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today, i with the feelings of guilt, regret and uneasy for you to write the written self criticism, to say to you i am late for the bad behaviour of deep hatred and killing will no longer be late determination. as early as when i first set foot in this class, you have time, has repeatedly stressed that the whole class, must not be late, shall not be absent. at the time, the teacher teaches the tune repeatedly, serious expression in eyes, i am deeply shocked, have also been deeply realize the importance of this matter, so i kept telling myself to take the matter as top priority to grasp, to live up to a hard teacher to us. however, as gorky said - when you see a is very important, hardships and failures will ensue. such as doing drill in the morning, once i am i wash up quickly at 5:50 pm, dressed, and look at more time, i even played a little moss in head, but when i came to the playground, only to find that theres no one there, just as i was in a hurry look around see if there are any man - when i wake up, just the lens of the original all is a dream, a watch, mama ah at 6:30, and the day is to catch up with you considerate to give us a call, but i didnt catch to listen to the teachings of the care you, deeply sorry, deeply sorry! only blame i put up this matter too seriously, actually i think morning dream! alas, helpless ah. once again, i was looking to take a bath, ready to take a shower to go to class, but when i washes the bath to the dorm room door, and found theres no one there, and i forgot to take my keys locked in the door shall not be started dressing, the whole body is only a pair of shorts, even have no chance to go out a call for help! abruptly and kuang lesson the teacher gave us to carefully prepared very vivid lesson, missed a teacher work wholeheartedly for the knowledge we make dinner. depressed ah depressing! the small key on the way i study hard mix me a fall! but in the end, or because of my carelessness, caused by insufficien

according to, i decided to have the following personal corrective actions: 1, according to ensure the quality of the teacher asked pay written self criticism a! error source of his thoughts on sorting, dig and find and identify the possible serious consequences. 2, learning plan, overcome lazy life seriously, the shortcomings of carelessness, efforts will test good, with good grades to make up for my fault 3, enhancing communication with students. ensure that no longer appear the error! hope the teacher can forgive me!


每個人都寫過檢討書,和小編一起來看看英語檢討書的內(nèi)容 的內(nèi)容吧!

the mtakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mtakes, committed by their own error ?a shame.

schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school dcipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but i did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there ?no attention to the teacher to say, there ?no emphas on the promulgation of the important sues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. ?also a lack of respect for teachers. teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school dcipline school rules promulgated minds.

after that, i would like to cool for a long time, the mtakes i have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. such an act and i also created the school and its adverse effects, damage to the school's management system. in the middle of the students also led to adverse effects. since i am a person's mtakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class dcipline, grade dcipline, the dcipline of the school ?also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents ?also a types of injury, as well as other students in an irresponsible parent.

each school will wh to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establh a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and i myself have made a mtake th time to undermine the school environment that ?should not, if the students do each and every mtake, then there ?no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punhment.

i stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mtake, i know, cause such huge losses, i should have for their own pay for the mtakes, i am willing to bear although it ?the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in th error should not shirk its primary responsibility.

i accept criticm in good faith and are willing to accept the deal given by the school.

excuse me, teacher! i made a serious question of principle. i know who my teacher ?very angry school. i also know that the students did not breach regulations, not inconstent with dcipline and do their own thing ?a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. but i did not even do the most basic. now, made a really big mtake, i am deeply deeply regret it. i will take th incident as a mirror and dcipline at all times conduct themselves and their criticm and education, and consciously accept supervion. i would like to know shame and alert, to know shame and to forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard.

i have to go through th incident, to rae awareness of my thoughts, and strengthen accountability measures. or would like to make their own learning, learning for me to be the most important for the survival of future employment are very important. i can see now ?very small, i still have the ability to fight. i would also like to fight once again to work hard in the hope that a good teacher to give me an opportunity to students, i will turn over, and really serious to learn, as full of life, th course at home ?also delayed, schools the courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, i will learn, the classes are making an effort to hurry up.

just remember to enter the school, class and sub-class of teachers have high expectations of me, can learn to accept, but in dcipline problems in schools under the iron law of the repeated injunctions, in school dcipline and strict environment regulations i committed such a serious mtake, the school should be punhed to me, and i do not know how many times saying, principals, teachers, i was wrong, i was wrong. mom, dad and i are wrong, i was wrong.

in th half, i get up on time every day, i think about life in schools for nearly two years. the school has deep feelings for the school in the future i will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also dark. in terms of learning or other school i would come with strict demands on themselves, i will grasp th opportunity. it as a turning point in my life, hope that our teachers are the pillars of society, so i learn in the future life of the school's efforts to become more, not only taught us to learn the knowledge, but also to learn how to behave, who have committed such an error , for the expectations of parents for me ?a tremendous blow to the parents hard-earned money so that we can live some of the superior than others, better himself so that we can input to the study. however, the mtakes i did go against the whes of parents, but also the parents of a negative energy.

i am so ashamed. i believe that the teachers see th attitude can also be aware of th incident i have very strong attitude of repentance, i believe my heart to repent, i ?not to challenge the teacher's dcipline ?a wrong step in life's own time, i hope the teachers can be forgiven for my mtake, i assure you that th matter will not have a second occurrence. for all th i will also further in-depth summary of soul-searching, i urge the teachers believe i can learn lessons and correct mtakes, the next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support me, and my question about dcretion.



