



1、日日期盼,夜夜思念,圣誕的平安夜雖然孤寂寒冷,但是有我送你的平安夜之果,包含著我濃濃的祝福,我愿將這份甜蜜幸福與你分享在這特殊的日子里。 Day after day, I look forward to it, night after night, I miss you. Although Christmas Eve is lonely and cold, I have sent you the fruit of Christmas Eve, which contains my strong blessings. I am willing to share this sweet happiness with you on this special day.


3、平安是福,健康有福,平安夜里更享福,我已許下平安愿,愿您身體健康精神爽,快快樂樂享太平,人旺運旺事業(yè)旺,心順氣順百事順! Peace is bliss, health is bliss, and peace night is more blissful. I have made a wish for peace. I wish you good health, good spirit, happy enjoyment of peace, prosperous people, prosperous career and smooth heart!

4、 平安夜里送份平安,愿你人生路上都溫馨平安;平安夜里送份快樂,愿你無時無刻都心情唯美;平安夜里送道祝福,愿你一生一世都洋溢幸福、平安夜,祈愿你一生平平安安,日子過得幸福美滿!

5、帶上誠摯的祝福,裝上甘甜的蘋果。載著每時的思念,托著每刻的想念。送去內心的問候,以表對你的牽掛。平安夜快樂,一生平安?!ith sincere wishes and sweet apples. Carrying every moment of missing, holding every moment of missing. Send greetings from your heart to show your concern. Happy Christmas Eve, safe life.


7、Have a love filled christmas and new year! 祝你的圣誕和新年充滿愛。

8、平安鐘聲多悠揚,傳遍四面和八方。送來如意和吉祥,人人身體都健康。歡聲笑語歌兒唱,幸福生活萬年長。祝平安夜快樂! The sound of the Peace Bell is melodious and spreads all over the country. Bring good luck and good luck. Everyone is in good health. Happy life is a long life. Happy Christmas Eve!

9、 圣誕樹上掛滿吉祥,團圓飯里飽含如意、圣誕老人賜予幸福,我的祝福佑你平安、平安夜,送大禮,祝你闔家歡樂,幸福安康。



12、我把雪花放在手上,它融化在我的手中;我把鈴鐺敲響,聲音回蕩在我的耳畔;我把祝福輕輕折好,愿它到達你的心間:祝你圣誕快樂! I put the snowflake in my hand, it melts in my hand; I ring the bell, the sound reverberates in my ear; I fold the blessing gently, wish it reach your heart: wish you a merry Christmas!


14、圣誕節(jié),我吃著香噴噴的圣誕大餐,給傻乎乎的你發(fā)一條暖呼呼的短信,里面有軟綿綿的思念,甜蜜蜜的祝福,笑嘻嘻地對你說聲:圣誕快樂! Christmas, while enjoying a delicious Christmas feast, I sent a warm text message to you, who was foolish. Inside, there were soft thoughts, sweet blessings, and I smiled and said to you, "Merry Christmas!"!

15、In the season of joy i present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of christmas outshine all the rest. 在這歡樂的時節(jié)給你我最真的祝福和親切的思念,愿你今年的圣誕比往年更璀璨。


17、平安夜的空氣,輕得像呼吸,在你周圍,永不散去。那一縷縷溫馨,彌漫進了你的心里。恰似圣誕老人的禮物,美好得如同童話。圣誕快樂! The air of Christmas Eve is as light as breathing, around you, it will never disappear. That wisps of warmth, filled into your heart. Its like a gift from Santa Claus. Its as beautiful as a fairy tale. Merry Christmas!



20、一分平安,二分祝愿,三分關心,四分想念,五分感謝,六分祈盼,七分真誠,八分信任,九分堅持,十分想說:平安夜快樂! One is peace, two is wish, three is care, four is miss, five is thanks, six is hope, seven is sincerity, eight is trust, nine is persistence, I really want to say: happy Christmas Eve!

21、時間的可愛模樣,是快樂榜樣,愿你永遠學習,時間的美麗供養(yǎng),是健康護養(yǎng),愿你永遠滋養(yǎng),圣誕節(jié)前,幸福信仰給你完美力量,加油。 The lovely appearance of time is a happy role model. May you always learn, the beautiful nourishment of time is health care, and may you always nourish. Before Christmas, the belief in happiness will give you perfect strength. Cheer up.

22、 平安夜,雪花飄,愿你煩惱隨風消,平安夜,看星斗,愿你祝福收一簍,平安夜,堆雪人,愿你心想萬事成,平安夜,鈴聲響,愿你幸福萬年長。


24、 平安夜里,請望一望圣誕樹上最亮的那顆星星,那是我注視你的眼睛,請聆聽窗外那美妙的圣誕頌歌,歌聲替我祝福你一生安寧,平安夜里祝你一生幸福平安!

