






3、Jiangnan is beautiful in spring, with gentle wind, fresh air and warm sun; The wheat seedlings in the field are like a sea, the dotted villages are unsinkable boats, the crisscross and winding rivers, the willows by the river spit out buds, and the reeds are green when they are drilled out; The calm water in the river wakes up from the simplicity of winter and is dressed up green by the colors of nature.

4、The spring sunshine is particularly bright. The spring girl opens her smiling face. The sun, a red beam of light, gently touches you, like a young mother's hand.


6、The buds on the branches of Cunninghamia lanceolata are already quite strong and tender. They shine brightly in the sky. Do you think spring will be far behind?




10、People like spring, because this beautiful spring gives people a new beginning, new harvest, new life and new hope.



13、The new grass on both sides of the river smiled, like whispering with a low headed dandelion. Beside the grassland, the branches of poplar and locust trees in rows and rows bloom tender green leaves, stretch their delicate bodies and grow happily in the face of the warm spring breeze. The soft, linear branches of willows in the distance sway gently in the air under the wind of spring, and look like clouds of smoke floating with the wind from a distance.

14、Look! After a while, the rain gradually stopped, and the warm sun poked his head out of the clouds to see what happened. The light was like soft silk all over the earth.





19、I am looking for spring with curiosity. On the field, the wheat seedlings turn green, as if they were green waves. The golden cauliflower glittered in the green waves.

20、I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom. Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring.

21、For those who are infatuated with spring, this spring may be cruel. There is no time to enjoy the first bloom of grass and the melting of ice and snow in March. Pear blossoms with rain, cherry blossoms flying in the spring, April will pass us by again. Like the flowing water from the fingertips to the East, I feel sorry for those who don't love spring.


23、When spring comes with her unique new green like the sea, it can really make people intoxicated; When spring comes with her unique warmth and tide, it can also break people's soul. Spring is definitely a canvas impregnated with the color of life.


25、春在田疇,松軟的泥土散發(fā)著清新濕潤(rùn)的氣息,冬憩(qì)后醒來的麥苗兒精神煥發(fā),展現(xiàn)出一派蓬勃盎然的生機(jī);渠水歡唱,如母親的乳汗,與土地和麥苗的血液水乳交融。春在河畔,碧波清蕩,魚蝦暢游,蛙鼓抑揚(yáng)弄喉嗓,柳絲婆娑舞倩影,陽光水波交相輝映,灑落捧捧金和銀。春在天空,燕語呢喃,蝴蝶翩 (piān)躚(xiān),風(fēng)箏高飛,濃濃春意彌漫潔白的云朵間,甜脆笑聲穿梭浩渺九天。

26、The budding buds bloom into a sweet smile one by one, like a dream, like a rosy cloud, and more like a spring poem flowing inadvertently by a pair of invisible hands.


28、Spring is coming, and the naughty grass has drilled out of the soil, with early morning dew on their green faces. No matter on the hill or beside the wide street, you will see the shadow of grass. If you are on the hill, you will see the grass appear in front of you like a green blanket. You must not have the heart to step on it. The wild fire can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows again. How tenacious the vitality of grass is!


30、People praise spring and eulogize it heartily. Indeed, when the earth warms up and thousands of branches bloom green, all things that have just experienced severe winter are full of the warmth of the spring wind, showing a vibrant scene. Don't mention the birds on the green branches, and don't look at the thawing trickle. Just look at the buds on the branches. Who doesn't have a colorful new year echoing in their hearts!

31、In the bleak and monotonous winter, I always look forward to spring. I hope her grass grows and the warbler flies, the silk sash blows the embankment, her thousands of trees and flowers, blue waves and ripples, and her orchid hyacinth grass moistens things like crisp; I hope her spring is full of flowers, red as rain.

32、Look! The red kapok blossoms were in full bloom on the branches. In particular, its flowers and bones are red and very full, as if they appear all at once! Countless beautiful kapok flowers, dotted with plain tree trunks, look so elegant!




36、Sister Chun has quietly come to me. When the sun came out, the grass on the roadside looked more vibrant. They are no longer dry earthy yellow, but gradually become a faint green. The road is no longer cold, but gradually becomes warm.

37、On the field, the wheat seedlings turn green, as if they were green waves. The golden cauliflower glittered in the green waves.

38、I don't know when the spring rain fell. It was gentle and inaudible. It was like a kind of wet smoke, gently moistening the earth.

39、The little swallows dragged their scissor like tails back to their hometown in the north. They chirped as if saying, "spring is coming, spring is coming!"


