





Tasks which should be achieved in this unit:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of water and the ocean.

b. Learn how to make suggestions and how to express opinions.

The water is being used to /for….

We should/ could….

If we …, we can ….

It would be better to …

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

benefit, disadvantage, range, available, pure, mass, float, absorb, stable, bottom;

d. Useful expressions:

benefit from, range from … to…., all the way, be made up of, that is, freezing point, break down, mix with, be measured in…, take advantage of…, keep … steady, manage to do.

e. Grammar:

Review Modal Verbs.

情態(tài)動詞can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can’t 等的用法。

Jin can speak English well. (ability)

Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park? (request)

May we see the awards for the teams? (permission; request)

She might give you some new clothing. (possibility)

The Spring Festival is the most fun. The whole family will come for dinner. (promise; agreement)

Often he would dress up like a rich man. (past habit; custom)

The harvest festival begins on Saturday. We shall be there with our friends. (promise; agreement)

You should arrive at the airport two hours before he goes. (advice)

Wang Feng wins an award every year. He must be very strong (speculation)

You must be joking. That can’t be true. (guessing)

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the new words and the useful expressions of this part.

Words: cube, sailor, disadvantages, entertainment

Phrases: come up with, happen to

Useful expressions: The water is being used to/for…

We should/could…

If we…we can…

It would be better…

2. Learn something about water by doing experiment.

3. Do some listening.

4. Improve the students’ speaking ability by talking.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Make the students be free to talk about water.

2. Improve the students’ listening ability by listening.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to finish the task of speaking.

2. How to improve the students’ listening ability.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

3. an empty glass, a bottle of water and a bottle of vegetable oil

Teaching Procedures:

T: Attention, please. As we all know, every year during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in our country, people like to see the lion dance and guess the riddles. Do you like to guess the riddle, then?

T: OK. Now I have a riddle. Please guess it.

(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the riddle on the screen.)

It’s very important to all the animals and plants.

It’s also important to human beings.

It’s liquid at room temperature.

Every day you keep in touch with it.

You can’t live without it.

Ss: It’s very easy. It’s water.

T: Yeah, today we will talk about water. Now please tell me what you know about water.

S1: Water is used to drink.

S2: Water can be used to water the flowers.

S3: I think water can be used to make electricity.

T: Thank you for your ideas. Next we will make some interesting experiments. Maybe you can learn more about water from the following experiments. S4, would you like to come here to help me?

T: Now, look at Li Lei and me. We will begin. You should watch the experiment carefully and try to tell me what happens and why.

(Teacher puts a bottle of water, a bottle of vegetable oil and an empty glass on the desk.)

T: S4, pour some water and some vegetable oil into the empty glass. Other students, please watch carefully.

Ss: Fantastic! The liquid in the glass has become two parts.

T: Try to describe it in detail.

S5: Let me try. The part above is vegetable oil and the part below is water. But I don’t know why.

T: Good question. Who’d like to answer his question? (Nobody answers his question.)

T: Perhaps it is a little difficult to answer it immediately. Now you can have a discussion about the reason for it, using what you have learnt in physics.

(Teacher lets students discuss in groups of four. A few minutes later, teacher checks their answers.)

T: Who wants to explain the phenomenon?

S6: I think water is heavier than oil, so vegetable oil is on the top of the water.

T: Who has different ideas?

S7: I think we should say that the density of water is higher than the density of vegetable oil, so the result formed.

S8: What’s the meaning of “density”?

S9:“Density” is “密度” in Chinese.

T: Do you agree with the reason for it?

Ss: Yes. We agree with the idea.

T: As we know, if we pour milk and water into one glass, we can’t tell where water is and where milk is. But just now we poured oil and water into one glass, it is so different now. Do you know why?

Ss: Because oil can’t dissolve in water, but milk can.

T: Very good. Let’s make a summary about the experiment. If we pour vegetable oil and water into one glass, the liquid will become two parts because oil can’t dissolve in water. Since the density of water is higher than vegetable oil, vegetable oil will be on top of the water. Is that clear?

T: Would you like to watch another experiment?