25、在這浪漫的季節(jié)里,思念如晶瑩的雪花翩翩飄落,你是圣誕老人賜予我今生最好的禮物,愿和你相擁相守直到永恒! In this romantic season, longing is like crystal clear snowflakes falling gracefully. You are the best gift that Santa Claus has given me in this life. May we embrace each other until eternity!


27、圣誕老人圣誕鹿,圣誕襪子圣誕樹。圣誕鐘聲圣誕歌,圣誕大餐秉火燭。圣誕卡片寫吉祥,圣誕口袋裝禮物。圣誕氣氛漸漸濃,圣誕祝福別耽誤! Santa Claus, Christmas Deer, Christmas Socks, Christmas Tree. The sound of Christmas bells and Christmas songs, the Christmas feast with candles. Christmas cards are written with auspiciousness, and Christmas pockets are filled with gifts. The Christmas atmosphere is gradually getting stronger, dont delay Christmas wishes!

28、收到信息你要笑,好運把你來擁抱,吉祥在你左右鬧,幸福伴你把舞跳,快樂給你媚眼拋,信息可靠不可靠,關鍵看你笑不笑。祝圣誕開心樂逍遙! When you receive a message, you should smile. Good luck will embrace you, good luck will play around you, happiness will dance with you, and happiness will give you seductive eyes. The reliability of information depends on whether you smile or not. Wishing you a happy and carefree Christmas!


30、圣誕來臨不送卡,紙張省下一大把。圣誕過節(jié)不放花,臉上照樣笑哈哈。信息祝福友誼傳,節(jié)能減排又低碳。響應號召又省錢,愿你快樂過圣誕! Dont send cards when Christmas arrives, save a lot of paper. I dont put flowers during Christmas, but I still smile on my face. Information blessings for friendship, energy conservation, emission reduction, and low-carbon. Responding to the call and saving money, may you have a happy Christmas!





35、 您像樹木的根一樣,埋頭于書本之間,將知識源源不斷傳授給我們;您像辛勤的園丁一樣,不停的澆灌裁剪,讓我們生長得繽紛燦爛、老師,您辛苦了、在平安夜來臨之際,祝您平安夜快樂。

36、Youre the best christmas present i ever received. 你是我所收到的最好的圣誕禮物。

37、那年平安夜,你是上帝賜予我的禮物。而如今,分手依舊還是在鐘聲敲響之際,我的心,漫天飛雪! That Christmas Eve, you are a gift from God. And now, break up is still in the bell, my heart, flying snow!

38、每天我的動力就是見到你,并和你說說話。圣誕節(jié)快樂! Every day my motivation is to see you and talk to you. Happy christmas!

39、清清的風吹來悠悠的云,悠悠的云含著紛紛的雪,紛紛的雪纏著綿綿的浪漫,綿綿的浪漫陪伴你渡一個浪漫的平安夜。圣誕快樂! The clear wind blows the long clouds. The long clouds contain the snow in succession. The snow is wrapped with the continuous romance. The continuous romance accompanies you to spend a romantic Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

40、海上生明月,平安共此時;祝??羁顏恚Y物翩翩至;幸福駕馴鹿,好運不來遲,健康伴全家,其樂美滋滋。真誠祝您平安夜吉祥! A bright moon is born on the sea, at this time of peace; blessings come, gifts come; happiness drives reindeer, good luck never comes late, health accompanies the whole family, happy. I sincerely wish you good luck on Christmas Eve!

41、送你一顆聚滿禮物的圣誕樹,頂上最大最亮的那顆星是我的真心,下面掛的'是我的癡心,制造材料的是我一顆不變有心:圣誕快樂! Send you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The biggest and brightest star on the top is my heart. Whats hanging below is my infatuation. Whats making materials is my unchanging heart: Merry Christmas!

42、愿你將平安珍藏,與快樂為伴;愿你將平安相傳,與健康為伴;愿你將平安分享,與幸福為伴。平安夜送平安,愿你平平安安! May peace be treasured and accompanied by happiness; may peace be handed down and accompanied by health; may peace be shared and accompanied by happiness. Send you peace on Christmas Eve. May you be safe!


44、我愿化作圣誕樹上輕輕飄落的雪花,為你送上溫情祝福;我愿化作平安夜里悠揚回蕩的鐘聲,給你帶去平安問候! I would like to turn into the snowflakes falling gently on the Christmas tree and send warm wishes to you. I would like to turn into the melodious ringing of the bell on Christmas Eve and bring you greetings of peace!


46、隨著圣誕節(jié)的到來,關心你的人要跟你說聲:圣誕快樂! With the coming of christmas, people who care about you should say to you: Merry christmas!

