出一城市的位置

(2)establish in a place 在一地點設置 eg:

a new school to be located in the suburbs 將設置在郊區(qū)的一所新學校

(3)be located 位于 eg:

Our school is located in the center of the town. 我們學校坐落于市中心。

(4)比較location n.

[U] locating or being located 指定位置

[C] position or place 位置;地方 eg:

The hill is a good location for the new church.


7. organ[′ g n] n.

(1)any part of an animal body or plant 動植物器官 eg:

the organs of speech, the tongue, teeth, lips, etc. 語言器官(如舌、牙、唇等)

(2)organization 組織,機構 eg:

Parliament is the chief organ of the government. 國會是政府的主要機關。

(3)musical instrument from which sounds are produced by air forced through pipes, played by keys pressed with the fingers and pedals pressed with the feet 風琴

(1)三者均表可能性,但意思有別。possible指客觀上有可能性,但往往含有希望很小的意味;probable比possible可能性稍大,有“較為可能、大概”,指有實際依據(jù);likely是從外表跡象判斷有可能發(fā)生的事。 eg:

It’s possible, though not probable, that he will come tomorrow.


She is likely to ring me tonight. 今晚她很可能給我來電話。

(2)possible 不能用人作主語。possible 常用于下列句型:

It is possible to do sth. It is possible for sb. to do sth.

It is possible that … eg:

Is it possible to say so?可能這樣說嗎?

It is possible for me to do it. 我可能做那件事。

(3)probable 也不能用人作主語。一般只用于下面句型中:

It is probable that … eg:

It is probable that he will come. 他很可能要來。

(4)likely 既可用人作主語,也可用物作主語。通可用于“It is likely that …”句型中。 eg:

He is likely to come. = It is likely that he will come.

他可能要來。但不能說:It is likely for him to come.

(5)impossible, improbable, unlikely 用法與上述類似。

catch是普通用語,用“設法抓住,捉住”的意思; grasp表示牢牢地“抓住”;seize指“突然用力抓住使不逃脫”;snatch 表示迅速的拉扯動作、出其不意地“抓取”。 eg:

The police caught the thief as he ran. 小偷逃跑時被警察抓住了。

He grasped his gun and rushed out. 他抓起槍就沖了出去。

He seized the gun from the enemy soldier. 他從敵人士兵手中奪過了槍。

The thief snatched her handbag and ran off. 小偷搶走了她的手提包就跑了。

1.Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. 無論中國將來會有什么樣的成就,其中許多可能就誕生在北京的西北部。

(1)in store 就要到來,必將發(fā)生 eg:

Who knows what the future has in store for us?


(2)in store 也有儲存著,備用的意思 eg:

The runner kept some energy in store for spurting at the end.


2. Zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s and quickly became the leader of China’s hi-tech industry. 在20世界90年代末中關村作為高新科技特區(qū)被創(chuàng)立并迅速成為中國高科技工業(yè)的先鋒。

(1)set up-establish 建立 eg:

The government has set up a working party to look into the problem.


(2)in the late 1990s 又可寫成in the late 1990’s 二十世紀九十年代末

(3)hi-tech= high technology 高科技,高技術

3. When I got my master’s degree, I wanted to return home but couldn’t find a company where I could use what I had learnt. 當我獲得碩士學位時,我想回到家鄉(xiāng),可是我沒能找到學有所用的公司。

(1)本句是一個復合句。When I got my master’s degree 為時間狀語從句,修飾主句謂語動詞wanted。wanted和couldn’t find為并列謂語動詞,由并列連詞but連接。where I could use what I had learnt為定語從句,修飾先行詞company。what I had learnt 為賓語從句。

(2)a master’s degree 碩士學位 a doctor’s degree 博士學位

又如:Master of Arts 文學碩士 Doctor of Law 法學博士

4.I will never forget how happy I was when I set foot in China again and was back with my friends and family. 我永遠不會忘記當再次踏上中國土地和我的朋友及親人團聚時,那種感覺有多幸福。

(1)本句是復合句。How happy I was … 為賓語從句。

when I set foot in China again and was back with … 為時間狀語從句。

(2)set foot in/on 進入,踏進 eg:

She said she wouldn’t set foot in the room until it had been properly cleaned. 她說直到這屋子收拾好了她才住進去。

No man has ever set foot on that deserted island.


5. “Relying on science, technology, and knowledge to increase economic power”- makes it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future. “依靠科學,技術,知識發(fā)展經(jīng)?!?,它闡明了科學和商業(yè)能夠且必須結合在一起共創(chuàng)未來。


(2)rely on/upon信賴,依賴 eg: He can always be relied upon or help. 他的幫助是永遠可依賴的。

You may rely on my early arrival. 你放心好了,我會早到的。

(3)make…clear 表明,講清楚 eg:

Have I made myself clear? 我講清楚了嗎?