T: OK. I’ll perform the next experiment by myself. Look at me. I have a glass of water. Now I’ll cover it with a piece of thick paper. Attention, please.

(Teacher puts one hand on the paper and turns the glass upside down. Then teacher slowly takes his/her hand away from the paper.)

Ss: The piece of paper doesn’t fall and the water in the glass doesn’t flow.

T: Yes. You are right. Now you are given a few minutes to have a discussion about the reason for it.

(Teacher gives students a few minutes to discuss, and then checks their answers.)

T: Who can tell us the reason why the piece of paper doesn’t fall and the water doesn’t flow?

S10: I want to have a try. When the glass of water covered with a piece of paper is turned upside down, the pressure from air to the piece of paper is bigger than the pressure from the water in the glass to the piece of paper. So the paper won’t fall and the water won’t flow.

T: Excellent! Thank you for your explanation. I am very glad to see that you are all interested in making experiments. After class, you can carry out another two experiments on Page 17.When you perform them, try to describe what happens and why. OK?

T: Now, let’s look at a picture.

(Teacher shows a picture on the screen.)

Ss: There is a river in the picture, but it’s very dirty.

S11: There are some plastic bags and empty tins on the surface of the river.

T: Yes. We all know water is important to human beings and all the animals and plants. Unfortunately water is being polluted now. What do you think we can do to protect the water on our planet?

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare. When they prepare, teacher goes among the students to help them to express their ideas correctly.)

Sample answer:

To protect the water on our planet, I think we should save every drop of water and stop throwing rubbish into water. Besides, we should try our best to help the people around us realize the importance of using and protecting our water.

T: Next, let’s do some listening. Turn to Page 18 and look at the Listening part. You can listen to the famous poems about life on the ocean. Listen carefully and write down some key words when you listen. Before you listen, let’s learn two phrases first. Look at the blackboard.

e.g. What happened to you last week?

If anything happens to the machine, please tell me.

e.g. I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

(Teacher writes them on the blackboard and begins to explain them.)

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time. Then play it for the second time. During this time, teacher may pause for students to write down the information. Play some parts of the tape one more time if necessary. Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

T: In our daily life, water can be used in different ways. Now we’ll talk about the ways in which water can be used. Look at the pictures on Page 18.The six pictures mean six different ways to use water. You can choose one of the pictures to discuss the importance of using and protecting our water, and then try to use some sentences to describe the picture you choose. If you like, you can make a dialogue with your partner about the picture. When you discuss, you may use the questions on the screen to help you.

1. How is the water being used?

2. Is this a good way to use water?

3. Why do we use water in this way?

4. Who benefits from using water in this way?

5. What are some disadvantages of using water in this way?

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen by multimedia and gives students enough time to discuss and prepare.)

Suggested answers:

(Picture 1)We can use water to make electricity, which can give us light and make us feel warm. I think it is a good way to use water.

(Picture 3) Water has a lot of usages and home use is the commonest one. Every day we must drink enough water. In addition, we need a lot of water, just for cooking and keeping clean. Water can help us to keep healthy. But if the waste water from home use is poured into river and soil, it will be harmful for some animals and plants. So we must pay more attention to it.

(Picture 4) In Picture 4, water is being used in industry. Water is very important to industry. It can be used to make paper, cool machine and so on. But the disadvantage is that a lot of water mixed with some poisonous things being poured into the river and the sea. It is dangerous for the living things in the water.

A: Do you know how the water is being used in Picture 6?

B: Water is being used for entertainment.

A: Is it a good way to use water?

B: Yes, because it can help people keep fit and enjoy nature. But if people throw rubbish into the water, it will be bad for us.

A: Yes. It is the disadvantage of using water in this way. We must be careful.

T: Today, we’re mainly learned something about water by doing experiments, speaking and listening. Besides, we’ve learnt some new words and phrases, such as: happen to, come up with, density,…

After class, try to remember them and preview the next part-Reading part. That’s all for today. Goodbye, everyone.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

e.g. What happened to you last week?

