


wish you the Lantern Festival, round and happy, beautiful full of singing.祝你元宵節(jié),團(tuán)團(tuán)圓圓幸福溢,美美~~好的句子總能打動人心,以下“元宵英語祝福語60條”由幼兒教師教育網(wǎng)的編輯為大家收集整理,請閱讀后分享你的朋友!

1、On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday and a happy family!在元宵佳節(jié)到來之際,誠摯祝您節(jié)日快樂,闔家幸福!

2、Fang Yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart Lake ripples; knock一聲acoustic festival Wanzhong, let me love in your heart Jidong! Dynamism happy! 放游一盞盞五彩荷燈,曳動你心湖快樂的漣漪;敲一聲聲佳節(jié)的晚鐘,讓我的愛在你的心里悸動!元宵快樂!

3、the night yuan last year,the flower market signals such as day Liu Xiao,the head Rendihuanghun after Night yuan this year,with the lights still on,but not last year,tears wet spring Shanxiu去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏后。今年元夜時,月與燈依舊,不見去年人,淚濕春衫袖。

4、may you live up to your time and efforts,make you feel at ease,have a good moon,and have a happy Lantern festival.愿不負(fù)時光,不負(fù)努力,人安心安,花好月圓,元宵節(jié)快樂。

5、in the first month to the Lunar New Year, lanterns鬧universe, glutinous rice balls delicious fragrant, I wish you good emerge Festival, and you never at the best of luck and success in the future never happy! 正月里來是新春,十五花燈鬧乾坤,湯圓味美香噴噴,祝你佳節(jié)福滿身,好運(yùn)和你不離分,萬事如意永開心!

6、Happy to eat the Lantern Festival, happy tonight. Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!歡歡喜喜吃元宵,幸福美滿過今宵。真心愿你元宵節(jié)快樂!

7、On the Lantern Festival, the moon is round and round, and people like to be reunited during the festival.元宵月兒圓又圓,佳節(jié)人兒喜團(tuán)圓。

8、Lantern festival send you a bowl of sweet rice balls,will be round dream of starting a business,round out the warm spring and love,a happy family reunion as a round,round to the New Year splendid fortune!Happy Lantern festival!元宵節(jié)送你一碗湯圓,會創(chuàng)業(yè),圓的夢圓了溫暖如春的愛情,幸福的家庭團(tuán)聚是一個圓,圓的新年燦爛的財富!元宵節(jié)快樂!

9、Lantern Festival came around again, remember we are visiting the temple with the same excitement of guessing riddles do? Now busy still, people are different, the distance you, flies Kehao? Have time to write yo! 元宵節(jié)又到了,還記得我們有猜燈謎做的同樣的興奮逛廟會?現(xiàn)在依然很忙,人與人是不同的,遠(yuǎn)方的你,可好蒼蠅?有時間寫喲!

10、Happy Lantern Festival I would like to miss and blessing.快樂的元宵之際,謹(jǐn)致我的想念與祝福。

11、wish you a good mood, a wonderful career and a happy Lantern Festival.祝愿你心情好,事業(yè)妙,快快樂樂度元宵。

12、wish you good luck and good luck, and happy forever!祝愿你好運(yùn)幸運(yùn)常相伴,幸??鞓返接肋h(yuǎn)!

13、the night yuan last year, the flower market signals such as day Liu Xiao, the head Rendihuanghun after Night yuan this year, with the lights still on, but not last year, tears wet spring Shanxiu 去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏后。今年元夜時,月與燈依舊,不見去年人,淚濕春衫袖。

14、Happy Lantern Festival!祝合家歡樂,元宵節(jié)快樂!

15、I wish you: round and round,sweet honey,and the United States,Shun Li!祝你:團(tuán)團(tuán)圓圓,甜甜蜜蜜,和和美美,順順利利!

16、Yuan yuan snack night yuanxiao and night snack festival year the year is festival every year festival I wish you a happy holiday!元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜喜慶年,年喜慶,年年喜慶年,祝您節(jié)日快樂!

