



2024國慶節(jié)英語作文60 篇1

It was a Saturday and my dads company was organizing a trip.I can take care of my family, but my mother said she doesnt want to take care of my sister, so my father took me with him.

We first arrived at the water park and cactus park.At the water park, my father and I changed into swimsuits, and my father accompanied me to play in the small swimming pool for a while.My father suggested going to the large swimming pool and walked over a bridge, and there was indeed a large swimming pool.Before we arrived, we had prepared a large water gun, which was really useful at this time! An uncle raised his water gun and started fighting against me.My father and I worked together to shoot at him with my big water gun.In the end, we defeated the enemy and achieved victory!

Next, we went to play the Time and Space Tunnel.Unexpectedly, it was so exciting.When I entered the Time and Space Tunnel, I was very scared because it was my first time playing.In the middle, I saw the purple light and was startled.Unexpectedly, I was nervous and hit my head, causing me to cry in pain! Near the exit of the space-time tunnel, my father threw a Swim ring at me.

I also went to water tracks, water slides, and went to a hot spring, all of which were particularly fun; I also went to the Cactus Garden, where various types of cacti come in various shapes and sizes, square and upright, which I have never seen before.

This happy trip made me unforgettable!






2024國慶節(jié)英語作文60 篇2

During the summer vacation, I followed my mother to Shanghai to play.

Shanghai is so big! There is not a single mountain visible, and houses and cars are everywhere.The most interesting thing is the underwater world, which is amazing.It actually passes through the lake! There are all kinds of fish inside, including big turtles, sharks, great beluga whales, and many names I cant even name.There is a large python in the aquarium, motionless and wooden like.I also watched a sea lion performance.Despite its bulky physique, it has great abilities.It can spin, kick, and shoot.We applauded, and it clapped along with us.It looks so cute!

There are so many animals in the zoo, including lions, zebras, tigers...The most interesting thing is the monkey riding a bike.It looks like a mischievous child riding a small bike, with its red buttocks twisted and twisted, really funny.In addition, there are old horses, small dogs, and so on.

The fun and interesting trip to Shanghai passed quickly, and now Im still thinking about it!





2024國慶節(jié)英語作文60 篇3

Spring Festival is the most important festival in Chinas to celebrate the lunar calendars new year the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal many places people like to set off firecrackers lings are the most traditional food dren like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good.

2024國慶節(jié)英語作文60 篇4

Today, my family and I went on a trip, but I couldnt sleep well last night due to my excitement.

Lets go to Zijin Mountain first.On the way, my two brothers and I watched the mountain scenery in the car.The mountain scenery was very beautiful, surrounded by mountains, and it was very touching.The arrival of Mount Zijing happened to be a book, and I unexpectedly saw Wang Jingyao.Wang Jingyao stayed with a telescope and asked me to take a look.I saw many maple leaves turning red.When Wang Jingyao and I parted ways, we were a bit reluctant to part, but we still bid farewell.After bidding farewell, we will go to Daying Hot Springs.My brother and I couldnt wait to get on the swimsuit and got into the water.As soon as we got into the water, we heard "ah" that there was still a slide.After a while, we saw my third uncle swimming and wanted to learn.My third uncle patiently went to teach us, and we soon learned back.The slide was fun without waiting for the Lifebuoy, but we had to wear glasses, otherwise the water would get into the eyes.

After a while, I was about to go home.On the way, my grandfather saw the city wall and went up to take a look.My second uncle held me and two younger brothers on top of it.It turned out that there was still a small piece of land below.One of my younger brothers and I jumped onto the land and looked, then threw a fast stone.The stone fell and disappeared.

When I get home, Ill go to bed right away.Ive been playing all day today, and Ill do my homework tomorrow!






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74年波瀾壯闊,74載砥礪前行,74年的風雨歷程,成就無數;細品往日崢嶸歲月,感受今天幸福安康。祝愿中華民族開創(chuàng)新時代新輝煌,祝愿偉大祖國永遠強大昌盛!下面是小編幫大家整理的國慶節(jié)愛國主義演講稿800字(精選10篇),歡迎閱讀!2024國慶節(jié)演講稿作文 篇1各位老師、親愛的同學們:大家好! ...

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在日常生活或是工作學習中,大家都經常接觸到作文吧,作文根據寫作時限的不同可以分為限時作文和非限時作文。如何寫7篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小編為大家收集的春節(jié)的作文600字,歡迎閱讀與收藏。2024春節(jié)作文60詞 篇1春節(jié)快要到了,大家都開始忙活起來:貼春聯......我也來介紹一下我們...

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“Happy National Day, better and better!”許多人會在社區(qū)交流中分享他們的生活,分享各種句子最為常見,幾句話雖短,表達的意思可不短小,身邊的朋友也喜歡摘抄句子嗎?我們的幼兒教師教育網編輯特意搜集并整理了十一國慶節(jié)英語祝福語,僅供參考,希望能為你提供參考!...

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