If anything happens to the machine, please tell me.

e.g. I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:

cube,property,range,medium,relatively,dissolve,pure,relationship,mass,float,absorb,bottom,all the way, that is, add…to, mix with, take advantage of, manage to do

2. Improve the students’ reading ability.

3. Enable the students to realize that it is important to protect the water on our planet.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Improve the students’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases:

all the way, that is, mix with, take advantage of, manage to do

Teaching Difficult Point:

How do we make the students understand the reading passage better.

Teaching Methods:

1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will learn.

2. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

3. Discussion after reading to make students understand what they’ve learned better.

4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text.

Teaching Aids:

Teaching Procedures:

(Greet the whole class as usual.)

T: Yesterday we learnt something about water. Now who can tell me what you learned yesterday?

S1: I learned that water is very important to all the living things on the earth.

T: OK, can you give me the reason why it is important?

S2: Water can be used to wash clothing, to made electricity, to water the farm and so on. Of course, every day we must drink enough water. So water is very important.

S3:I know something about water. For example, from the experiments we made yesterday, I know vegetable oil can’t be dissolved by water.

T: OK. Thank you for your answers to my questions. As we all know, we can’t live without water. But do you know what makes water so important to all the living things?

T: Maybe we can get the answer to the question after reading the article for today. Before you read, first let’s learn the new words and phrases in the passage.

(Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.)

T: Now please read the passage quickly to get the general idea and try to use the following structures to make six questions.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the structures on the screen.)

1. What is/are ______?

2. What does ______ look like?

3. What are different parts of ______?

4. What can ______ be compared to?

5. How does ______ work?

6. What are some examples of ______?

(Teacher gives students five minutes to finish the fast reading and making questions. Five minutes later, teacher asks some students to write their questions on the blackboard.)

1. What are the properties of water?

2. What does the earth look like?

3. What are different parts of the ocean?

4. What can the ocean be compared to?

5.How does the special air-conditioner-the ocean work?

6. What are some examples of species in the ocean?

T: Well done. Who can tell me the general idea of the text?

S4: The passage mainly tells us it is water that makes the ocean so important to all the living things in the world.

T: Good work. Next, let’s read the passage carefully to get more information about water. While you are reading, try to finish the chart in Post-reading on Page 21 and find out the answers to the questions on the blackboard.

(Teacher gives students enough time to read the text and collects their information for the chart.)

Suggested answers:

Property What is it? What is it good for?

Chemical structure Every water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It is good for the living things in the ocean to absorb the nutrients easily.

Density The density of pure water is 1 000 kg/m3, meaning that one cubic metre of water weighs one thousand kilogram. It is good for marine organisms to take advantage of the density of water.

Heat capacity Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance one degree centigrade. It is good for the earth to keep the temperature steady.

T: Very good. What about the questions on the blackboard?

S5: I think I can answer the first one. The answer is that the properties of water are chemical structure, salinity density, heat capacity and ocean motion.

S6: In my opinion, the answer to the fourth question is that the ocean can be compared to a great place to live in.

T: Do you agree with them?

T: What about other questions?

S7: I think plankton, sharks and whales are examples of species in the ocean.

S8: The answer to the second one is that the earth looks like an ocean planet.

T: You are quite right. Any volunteers?

S9: Dear teacher. Can you tell us the meaning of the special air-conditioner-the ocean?

T: Maybe it means that there are some similarities between air-conditioner and the ocean.

S9: Thank you. I got it.

T: Then, who can answer the question?

S10: Because the ocean can keep the temperature of the earth steady, some students compare the ocean to a special air-conditioning. I think the ocean keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and releasing heat.

T: Well done. There is only one question left. Who wants to try?(Nobody answers the question.)

T: Do you think it is a question that the text can’t answer?

T: OK. Maybe you are right. But I want to know the reason why you think the passage can’t answer the third question.

Ss: Because there is not any information about the different parts of the ocean.

T: Then, are there any questions you would need to add to “cover” all the information in the text?

S11: I have a question. Why is the water in the ocean always moving?

S12: Since changes in salinity and temperature affect water’s density, the water in the ocean is always moving.