English Self-Evaluation and Reflection - A Journey of Growth


The acquisition of English language skills has been an integral part of my educational journey. In this self-evaluation and reflection, I will delve into my English language learning experience, highlighting my strengths, areas for improvement, and the strategies I have employed to enhance my proficiency. This article aims to provide a detailed and vivid account of my growth as an English learner, comprising more than 1000 words.


Throughout my English language learning journey, I have developed several strengths that have contributed to my overall proficiency. Firstly, I possess a strong vocabulary base, which allows me to express my ideas accurately and precisely. Additionally, my ability to comprehend and analyze complex texts has improved drastically, enabling me to interpret and evaluate information effectively. Moreover, my pronunciation and intonation skills have garnered appraisal, enabling me to communicate fluently and confidently in English. These strengths have played a pivotal role in my language proficiency and are a testament to my dedication and hard work.

Areas for Improvement:

Despite my strengths, there are areas in which I still need to focus and enhance my skills. One significant area for improvement is my grammatical accuracy. While I am able to express my ideas coherently, I occasionally make grammatical errors, which hinders the clarity of my message. Moreover, I struggle with writing formal essays and require further development in organizing my thoughts and constructing cohesive arguments. Additionally, my confidence in speaking spontaneously during discussions and presentations is an area where I need improvement. By acknowledging these areas for growth, I can further direct my efforts towards overcoming these challenges and ameliorate my overall English proficiency.

Strategies for Improvement:

To address the areas of improvement, I have implemented several strategies to enhance my English language skills. Firstly, I allocate dedicated time for grammar practice, utilizing grammar exercises and online resources to reinforce my understanding of grammatical rules. Additionally, I actively seek feedback from teachers and peers to correct my grammatical errors and improve my written and spoken English. Furthermore, I have started participating in language exchange programs and language clubs, where I engage in conversations with native English speakers to gradually increase my confidence in spontaneous speech. Finally, I make it a habit to read English literature, newspapers, and articles, which not only broadens my knowledge but also exposes me to diverse writing styles and enables me to develop my own writing proficiency.

Conclusion:(www.POPo666.com 泡泡演講稿)

My journey as an English learner has been filled with milestones, challenges, and growth. Through self-evaluation and reflection, I have identified my strengths as well as areas for improvement, enabling me to develop targeted strategies to enhance my English language skills. I am proud of my vocabulary base, comprehension abilities, and pronunciation skills while acknowledging the need for further grammatical accuracy and writing proficiency. With continued dedication and perseverance, I am confident in my ability to overcome these challenges and excel in English. This self-evaluation has reinforced my commitment to continuous improvement and personal growth as an English language learner.


Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deepest regrets and apologize for my recent actions, which have caused harm and offense to you and others.

I fully understand that my behavior was unacceptable and does not reflect the person I strive to be. I realize now that I was insensitive and缺乏深思熟慮, and I should have shown more respect and consideration for your feelings.

In reflecting on my actions, I realize that they were rooted in my own biases and lack of awareness. I realize that the way I behaved was not in alignment with my values or the person I want to be. I am committed to learning from this experience and growing from it.

To ensure that this does not happen again, I am taking concrete steps to address my behavior and increase my awareness. Firstly, I am committed to actively listening and learning from others, particularly those who may be different from me. I will strive to understand their perspectives and experiences, and work to overcome my own biases and prejudices.

Secondly, I will seek out resources and training to help me become more aware and sensitive to the impact of my actions on others. I recognize that this is a continuous process, and I am committed to ongoing learning and growth.

I also want to apologize for any inconvenience or harm my actions may have caused you or others. I am truly remorseful for my behavior and the impact it has had on our relationship. I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me, and I am committed to working hard to repair the damage that has been done.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to you for giving me the opportunity to apologize and express my remorse. I am committed to learning from this experience and growing as a person. Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]























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優(yōu)秀的人總是會提前做好準備,平常的學習工作中,幼兒園教師會提前準備一些資料。資料是時代的記錄,它是產(chǎn)生于人類實踐活動。參考資料會讓未來的學習或者工作做得更好!可是,我們的幼師資料具體又有哪些內(nèi)容呢?小編特別為你收集的“英語檢討書”,希望能為你提供更多的參考。Dear M.R Pan,After mu...

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