17、wish you a relaxed life, happy work and happy every moment.祝你輕松生活,快樂工作,幸福每一刻。

18、Starting yangko dance, across the country and yuanxiao to set off firecrackers, lantern riddle makes you laugh, tangyuan do not help, sweet reunion around you around, blessing messages asking how are you, wish you good luck year of the Ox to every day!歡歡喜喜元宵到,舉國上下秧歌跳,噼噼啪啪放鞭炮,花燈謎語惹你笑,湯圓也來湊熱鬧,甜蜜團(tuán)圓圍你繞,祝福短信問你好,愿你牛年好運(yùn)天天到!

19、Let Tangyuan, stick to health stick, stick to God of wealth to send money.讓湯圓,粘住健康身體棒,粘住財神來送錢。

20、Wish you a round family round round round, round things, happy flowers and happy moon!愿你人圓家圓團(tuán)團(tuán)圓圓,事圓福圓花好月圓!

21、May your family be reunited and everything go smoothly and smoothly!愿你合家團(tuán)團(tuán)圓圓,一切順順利利!

22、Extend warm congratulations and best wishes,happy Lantern festival!快樂的元宵之際,謹(jǐn)致我的想念與祝福。

23、Thinking of you and wish you a Happy Lantern Festival快樂的元宵之際,謹(jǐn)致我的想念與祝福。

24、yuan xiao lantern festival edge, 35 yuan xiao nan xiao stomach. tonight refrain from greedy glutton, i wish you a happy degrees good night!元宵節(jié)邊,35元肖南肖胃。從貪婪饞嘴今夜副歌,我祝你幸福度晚安! 

25、Willing to live up to the time and effort, people are at ease and happy.愿不負(fù)時光,不負(fù)努力,人安心安,花好月圓。

26、Happy Lantern Festival, eat sweet and beautiful, sleep comfortably!元宵節(jié)玩得開開心心,吃得甜甜美美,睡得舒舒服服!

27、Beautiful night lights fish dragon acrobatics Coloured glaze prosperous plendid miharu Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!燈火良宵,魚龍百戲琉璃盛世,錦繡三春。祝你過一個歡歡喜喜的元宵節(jié)!

28、wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through lantern !致以熱烈的祝賀和良好的祝福,元宵節(jié)快樂!

29、Lantern Festival send you a bowl of sweet rice balls, will be round dream of starting a business, round out the warm spring and love, a happy family reunion as a round, round to the New Year splendid fortune! Happy Lantern Festival!元宵節(jié)送你一碗湯圓,會創(chuàng)業(yè),圓的夢圓了溫暖如春的愛情,幸福的家庭團(tuán)聚是一個圓,圓的新年燦爛的財富!元宵節(jié)快樂!

30、spring lantern festival is not gifts, clockwork sms bless you: a healthy and happy a lways with you, good luck and you do not separate, finally let me tell you that money rolling into the pocket to give you all the benefits. happy lantern festival!元宵佳節(jié)不送禮,發(fā)條短信祝福你:健康快樂永遠(yuǎn)與你,好運(yùn)和你不分離,最后讓我告訴你,財源滾滾進(jìn)腰包給你的所有好處。元宵節(jié)快樂!

31、On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy song!元宵節(jié)之際,祝你心中有首快樂的歌!

32、wish you a happy and healthy Lantern Festival. Congratulations on your prosperity!祝您元宵快樂健康,恭喜發(fā)財!

33、Wish you a strong life everywhere, the Lantern Festival to the side, I wish you the most happy mood.愿你人生處處強(qiáng),元宵佳節(jié)到身旁,祝愿你心情最歡暢。

34、The Lantern Festival is here. I wish you all the best and a happy holiday.元宵到了,祝愿你萬事如意,節(jié)日愉快。

35、Round and round, sweet and honey, and beautiful, smooth!團(tuán)團(tuán)圓圓,甜甜蜜蜜,和和美美,順順利利!

36、wish you happiness and success.祝愿你快樂無比,心想事成。

37、May you enjoy singing and dancing on the 15th Lantern Festival and be happy forever!愿你十五元宵盡情歌舞,快樂無限!