Step Ⅲ Further Understanding and Language Study

T: Well done. I think you are very familiar with the passage. In the passage there are some words and expressions we should master. Now let’s look at the screen. I will give you some explanations about the words and expressions.

1. incredibly adv. (extremely or unusually)

e.g. The water is incredibly hot.

2. available adj.(that can be used or obtained)

e.g. Tickets are available at the box office.

The book is available to all the students.

3. range vi.

e.g. Their ages range from 25 to 50.

His interests ranged from chess to canoeing.

4.But the way the water molecule…

e.g. I don’t like the way (in which/that) he looks at me.

They admired the way (in which/that) she dealt with the crisis.

5. that is (to say) (which means)

e.g. A week later, that is, May 1 is her birthday.

He is a local government administrator, that is, he is a Civil Servant.

6. take advantage of (make use of something well/make use of somebody unfairly)

e.g. They took full advantage of the hotel’s facilities.

She took advantage of my generosity.

7. be sensitive to something (affected easily by something)

e.g. She is very sensitive to other’s words.

(Teacher writes the words, phrases and sentences on the blackboard.)

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T: Let’s listen to the tape. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it. When I play it for the second time, please listen and repeat. Then read the text aloud. Are you clear about that?

(Te teacher plays the tape for the students to listen. After listening ,the teacher goes among the students and corrects any mistake the students make in pronunciation, stress and intonation.)

T: Today, we have read a passage about water. As we know, it is very important to all the living things. So we should do all we can to protect water from being polluted. In addition, try your best to retell the passage in your own words. Is that clear?

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard


1. What are the properties of water?

2. What does the earth look like?

3. What are different parts of the ocean?

4. What can the ocean be compared to?

5.How does the special air-conditioner-the ocean work?

6. What are some examples of species in the ocean?

Phrases: range from A to B, that is, take advantage of, be sensitive to

Sentences: But the way the water molecule…

Teaching Aims:

1. Review Modal Verbs.

2. Do some exercises to review some important words learnt in the last period.

Teaching Important Point:

Review Modal Verbs.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How do we help the students correctly use the Modal Verbs.

Teaching Methods:

1. Review method to help the students remember all the Modal Verbs they have learnt before and use them correctly.

2. Individual work or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

Teaching Procedures:

(Greet the whole class as usual.)

T: Yesterday we learned a passage about water and now who can retell the passage in your own words?

T: Well done. Thank you for your performance.

T: Now please turn to Page 21.Look at the first part of Word Study. There are some words learnt in the last period, but the letters of these words are in the wrong order. Now I will give you a few minutes to put the letters in the correct order.

(A few minutes later, teacher may ask some students to spell their answers and give the Chinese meaning of each word to all the students. Finally teacher writes the correct words on the blackboard.)

T: Good work. Next look at the screen and try to complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the proper words. The first letter has been given and some words can be used more than once. If you need, you can have a discussion with your partner.

(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the following sentences on the screen.)

1. The water molecule is made up of two h_____ atoms and one o_____.

2.Water is a l_____ at room temperature, but it turns into a s_____ when the temperature drops below 0℃ and into a g_____ when heated above 100℃.

3. An a_____ is the smallest part of any living or nonliving thing.

4. Places by the sea often have a s_____ climate that is never too hot or too cold, because water can a_____ and release a lot of heat.

5. Soil can a______ water, so it helps keep water from flowing away.

6. Marine scientists study the r_____ between living creatures and their habitat in the ocean.

7. Salt water has a lower f______ point and is heavier than fresh water.

8. Oil has a density lower than 1000 kg/m3, so it will f______ on water.

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare and then check their answers.)

Suggested answers:

1. hydrogen, oxygen 2.liquid,solid,gas

T: Up to now we have learnt many modal verbs. Who can tell me what they are?

(Teacher asks some students to write their answers on the blackboard.)

Modal Verbs:

can/ could, may/might, will/would, be able to, must, should, have to, need, shall, ought to, had better.

T: Very good. Then do you know how to use them?

S2:I know “should” can be used to give others some advice.

S3:I know when I want to borrow a book from my friend, I can use “may”.