They wanted to make it clear that they did an important and necessary job. 他們想說明他們做著一項重要且必要的工作。

6. …but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguanzun. 但是我們?yōu)樗羞@些在中關村富有活力的新技術和卓越的想法而感到激動。

(1)that are coming to life in Zhongguancun 為定語從句,修飾先行詞ideas。

(2)come to life 蘇醒;恢復生氣 eg:

We all thought he was drowned, but after an hour’s artificial respiration he came back to life. 我們都以為他淹死了,但經(jīng)過一小時的人工呼吸后,他又蘇醒了。

When I told the students the good news, they all came to life. 當我告訴學生們這個好消息時,他們都活躍起來了。

1. 病句:Yufang has come to China for three years.

診斷:Yufang has been in China for three years.


2. 病句:Where has he gone is to be found out.

診斷:Where he has gone is to be found out.

3. 病句:When I got my master’s degree, I wanted to return back to China.

診斷:When I got my master’s degree, I wanted to return to China.

點撥:return意思是“come back”,不與back連用。

4. 病句:I would rather you tell me the truth.

診斷:I would rather you told me the truth.

點撥:would rather 后面帶的賓語從句表示一種愿望,動詞要用過去式來表示虛擬語氣。

5. 病句:The old man stays very health.

診斷:The old man stays very healthy.


6. 病句:Great changes have been taken place in China.

診斷:Great changes have taken place in China.

點撥:take place “發(fā)生,舉行”,不用被動語態(tài)。

7. 病句:This lesson is more easier than that one.

診斷:This lesson is much easier than that one.

點撥:形容詞比較級前不可用more, 而可以用much, even, still, a great deal, a lot, far等加強語氣。

8. 病句:All the answers are not correct. I can’t find one correct answer.

診斷:None of the answers are correct. I can’t find one correct answer.

點撥:all…not和not all…表示部分否定,意為“并非都……”,而none表示全部否定,意為“都不……”。

9. 病句:I don’t like the way which you speak to me.

診斷:I don’t like the way that you speak to me.

點撥:在way后面引導定語從句時,可用that, in which 或省略。

10. 病句:Zhongguancun has had a positive affect on business as well as science.

診斷:Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science.

點撥:affect vt. “影響”; effect n. “影響”,have a good/bad effect on 意為“對……有好/不良的影響”。

Farmers could grow more rice and shaky Internet communications could work better some day, thanks to prize-winning discoveries by teenage scientists showed at a national science fair on Monday.

High-school scientists from across the United States showed off word in genetics (遺傳學), molecular biology, mathematics and other fields that judges said rose to the professional level.

“It just blows me away. They’re all just unimaginable, ”said Joel Spencer, a New York University professor who served as a judge at the Siemens Westinghouse Competition in Math, Science and Technology.

Research done by finalists in the nationwide competition could lead to faster Internet speeds, more effective antibacterial drugs and better energy conservation. One team researched black holes in outer space, while another examined more than 700 fossils to better understand why dinosaurs died out.

Juliet Girard and Roshan Prabhu won a $ 100, 000 scholarship for their work proving genes(基因) that help some strains of wild rice flower earlier than others.

Drawing on a database(數(shù)據(jù)庫) that described the genetic makeup of rice, the two students, from Jersey City, New Jersey, identified two genetic segments (sections) that directed wild rice to blossom an average of 10 days earlier than the ordinary short-grain rice that feeds much of the world.

Their discovery could allow genetic engineers to develop a new strain that would take less time to reach maturity, allowing farmers to produce more and extending the growing region into colder climates.

Steven Bymes of Lexington, Massachusetts, took the top individual prize for his theory describing outcomes in a two-player game called Chomp.

Several said they planned to publish their findings in famous professional magazines.

1.What made the university professors surprised was that .

A.high-school students did very well in all scientific fields

B.they had never thought of these things when they were young

C.the work of the high-school students was of high quality and reached the professional level

D.high-school students have found out why dinosaurs died out

2.Which of the following is true?

A.Two students discovered the way of growing more rice and growing rice in colder climates.

B.What the two students discovered about the genetic makeup of rice may lead to an important development in agriculture.

C.Steven Bymes took the top prize at the national science fair on Monday.

D.Several students planned to write more articles in some professional journals.

3.What is this report mainly about?

A.Farmers can grow more rice and shaky Internet communications can work better after the competitions are held.

B.Some high-school students have become professional scientists.

C.High-school students can make great contributions to the world in many fields just like adult scientists.