47、A christmas greeting to cheer you,my goodfriend. 獻上令你開心的圣誕祝福,我的好友。


49、 平安夜送你件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,吉祥是領子,如意是袖子,快樂是扣子,口袋里滿是溫暖、穿上吧!讓他相伴每一天。

50、親愛的,你比圣誕樹上的星星還明亮、你比馴鹿還可愛、但你能把胡子剃了嗎?我可不想你和圣誕老人一個摸樣! Honey, you are brighter than the stars on the Christmas tree, you are cuter than the reindeer, but can you shave your beard? I dont want you to be like Santa!

51、 送你大紅的蘋果,祝你事業(yè)紅紅火火,愛情甜甜蜜蜜,一生平平安安、平安夜又到,愿你一切順利,一生美麗。

52、May the christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes. 愿圣誕不僅是你歡笑的時刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。

53、送你一棵圣誕樹,上面掛滿平安,如意,快樂,健康,幸運,財富,把它儲存下來,你就會一生幸福,把它轉發(fā),收到的人也會幸福永遠?!end you a Christmas tree filled with peace, prosperity, happiness, health, luck, and wealth. Store it and you will have a lifetime of happiness. Share it, and the recipient will also be happy forever.

54、 我愿化作一片綠葉,把祝福灑滿在這個美麗的夜晚,隨著快樂的風來到你的身邊,讓幸福的感覺纏繞在你心間,平安夜,真誠祝愿你平安如意!


56、千里萬里來牽念,相念聲聲藏祝愿,祝福切切傳平安,平安夜平安果,平安夜里有個我,有你有我有平安果,平安有你還有我?!housands of miles come to think of each other. We pray for peace. We wish you peace on Christmas Eve. You have me, you have me, you have me.


58、襪子裝的是禮物,收到的是好運;火爐燃燒的是吉祥,煙囪飄走的是愁云;圣誕樹照亮的是夜色,長青的是幸福;賀卡簡單,情誼萬千,愿你平安每一天! Socks are gifts and receive good luck; The stove burns with auspiciousness, while the chimney drifts away with melancholy clouds; The Christmas tree illuminates the night, while the evergreen one represents happiness; Greeting cards are simple, with countless friendships. Wishing you peace every day!






64、雪花飄灑,牽動著我的情懷;鐘聲悠揚,傳送著我的問候;焰火繽紛,表達著我對你的祝愿。平安夜到了,愿你快樂幸福,直到永遠! Snowflakes, affecting my feelings; bell melodious, transmitting my greetings; fireworks, expressing my wishes to you. Christmas Eve is here. May you be happy forever!


66、一句問候,祝你平安,平安是幸福,平安是快樂,平安最可貴。祝福你出入平平安安,一生平平安安?! greeting, I wish you peace, peace is happiness, peace is happiness, peace is the most valuable. I wish you a peaceful life.

67、 陽光普照,園丁心坎春意濃、甘雨滋潤,桃李枝頭蓓蕾紅、敬愛的老師,您的教誨如春風,似潤雨,永銘我心、值此平安夜,我虔誠地祝福您安康,如意!

68、圣誕節(jié)到了,送你一座“幸?;▓@”,開心與快樂推開兩扇門,吉祥如意是幸福圍墻,園里載著圣誕樹,樹上結滿甜蜜果,樹下流著忘憂泉,愿你戴著溫暖圣誕帽,逍遙自在度過美麗的圣誕節(jié)。 Christmas is here, and I will give you a "happy garden". With two doors open for happiness and happiness, good luck is like a happy wall. The garden is filled with Christmas trees, which are filled with sweet fruits. Under the trees, there is a fountain of forgetfulness. May you wear a warm Christmas hat and spend the beautiful Christmas season freely.


70、圣誕的鐘聲悠揚,恬靜而溫馨;圣潔的雪花飛揚,浪漫而歡快。裁一段鐘聲,拈一片雪花,折成暖暖的祝福,用最真誠的心包裹,于這美妙時刻送給你?!he sound of Christmas bells is melodious, peaceful and warm; Holy snowflakes fly, romantic and joyful. Cut a bell, pick a snowflake, fold it into warm blessings, wrap it with the most sincere heart, and give it to you at this wonderful moment.


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親愛的!這個祥和的夜晚我將在夢中與你度過。。。。。。 平安夜祝福語。圣誕節(jié)雖然是一個宗教節(jié)日,但也是一個西方全民性的節(jié)日,圣誕祝福語在這一天必不可少。你想給誰送上圣誕節(jié)祝福呢?在這里編輯為大家整理了一份涵蓋多種寵物品種的信息,幸福不在于擁有而在于享受!...

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