T: Your answers are very good. There is a conclusion about modal verbs on the screen. Let’s look at it.

(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the conclusion on the screen.)

Modal Verbs:

Possibility: can/could, may/might

Requests: can/could, will/would, would like

Necessity: must, have to, have got to, need

Permission: can/could, may/might

Suggestions: could may/might, shall

Advice: should, ought to, had better

T: From the chart we can see modal verbs can be classified into eight groups by their usages. Are you clear about the classification?

T: OK. Now look at the first part in Grammar. Finish the exercises. If you need, you can discuss with your partner. In addition you’d better make it clear why you choose A、B、C, or D. Are you clear about the requirements?

(Teacher gives students enough time to finish the exercises. Then deals with them with the whole class.)

T: OK. Who’d like to tell me the answer to the first one?

S4:I think “A” is right.

T: Can you tell us the reason why you choose “A”?

S4: Because the speaker wants to express his/her request. Among A、B、C and D, only A can be used to express request.

T: Very good. What about the second one?

S5:“May” is right, I think, because the sentence is used to ask for permission.

T: Congratulations! Who can answer the third one?

S6:The phrase “wants to” express a state of being necessity. So I think “C” is right.

T: Well done. It’s turn to do the fourth one. Who can try?

S7: I’m not sure, but I want to have a try. Is “C” right?

T: Why did you choose “C”?

S8: I think the first sentence expresses some necessity and the second one expresses guess.

S9: I don’t think so. Because “must” can’t be used in negative sentences to express guess.

S8: Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot it. I see, the correct answer is “D”.

(Teacher encourages students to show their opinions about each one, and then teacher gives the correct answers and some necessary explanations.)

Suggested answers:

1. A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A

T: You have finished the first part successfully. Now let’s go on with the second part. Do you have confidence to finish it?

Ss: Yes. Of course we have.

T: OK. This is a letter from Mary to John. Maybe John met some problems, so Mary wants to write a letter to help him. But Mary doesn’t know how to use the modal verbs correctly. She wants you to help her finish the letter. Before you finish the letter, read it to get the general idea of it first and then answer the questions on the screen.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the questions on the screen.)

1. Can you tell from the letter what John’s problem is?

2. Do you agree on the advice that Mary gives to him? Why? What would be your advice?

(Teacher gives students a few minutes to read the letter, and then checks their answers to the questions.)

T: Who’d like to answer the first question?

S10: I want to have a try. In my opinion, John’s problem is that his manager suspected him of stealing something at the meat factory.

T: Well done. Do you agree with him?

T: What about the second one?

S11:I’d like to answer the question. I don’t agree to the advice that Mary gives to him. Because if he finds another job, maybe it means that he really stole something at the meat factory. I think he should tell the manager that he didn’t do it and advise the manager to call in the police to make it clear.

S12: In my opinion, he’d better try to find out who is the real thief to prove that he didn’t do anything wrong.

T: I think your suggestions are all very helpful to John and I hope he can find a good way to deal with the problem. Now you are clear about John’s problem. It’s your turn to help Mary finish the letter. Maybe there are more than one answer for some blanks. If you have some difficulties, you can discuss with your partner. Five minutes later, I will check your answers.

Suggested answers:

not/might not,must,could/should,might/would,will,might/may/could/would,might,would/could/might,should,will

T: Today, we’ve reviewed some new words learnt in this unit. In particular, we have reviewed the usages of modal verbs. After class, do more exercises to master them better. Time is up. That’s all for today. See you tomorrow.

Step Ⅴ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard


atom, amount, solid, absorb, centigrade gas, hydrogen, oxygen, mass, float

Modal Verbs: can/could, may/might, will/would, need, must, have to, shall, should, ought to, had better

Teaching Aims:

1. Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by practising.

2. Improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

3. Improve the students’ writing ability.

4. Enable the students to realize that it is important to protect the estuary.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

2. Improve the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills-reading and writing.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to go through the reading material.

2. Inductive method to help students write a paragraph successfully.

Teaching Aids:

Teaching Procedures:

Greet the whole class as usual.