41、The children took off their heavy winter clothes and put on light and bright spring clothes; The birds flew out from home, singing beautiful songs and telling us: spring is coming!

42、In the second and third months of spring, it is blowing gently, like a drizzle of hair, falling from the sky without cause. Thousands of soft willows stretch their yellow and green eyes, red, white, yellow flowers, green grass and green leaves.


44、The wheat seedlings in the field are like a sea. The dotted villages are unsinkable boats, crisscross meandering rivers, willow branches by the river spit out buds, and the reeds are green when they are drilled out.


46、Spring is coming. How beautiful! The ice melts, the flowers bloom, the birds are singing and the spring breeze is blowing. Ah! Beautiful! I love you, beautiful spring! Spring with flowers in full bloom!


48、The east wind is coming, showing the eagerness and joy of looking forward to the coming of spring.






54、On a spring night, the lake is like the Milky way. The breeze blows, and there are a trace of waves, with a little moonlight and intertwined with starlight, as if writing a song of Phoenix courtship on the lake.

55、Spring has a pleasant climate, fresh air and clear sky. The sun has risen and warmed up. Its golden light happily kisses all things and our cheeks, so gentle and kind, just like a mother caressing her children!

56、The buds on the branches of Cunninghamia lanceolata are already quite strong, tender and shining in the sky. Do you think spring will be far behind?



59、In the second and third months of spring, it is blowing gently, like a drizzle, which is scattered from the sky for no reason. Thousands of soft willows stretch their yellow and green eyes, red and white, yellow flowers, green grass and green leaves.

60、When the winter comes, the girls laugh and linger around the spring.





65、Every spring, kapok is as red as fire, peony is as pink as Xia, and rose is as white as jade. Some of them have full buds, some are in bud, and some are in full bloom.

66、The spring wind is gentle, like a mother's hands touching a child's face.

67、As soon as Grandpa Dong left, Miss Chun quietly came to the world with a hundred flower basket, accompanied by the spring breeze and spring rain. Suddenly, everything on the earth revived, with black language and flower fragrance, showing a school of vitality.




71、Grandpa winter sent away the cold of the earth, and the spring girl came to the world with light steps. The scenery in spring is very beautiful, just like a lifelike painting.

72、Looking at the broken limbs, broken arms and dejected grass, who will be in a good mood? However, you might as well cut off the withered and yellow winter clothes, and you will have a more novel discovery, hey! It's green inside! The withered and yellow grass is also pregnant with a more beautiful spring.



75、The lovely spring girl came to the world with light steps, and the scene of vitality came in all directions. The whole world seemed to have just awakened from a long sleep.

76、Stepping on her soft soil, I know that the hotbed of life can be so flat. As long as the old man of the season comes, all the sleeping seeds can be bred here and give life a changing attitude.

77、Spring is also a gallery showing the magic of life.

78、Whether it is out of the ground or in bud; Whether it is stretching or flowing slowly; Whether quietly or whispering, as long as the seasonal old people open the curtain of spring, they will use their own unique way to show the magical vitality of nature here.

79、I love spring. I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the new green of trees and hear the singing of Xiaowu. I love spring, because spring is full of vitality and new hope!




83、The face is not cold, the willow wind is good, like a mother's hand touching you. The wind brings the smell of newly turned soil, mixed with the smell of grass and the fragrance of various flowers, which are brewing in the slightly moist air.

84、Spring is not only a season full of vitality, but also a beautiful, magical and hopeful season.

85、The snake is no longer hibernating in the cave, the dog is no longer lazy, the ice in the river has melted, the stream is trickling, the trees are no longer withered, but green leaves and new branches, and the world is full of warmth because of you.


87、On the field, the wheat seedlings turn green, boundless, like green waves. There are golden cauliflower shining in the green waves.

88、The weather is getting warmer and warmer.

89、A group of birds chirped over our heads. A big honey peak was falling on a golden winter jasmine, and beautiful butterflies were flying in the flowers. When spring comes, they are busy and live up to this great opportunity.

90、Spring is coming! You see, the colorful flowers have awakened the lovely grass, trees, birds, animals, insects and fish from the cold winter, restoring the vitality of the earth. The wild flowers twinkled like little stars.










100、The little bee dances beautifully on the petals and sends the sweetest nectar to the spring girl.


102、 小草偷偷地從土地里鉆出來,嫩嫩的,綠綠的。風(fēng)輕悄悄的,草軟綿綿的。 桃樹、杏樹、梨樹,紅的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪。(桃、杏、梨對(duì)應(yīng)的顏

103、Spring is definitely a canvas impregnated with the color of life.

