



收銀員自我評(píng)價(jià)怎么寫(xiě) 篇1

















收銀員自我評(píng)價(jià)怎么寫(xiě) 篇2








收銀員自我評(píng)價(jià)怎么寫(xiě) 篇3







收銀員自我評(píng)價(jià)怎么寫(xiě) 篇4


Internship summary - after the harvest

1, the knowledge learned

First of all, I first entered the supermarket, the classroom teachers are explained by the theory of knowledge. I follow the supermarket cashier predecessors to learn, give her a fight. In the cash register this I also learned a lot of knowledge. The most important thing is bagging.Will be a good commodity for customers into the bag is a cash register work, I think it is easy at first, and later discovered that is not, and often because of this work done well, so customers disappointed. During this time I also figured out the control procedures for bagging operations: hard and heavy goods bottom bagging; square or rectangular goods into the two bags of the bag as a stand; bottled or canned goods put In the middle to prevent damage from external pressure; fragile goods or light bulbs placed in the bag above the goods. Bagging must be absolutely not to avoid a customer's goods into the same bag in the phenomenon; to remind customers to take away all the goods into the bag into the bag, to prevent their forgotten goods at the cashier situation. In the process of bagging, I also let a few mistakes. I remember one time the customer bought a few chewing gum, because the small size of the gum, I did not pay attention to installed in, and later reminded the older generation, did not make mistakes. If not really installed, then the customer back, do not blame our services did not do a good ah.Sometimes, I also deserted, the older generation did not sweep the finished goods into the bag, the older generation said I was too seriously. Fortunately, this error is also an occasional occurrence, or I laid off. Of course, sometimes I will encounter tough customers, you help him so loaded, he insisted so loaded. No way, the customer is God Well, so I had to laugh and say: sorry, I help you reinstall.

From the older generation, I also learned: do cash register to be careful, not deserted, distracted. Cashier in the provision of billing services not only fast, and must be accurate. Not low-priced goods to high-priced play, damage to the interests of customers; nor high-priced goods to low-cost play, damage the interests of enterprises. For the scanning of goods, should enter the commodity code, in the input should see the numbers, put an end to the error. Also learn a lot of other knowledge, such as customers using different bank cards should be how to operate, the recognition and security of RMB, the role of membership cards, return some of the relevant knowledge, Fan Quan during the operation should be encountered after the problem How to deal with and so on. In the absence of internships, I thought that the cashier's job was simple, that is, the customer selected items of the price settlement. In fact, although to provide customers with checkout service is the basic work of the cashier, but this is not the cash register of all, can not simply work with the cash register checkout work. Sometimes the cashier's every move, speech and behavior represent the image of the supermarket, so the quality of cashiers and customer service is very important. Supermarket as an operating entity, its operating characteristics determine the supermarket cash register work must be coordinated with the operation of the supermarket in order to achieve the supermarket profit maximization. For some in the price of tough customers, our cashier will still smile to them, a little to do the next explanation, so that they patiently waiting.

2, feelings and experiences

First, the service attitude, the relationship with the customer is essential.

As a service industry, the customer is a good attitude of God is a must, in order to obtain more profits must increase sales. This requires that we want customers to think, be anxious customers worry about, improve service quality language to be polite and civilized, hospitality to be warm and thoughtful, as far as possible to meet customer requirements, and customer relationship management. Second, innovation to inject new vitality.

Innovation is a relatively popular word, business needs the same innovation. According to different levels of consumers to provide different goods.

Third, the integrity is the fundamental success.

Honesty is undoubtedly the survival of the fundamental business, if there is no credibility, the closure is sooner or later, integrity, my understanding is people to be honest and sincere in order to get a good reputation.

Fourth, pay only gain.

In today's era, the competition mechanism has penetrated into all areas of society and the whole process of life, learning life and work without exception.Therefore, I think it is necessary for us to strengthen our sense of competition before choosing a job and getting a job. We must in the correct self-evaluation on the basis of full confidence in their own strength, the courage to compete to achieve the desired goal. In addition,

We must deepen our understanding of competitive wit from the perspective of social progress and deepening reform, strengthen our sense of competition, consciously face up to social reality, change our minds, and prepare ourselves to participate in competition. But in order to obtain employment and job advantage, only the courage to compete is not enough, but also must be good at competition. Good competition embodied in a good psychological quality, power and good condition.Every college student will be faced with an important mental preparation before he ends his college life, leaving his alma mater and embarking on a society. He is going to change his role, set aside romance and fantasy, know his true position and harsh social reality, and seek truth from facts. The face of such a reality of employment.

In short, the internship for me after entering the workplace is very useful. In addition, I also learned how to better communicate with others, how to better state their views on how to persuade others to agree with their point of view. I believe that these valuable experiences will be an important cornerstone of my future success.

收銀員自我評(píng)價(jià)怎么寫(xiě) 篇5







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