T: Yesterday we did some practice about modal verbs. Now let’s do some more exercises to see if you have mastered them. Please look at the screen.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the exercises on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks using must/might/may/can/could and their negative forms.

1.-I saw Mary in the street yesterday.

-You ______ have seen her. She is still in Australia.

2.-Could I use your bike?

-Yes, of course you ______.

3. The ground is wet. It ______ have rained last night.

4. A machine ______ think for itself. It ______ be told what to do.

5. Tom, don’t play with the valuable bottle. You ______ break it.

Suggested answers:

1. can’t 2.can 3.must 4.can’t,must 5.may/might

T: Good work. But if we want to use the modal verbs correctly, we must practise them as often as possible. Today we will read another passage. The ocean is very important to all the living things, which is known to us, and I think we have also known about the reason why the ocean becomes so important-because of the properties of water, the ocean is very important. The passage we will read is also about water. It deals with “the body of water”.Are you interested in the topic?

S1:Yes.But what is the meaning of “the body of water”?I think water has no body.

T: Good question. I think you can get the answer to the question by yourself. Now let’s read the passage. While you are reading, try to make clear what is the main idea of each paragraph. Besides, try fast reading, it is helpful to improve your reading ability.

(Teacher gives students a few minutes to read the passage.)

T: Have you finished your reading?

T: Wang Lin, are you clear about “the body of water”?

S2:Yes.I think “the body of water” means the main part of water.

T: You are great! Now who’d like to tell me the main idea of the first paragraph?

S3: An estuary is the body of water where a river meets the ocean.

T: Right, thank you for your answer. What about the second one?

S4: Let me try. The general idea is that estuaries are great places for nature’s young.

T: Wang Ping, tell me the main idea of the third paragraph, please!

S5: I’m not sure. I think the third paragraph tells us estuaries are important to animals and plants, so we should try our best to protect them from environmental pollution. Am I right?

T: Yes. Congratulations! There is only the last paragraph left. Who can try?

S6: I think the main idea of the last paragraph is that estuaries are also important to human beings because they not only provide recreation and education for us but also contribute to the economy.

Step Ⅳ Discussion and Explanation

T: The general idea of the passage is very clear to us now. Now let’s re-read the passage carefully. While you are reading, try to find out the answers to the questions on Page 23.If you need, you can have a discussion about them. Then I’ll check your answers.

(Teacher gives students enough time to read the passage. At the same time, teacher goes among them and helps them express their own opinions in English correctly.)

Suggested answers:

1. Tides provide energy for the ecosystem, and estuaries are protected from waves and storms by islands. In addition nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean. So estuaries are great places for nature’s young ones.

2. Density means the quality of being dense. In other words, there are more living creatures than any other habitat on earth.

3. Estuaries can make our water clean by absorbing nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources.

4. The function that estuaries can absorb pollutants and nutrients makes estuaries very sensitive to environmental pollution.

5. Estuaries can provide recreation and education for human beings. Besides, estuaries also contribute to the economy. So they are very important to human beings.

T: Well done. Now you are very familiar with the passage.

To understand the passage better, I will explain some important phrases .Please, look at the blackboard.

(Teacher writes the following phrases on the blackboard.)

e.g. The company will provide food and drink for them.

2. have an opportunity to do something

e.g I had no opportunity to discuss the problem with her yesterday.

e.g. He left for a variety of reasons.

There are a variety of patterns for you to choose from.

e.g. His work has contributed to our understanding of this difficult subject.

T: Up to now, we have learnt a lot about water and known the properties of water and importance of estuaries. Now you are given an opportunity to check if you know a lot about water. Look at the questions on the screen.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the questions on the screen.)

1. Why does an ice cube float?

2. What will happen to a piece of metal if you put it in water?

3. Why do so many species live in estuaries?

4. Why have so many cities been built by estuaries?

T: Now imagine that your science teacher asks you to choose one of the questions and write a paragraph to explain it. Use what you learn from this unit and what you know about nature and science to write the paragraph. You must be careful to explain it to make your explanations easy to understand. You’d better look at the tips on Page 24 before you write. It’s of great help to your writing.