38、Spending a reunion group of lamp Ceng Yan you most "good"Send acacia and wishes the net love to dream "circle".花好月圓人團(tuán)圓,群燈曾艷你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,中情緣愿夢“圓”。

39、Spending a reunion group of lamp ceng Yan you most "good"Send acacia and wishes the net love to dream "circle".花好月圓人團(tuán)圓,群燈曾艷你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,中情緣愿夢“圓”。

40、Let Tangyuan stick sweet love and warm heart.讓湯圓,粘住甜蜜愛情甜,粘住溫馨心頭暖。

41、The Lantern Festival is sweet and round, happy and festive, firecrackers and good luck.元宵甜甜又圓圓,快樂喜慶鞭炮歡,吉祥好運(yùn)連成串。

42、on the 15th day of January,I appreciate the lantern and have a wonderful dream.元月十五賞花燈,看了花燈美夢成。

43、Bless you: Lantern Festival is a busy year. It's sweet to receive short messages.祝福你:元宵節(jié)熱鬧年,收到短信心里甜!

44、Wish you a happy Lantern Festival, with many happy events!祝你元宵佳節(jié)開開心心,喜事連連!

45、Today the moon like a big lantern I ate a half the remaining half for you and chocolate filling like it.今天的月亮像一個大元宵,我吃了一半,余下一半給你,巧克力餡的,喜歡嗎。

46、in this day of the season such as lights,we were the same evening,tonight I want you to become the most happy people infants在這燈如晝的時節(jié),我們一起相約黃昏后,今晚我要讓你成為最幸福的人兒。

47、wish the sweet dumplings are always so sweet, and my heart is always lingering for you.祝愿的湯圓永遠(yuǎn)那么甜蜜,牽掛的心始終為你流連。

48、Good food and beautiful scenery welcome the festival, the matter is also round, the wealth is also round.良宵美景迎佳節(jié),事也圓圓財也圓圓。

49、Happy Lantern Festival! My dear, I am sorry we can not together for Lantern Festival, but I will at the dinner table for you Tim a bowl and chopsticks, as you like at my side元宵節(jié)快樂!親愛的,對不起,我們不能一起過元宵節(jié),但我會在餐桌上給你添碗筷,只要你喜歡,在我的身邊。

50、flowers,and people gathered round Qi Valentine‘s,the festive season with the wing Lok,lover,I love you.花好,人圓齊相聚。情人,佳節(jié)永同樂,戀人我愛您。

51、lantern festival came around again, remember we are visiting the temple with the same excitement of guessing riddles do? now busy still, people are different, the distance you, flies kehao? have time to write yo!元宵節(jié)又來了,還記得我們帶著同樣的猜謎游覽寺廟嗎?現(xiàn)在還忙,人都不一樣了,距離你,飛行可好?有時間寫信喲!

52、Lantern Festival to accompany, I wish you a happy New Year! Happy Lantern Festival!元宵佳節(jié)來相伴,愿你來年過得歡!元宵快樂!

53、I wish you a happy Lantern festival,everything goes well,a smooth hundred,and a happy family!祝元宵節(jié)快樂,萬事順意,一順百順,闔家幸福!yJS21.cOM

54、The Lantern festival is coming. I wish you happiness,good luck,good health and peace!元宵節(jié)到了,愿君開心快樂,吉祥如意,健康平安,萬事順心!

55、On the eve of the Lantern Festival, I wish you peace, happiness and happiness. Everything is round!在元宵節(jié)來臨之際,祝你平安,快樂,幸福。萬事圓!

56、The Lantern Festival is round on the 15th day of the first month. Wish you good luck in the coming year.正月十五元宵圓,愿你來年好運(yùn)連。

57、wish Yuanxiao a happy and happy life!祝元宵心情圓圓美美,人生圓圓滿滿!

58、Round dumplings are sweet and sweet. I wish you a happy smile.圓圓的湯圓甜又甜,愿你微笑甜甜,幸福綿綿。

59、Lantern Festival send you a bowl of sweet rice balls, will be round dream of starting a business, round out the warm spring and love, a happy family reunion as a round, round to the New Year splendid fortune! Happy Lantern Festival!元宵節(jié)送你一碗湯圓,會創(chuàng)業(yè),圓的夢圓了溫暖如春的愛情,幸福的家庭團(tuán)聚是一個圓,圓的新年燦爛的財富!元宵節(jié)快樂!

60、wish you the Lantern Festival, round and happy, beautiful full of singing.祝你元宵節(jié),團(tuán)團(tuán)圓圓幸福溢,美美滿滿歌聲起。



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