104、With the arrival of spring, the earth is dressed in green again, taking on a new look from the outside to the inside. The mountains in the distance rose and fell and became green. On the nearby hillside, the grass also quietly drilled out of the ground. They are tender in the morning. Their green and fat leaflets are like a fat baby just waking up. This one, that one rustle, dotted the steep hillside with new green.




108、Looking forward to, looking forward to, (showing eagerness and joy), the east wind is coming, and the pace of spring is approaching.

109、The grass sneaks out of the soil, tender and green. In the garden, in the field, look, a large area is full of. Sit, lie down, roll twice, kick a few balls, run a few times, and play hide and seek. The wind is light and quiet, and the grass is soft.

110、Liu Shushu unfolded the branches of yellow and green leaves and gently brushed them in the slight spring wind, just like groups of fairies in green dancing. The peach tree sandwiched between the willows also has bright flowers, green willows and red flowers. It's really beautiful!



113、各式各樣的野花也睡醒了,只見他們伸伸腰,抬抬頭,爭(zhēng)先恐后地縱情怒放,紅色的黃色的藍(lán)色的白色的紫色的……真是百花爭(zhēng)艷,五彩繽紛。這些花雖然不名貴,但他們用自己的點(diǎn)點(diǎn)姿色點(diǎn)綴著這青春的草地,把自己的一切無私地奉獻(xiàn)給大地。成群結(jié)隊(duì)的蜜蜂,呼扇著黃色的翅膀,嗡嗡地忙著采蜜; 那五顏六色的彩蝶,也成雙成對(duì)地翩翩起舞。




117、Gently touch the little dream in your heart and forget the promise of "turning into spring mud to protect flowers"; Throw away the sadness of "lonely Wutong, deep courtyard lock and Autumn". Take off the rebellious Chinese clothes of "making boats in the Ming Dynasty".



120、In spring, animals also wake up from their deep sleep. The grass began to sprout, and the earth was full of prosperity. At a glance, there is a green scene everywhere, just like a watercolor painting.

121、All selfless dedication to the earth. Swarms of bees, flapping their yellow wings, are busy gathering honey; There are colorful butterflies dancing in pairs.









130、Spring rain patters, patters, grass, get out! Get out! The spring breeze smiled and smiled. The bird said, "I want to sing for you! I want to dance for you!"


132、The birds are happily singing beautiful songs, flying up and down on the budding willows, showing their talents with moving dances and dancing in the spring.


134、The willows spread out their branches of yellow and green leaves, gently blowing in the slight spring wind, like groups of fairies in green dancing. The peach tree sandwiched between the willows also has bright flowers, green willows and red flowers. It's really beautiful!



137、People get ready for a new year.

138、Spring came, with its unique sound, light to slowly come then.


140、The grass sneaks out of the land, tender and green. The wind is light and quiet, and the grass is soft. Peach, apricot and pear trees are red like fire, pink like Xia and white like snow. Peaches, apricots and pears are red, pink and white, and the flowers are sweet. Wild flowers are scattered in the grass like eyes and stars, blinking and blinking.



143、Grandpa dongse sent away the severe cold of the earth, and the spring girl came to the world with light steps. The scenery in spring is very beautiful, just like a lifelike painting.

144、Spring is coming, and the small trees are sprouting. After winter's breeding, the leaves finally sprout. Willows also grow tender buds, which are green and full of branches. When the wind blows, it seems as if a graceful girl is dancing.

145、Spring girl is like a gentle mother. She accompanied the little willow to chat together, and gave the little willow enough sunshine, air and water to dress it up. The willow became more graceful, which made other little trees look at it differently.

146、When spring comes to the boundless wheat field, the green wheat seedlings and the trumpet blown by the spring wind die, the wheat field swings green waves layer after layer, making a rustling sound, as if singing happily for the arrival of spring!

147、As soon as Grandpa Dong left, Miss Chun quietly came to the world with a hundred flower basket, accompanied by the spring breeze and spring rain. Suddenly, all things on the earth revived, with black language and flower fragrance, showing a school of vitality.

148、Who sings the black elegy when the spring fades slightly, who watches the white village when night falls, my mercury, my fireworks, and my black hillside full of iris. These gentle scars that will never heal will die quietly only under the infection of the spring color of green trees, forests and flowers. This is the first time I feel the vitality hidden under my lonely clothes.

149、Flowers are booming, and birds are singing.

150、Spring in the mountains, but also leaked late. Where the peach blossoms are still in bloom; Wandering thin clouds fly from one peak to another, sometimes stopping for a while, in order to block the sun and teach the flowers and plants on the ground to avoid the threat of light and flame under its shade.