D. A national science fair made scientists greatly surprised.


Scientists have uncovered the exact difference between man and mouse.

Teams of scientists from around the world will publish today the draft(草圖)genome(基因組)of the mouse, which enables them for the first time to compare another mammal’s entire DNA directly with that of humans.

The similarities are far greater than the differences- man and mouse share a common ancestor that lived more than 70 million years ago-which has allowed scientists to find treatments for a good many human diseases.

British members of the project say the draft mouse genome, published in the journal Nature, has provided the “phrase book” for scientists to translate the language of the human genome.

“The entire biomedical research community can for the first time fully use this resource to deal with human diseases. They will now have powerful tools that will serve them for many years to come, ” said Dr Jane Rogers, head of sequencing at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, which did 20 percent of the work.

Comparisons show almost every gene in the mouse has a corresponding (對應的)gene in humans 99 percent similarity that should help to find how each human gene works. Already the work has been able to show that man and mouse each have about 30, 000 genes yet only 300 or so are unique to either species, increasing the value of the lab mouse as a “model” for human genetics.

This is an extraordinary milestone. For the first time we have an opportunity to see ourselves in an evolutionary(進化的)mirror. The mouse genome stands for a very important chapter in the lab notebook of evolution By taking away genes to create sick mice, scientists have been able to reproduce a number of human disorders. Knowing the entire genomes of humans and mice will enable them to employ the technique more widely, leading to a rapid development in the understanding of illnesses.

4.Scientists have found that .

A.men and mice are actually the same kind of animal

B.mice are actually the ancestors of human beings

C.the genome of the mouse is the same as that of humans

D.humans and mice most probably have developed from the same ancestor

5.The importance of the discovery lies in the fact that .

A.man has finally found his true ancestor

B.it will be easier for people to find the causes of human diseases and cure them

C.it has enabled the scientists to compare human DNA with that of another mammal

D.it makes it possible for man to understand the complicated language of his genome

6.The word “unique” in the sixth paragraph probably mean .

7.It can be inferred that .

A.every gene of a mouse works in the same way as that of a human being

B.it has become easier for humans to find their real ancestor

C.more mice will be used in scientific experiments

D.scientists will use less mice in their experiments to protect them

8.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Mouse’s Book of Life May Provide Cures for Human Diseases.

B.Mice and Men Are the Same.

C.Man and Mouse Share a Common Ancestor.

D.The difference Between Man and Mouse.






2) 父母應是孩子學英語中持之以恒的鼓勵者











1, entry n.登錄, 條目, 進入, 入口(act of coming or going in)

Japan’s entry into the NU日本加入聯(lián)合國

This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.這個字典有六萬字。

Make an entry of把……記入make one’s entry into進入……

2, mental adj.精神的, 智力的(of the mind) physical物質的身體的

mental labour /child labour/mental illness/mental age

physician n.醫(yī)生 physics n. 物理 physicist n. 物理學家

3, depression n.沮喪, 消沉, 低氣壓(low spirits /being depressed)

she is in a state of deep depression。他處于深深的沮喪之中。

4, Suffering n.苦楚, 受難adj.受苦的, 患病的

suffer v. Suffer from-----

eg. My mother suffers from headaches

He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了虧。

He suffered a big loss.

He suffered from his illness.

5, greedy adj. greed n.

eg. He eats because of greed, not hunger

he is greedy for fame/knowledge /money.

trade with 與……交換trade in 做...生意, 經(jīng)營

trade away賣掉trade off輪流, 交替 交替使用 賣掉, 換掉

7,unemployment n. (opposite) employment

employ v. employee 受雇者 employer 老板

employment agency 職業(yè)介紹所unemployment problem失業(yè)問題

A lamb was offered in sacrifice. 一只小羊用作祭祀。

His parents made sacrifices to pay for his education. 他的父母為供他上學而作出了犧牲。

He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country. 他為國犧牲了。

at [by] the sacrifice of靠犧牲...; 以...為代價

make sacrifices [a sacrifice] to為...作出犧牲

sacrifice...for [to]為...而犧牲, 犧牲...而換得.

9, former adj.從前的, 以前的n.形成者, 創(chuàng)造者

10, vain adj. 徒勞的 in vain = without success

Eg .We tried in vain to make him change his mindThe police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.


