



1、Happy National Day to all those who call China home!

2、Happy National Day! May the beauty of our country inspire you always!

3、As we wave our flags and sing our national anthem, let us remember the ideals that bind us together as a nation.

4、Wishing our country and fellow citizens a happy National Day!

5、Let's uphold the values and principles of the Chinese culture on National Day!

6、Here's to a peaceful and prosperous future for our beloved country on this National Day.

7、Let us cherish and protect our nation's natural beauty on National Day and always!

8、Happy National Day to all who proudly represent our country on the world stage.

9、Let us all take pride in our country on this National Day!

10、Here's to the intellectual and spiritual legacies of China on National Day!

11、Happy 72nd birthday to our beloved country China!

12、Here's to the innovation and creativity of the modern Chinese people on National Day!

13、May we continue to work together for the betterment of our nation on National Day and beyond!

14、Happy National Day! May the future of our country shine bright!

15、Let's explore the wonders and mysteries of China's ancient and modern civilizations on National Day!

16、Proud to be a citizen of a great country like China on National Day and forever!

17、Happy National Day to all the Chinese chefs and food lovers around the world!

18、May the blessings of peace, love, and prosperity be with us on National Day!

19、Happy National Day! Let us all come together to celebrate our country's achievements!

20、Let's commemorate the struggles and victories of China on National Day!

21、Sending you warm wishes on this National Day!

22、Let's promote the beauty and diversity of the Chinese arts on National Day!

23、Happy National Day to all the Chinese people, young and old, rich and poor, far and near!

24、Best wishes to our country and all those who love it on National Day!

25、Here's to the spirit of the Chinese people that never fails on National Day!


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“Happy National Day, better and better!”許多人會在社區(qū)交流中分享他們的生活,分享各種句子最為常見,幾句話雖短,表達的意思可不短小,身邊的朋友也喜歡摘抄句子嗎?我們的幼兒教師教育網編輯特意搜集并整理了十一國慶節(jié)英語祝福語,僅供參考,希望能為你提供參考!...

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Let us all honor and celebrate the sacrifices made by our forefathers for our freedom.~~可能正在尋找類似的句子,也許以下內容“國慶節(jié)英語話祝福語”合你胃口!僅供你在工作和學習中參考。...

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