151、The sky is clear and sunny. Spring girl's eyes are narrowed by the sun. The fresh green leaves and the mist and smoke of the field are like her clothes. With the pace of her spring, the green grass broke through the earth and almost stood up on her feet.



154、Trees burgeon.




158、Now spring is here. Spring is the most beautiful season of the year. Through the ages, people have almost exhausted all beautiful words and poems to describe and praise spring. Spring brings life and hope.


160、Spring is not as enthusiastic and unrestrained as summer, nor as fruitful as autumn, which gives people the joy of harvest, let alone crystal clear in winter, but spring is gentle and intoxicating. I love you, spring!


162、The gentle drizzle is not like the thunder of the Northwest Rain, which is frightening, nor is it like the rain in winter, which is wet and boring. The continuous rain is like a mother's hand touching the earth and all life, protecting and encouraging us with her greatest and strongest love. That long instruction flows into our hearts and nourishes our hearts forever. Looking at the rain, I can't help recalling the kind and gracious teachings of my family.

163、Spring makes people happy; Spring makes people happy; Spring gives people an unspeakable pleasant feeling. Let's spend this free spring that belongs to us.

164、New green, light green, fresh green, emerald green, full of green, gentle in our sight. Our eyes are a little bit red and purple.

165、The spring breeze gently blew the earth, and the grass came out of the ground. Their whole body was light green, which looked like a green carpet from a distance. As soon as the spring breeze blows, they swing left and right, as if nodding to the spring breeze. It's very interesting.


167、The natural world is so beautiful at the moment: shining sunshine everywhere, showing off the colors of five colors everywhere, flying sweet birds and insects everywhere, and floating intoxicating aroma everywhere. This is the green world A sea of flowers.

168、So he began to roam in spring.(工作計(jì)劃之家 WwW.fZ76.COM)

169、The soil of the forest is mixed with a fresh smell. The grass leaves slowly probe into the roots, bushes and your feet, quietly spreading the unknown light green. Like a faint gouache.

170、Spring is coming! You see, the melting ice water wakes up the stream. "Ding Dong. Ding Dong" is like the magic singer of nature, singing crisp and pleasant songs and running forward.


172、A winter rose has curled up under the corner of the wall. It has long climbed up the wall by the spring wind and welcomed the blessing of spring with its most delicate new buds.



175、The grass stuck its head out on the ground and smiled; The willow extended its thousands of little hands to greet us; Birds celebrate the arrival of spring with their crisp voice. Let spring be a starting point for our new life.


177、With the arrival of spring, the earth is completely afforested, taking on a new look from the instrument to the soul, and the whole spring is covered with green.



180、I am most afraid of lingering spring rain and misty rain. A drop of spring rain, a drop of tears, a piece of Acacia, a wisp of sorrow. Can't bear to look back, but look back. If you want to forget, you can't forget. A heart wanders with the wind and rain, but you see people haggard.



183、Every spring, kapok is as red as fire, peony is as pink as rosy, and rose is as white as jade. Some of them are full of buds, some are in bud, and some are in full bloom. Bursts of refreshing fragrance of flowers attracted many small bees, humming and singing and dancing.


185、All kinds of wild flowers also woke up. They stretched out their waist, raised their heads and competed with each other in full bloom. Red, yellow, blue, white and purple are really colorful.



188、Even if you miss the beautiful Narcissus blooming in the water, don't forget that there is spring in the lonely corner of the valley

189、Spring rain, like the thread spun by spring girl, gently falls to the ground, rustling, rustling.


191、Spring is coming! You see, the melting ice water wakes up the stream. Ding Dong, Ding Dong, it is like the magic singer of nature, singing crisp and pleasant songs and running forward.



194、In spring, the drizzle is like silk. Orange trees suck the dew of spring. They stretch emerald branches, and long and narrow leaves laugh in the breeze.

195、The jointing wheat seedlings, like green carpets, are thick on the fields.

196、Where is spring? Find spring in nature! Spring is on the branches, willows are green and peach flowers are bright. Spring is in the air, warm with the wind, and swallows fly.

197、We don't fall behind, take off our heavy coats, sprint like strength, rush to the embrace of nature, hug it tightly, and try our best to feel its beauty and incomparable comfort.



200、In spring, the fragrance is generously scattered, and nature is colorful - green grass is like green waves, peach blossoms are like red faces, sunflowers are golden, and magnolias are white and flawless. Throngs of thrushes squatted on the branches like a greeting group. Peach and pear trees seem to be intoxicated by their own fragrance, and mango flowers bloom like stars in the sky.


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