All our work was in vain. 我們所有的工作都白費了。

11, dawn n.黎明, 拂曉, 破曉vi.破曉, 開始現(xiàn)生, 變得(為人所)明白v.破曉

It has just dawned on me that ....我剛剛才明白...。

Eg; It suddenly dawned on me that I had taken the wrong train.

overcome vt.戰(zhàn)勝, 克服, 勝過, 征服vi.得勝(to fight successfully defeat)

be overcome by/with受不了……

we were overcome with joy我們高興得不得了。

I insist on your being there. 我堅持要你在那里。

We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.大家都堅決要求不完工就不休息。

I insist that you (should) be present.請您務必到場。

They insisted that she (should) be invited.他們堅持要邀請她。

The old man insisted that he he should be treated fairly

The old man insisted that he he was treated fairly

She could hardly resist laughing。 她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resistthe temptation我頂不住誘惑。

15, chief n.首領, 領袖, 酋長, 主要部分, 最有價值的部分

The school -lies books for the children.學校供應孩子們書籍。

Trees supply shade in summer.夏季樹木提供蔭涼處。

Cows supply us with milk.奶牛給我們提供牛奶。

supply and demand供求in short supply供應不足

be willing to do sth.

I’m willing to lend you some money

more willing //most willing//unwilling19, in turn

we found that Helen had told Tom,and he in turn had told me.

go away and leave me alone.

1, entry n.登錄, 條目, 進入, 入口 ‘No Entry’ _________

This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.

Entry-level_______entry word_________

Make an entry of___________make one’s entry into______________

2, mental adj.精神的, 智力的 physical物質的身體的

mental labour /child labour/mental illness/mental age


mentally_______ mentality__________

physician _________ physics ________ physicist __________manual手的; 手工的spiritual adj.精神上的

she is in a state of deep depression。

Economic depression__________________

4, Suffering n.苦楚, 受難adj.受苦的, 患病的

suffer v. Suffer from-----

My mother suffers from headaches

He suffered for his carelessness.他因粗心而吃了虧。

He ________ a big loss.

He _______________ his illness.

5, greedy adj. greed n.

He eats because of greed, not hunger

he is greedy for fame/knowledge /money.

trade with ______trade in _________

trade away_________trade off_______________

trade on/upon_________trade out____________

unemployment n. (opposite) employment

employment agency unemployment problem 9, former adj.從前的, 以前的n.形成者, 創(chuàng)造者

in former times 從前the former________/ the latter_________

Eg .We tried in vain to make him change his mindThe police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.


11, dawn n.黎明, 拂曉, 破曉vi.破曉, 開始現(xiàn)生, 變得(為人所)明白v.破曉

from dawn till dark/dusk______________

It has just dawned on me that ....我剛剛才明白...。

Eg; It suddenly dawned on me that I had taken the wrong train.

overcome difficulties_______overcome one's shortcomings_____________

be overcome by/with受不了……

we were overcome with joy________________

I insist on your being there.。

We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.

I insist that you (should) be present.請您務必到場。


The old man insisted that he he should be treated fairly______________

The old man insisted that he he was treated fairly________________

resistable _____resistance _________

She could hardly resist laughing。 她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resist the temptation______________


15, chief n.首領, 領袖, 酋長, 主要部分, 最有價值的部分

supply a need [demand]______________

The school -lies books for the children.學校供應孩子們書籍。



supply and demand_________in short supply______________

be willing to do sth.__________________

I’m willing to lend you some money

more willing //most willing//unwilling

we found that Helen had told Tom,and he in turn had told me.

go away and leave me alone.



“同學們,你們有沒有經(jīng)常出去外邊的飯館吃飯?”【zfw152.com 趣祝?!?/p>






給學生發(fā)印有18的生詞一張紙,生詞上方標注有拼音,給2分鐘的時間讓學生自由熟悉。 接下來用ppt展示生詞,分成三組,分別讓每個學生讀6個,如果學生發(fā)音錯誤,教師進行糾正。

















(1) 教師領讀,學生跟讀。(兩遍)


































(4) 練習:造關于“不如”的句子,提醒學生前后提到的兩個東西有好壞。










(3)向學生提問考慮的意思,待學生回答后告訴學生“Adam在想著要不要去” ,這個想的過程就是考慮。




(1) 教師領讀,學生跟讀。(兩遍)

(2) 因為這些都是實體名詞,簡單進行圖片展示。






a 語言學習敏感期 4~12歲-充分利用布羅卡區(qū)

培養(yǎng)雙母語,建立英語思維:語言學習敏感期 4~12歲





b 語言習得沉默期-尊重孩子聽的過程465











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優(yōu)秀的人總是會提前做好準備,在幼兒園教師的生活工作中,時常需要提前準備資料作為參考。資料所覆蓋的面比較廣,可以指學習資料。參考資料會讓未來的學習或者工作做得更好!所以,你有哪些值得推薦的幼師資料內(nèi)容呢?小編特別編輯了“詞匯課件”,為方便后續(xù)閱讀,請你收藏本文。wind-windy風-有風的 cool...

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