Possible samples:

Salt water from the ocean and fresh water from the river mix together in an estuary. The mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kinds. Here, animals can enjoy all the benefits of the oceans without having to face many of its dangers and nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean. So there are so many species living in estuaries.

Estuaries are great places for nature’s young. If many cities are built by estuaries, we can enjoy fishing, swimming and having fun on the beach and scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a variety of life in the habitat. What’s more, estuaries also contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing. So many cities have been built by estuaries.

T: In this unit, we’ve learnt some important phrases. Now I’ll give you a test to check whether you’ve mastered them or not. Look at the screen, please.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the test on the screen and gives students a few minutes to finish them. Then checks their answers.)

1.The children’s age ______(在5歲至15歲之間).

2.______(她處理這個(gè)問題的方法) is very good.

3.A week later,______(也就是),Oct 1 is National Day.

4.He ______(充分利用了) multimedia in the class.

5.The little girl ______(對溫度很敏感).

6.His actions ______(使他受到尊敬).

7.He ______(設(shè)法完成了工作) with very little help.

Suggested answers:

2. The way she deals with the problem

5. is very sensitive to temperature

T: Today, we’ve done some reading and writing. We’ve also reviewed some useful expressions in this unit. After class, go over all the important points we have learnt in this unit. That’s all for today. Class is over.

Step Ⅷ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Phrases: provide…for, have an opportunity to do, a variety of, contribute to

Teaching Aims:

1. Review the important usages of modal verbs.

2. Sum up the different situations of modal verbs.

Teaching Important Point:

How do we use modal verbs correctly.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How do we choose modal verbs correctly.

Teaching Methods:

1. Review method to master the important usages of modal verbs.

2. Inductive method and comparative method to master the important and difficult points.

Teaching Aids:

Teaching Procedures:

Greet the whole class as usual.

T: In this unit, we have done some practice about modal verbs. As we know, modal verbs have several points in common which make them quite different from other verbs. Now, please discuss the points in common among modal verbs in groups of four. After a while I will check your answers.

(Teacher gives students enough time to discuss, and then collects their answers and sums them up.)

Modal Verbs:

1. Modal verbs are used when we say that we expect things to happen or that things are possible, or necessary, or impossible, or improbable, or when we describe things that didn’t happen, or that we are not sure whether they happened.

2. Modal verbs have no -s on the third person singular. Questions and negatives are made without “do”.

3. Modal verbs have no infinitives.

4. Modal verbs have no past forms.“Could” and “would” are used with past meanings in some cases.

5. Modal verbs can be used with perfect infinitive to talk about things which didn’t happen, or which we’re not sure about.

Step Ⅲ Revision of the Important Usages of Modal Verbs

T: Good work. As we all know, modal verbs can be classified into eight groups according to their usages. Today we will review some important usages of modal verbs. Firstly, let’s review the modal verbs that can be used to express “possibility”.Please tell me which modal verbs can be used to express “possibility”.

Ss: Can/could/may/might all express “possibility”.

T: When they express “possibility”,they are not quite the same.“Can” is used to talk about theoretical possibility. If we want to talk about the actual chances of something happening, or being true, we use “could/may/might”.Besides,“can” is sometimes used to talk about present “possibility”,but only in questions and negative sentences. Is that clear?

T: Now, let’s do some exercises to master them better. Look at the screen and try to finish the sentences as soon as possible.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the sentences on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks using can/could/may/might.

1. Would you like to answer the phone? It ______ be your sister.

2. The part of the country ______ be very warm in September.

3.______ it be Lily?

4. It ______(not) be true.

5. You ______ be right.

Suggested answers:

1. could/may/might 2.can 3.Can 4.can’t 5.may/might/could

T: Besides “possibility”,can/could/may/might are also used to express “permission”.Yes?

Ss: Yes. But we are not sure about how to use them.

T: It doesn’t matter. I will give you some explanation.“Can” is the commonest one of the four, and “could” is rather more hesitant than “can”.“May” and “might” are used in a more formal style. They often suggest respect.“Might” is more hesitant and is not very common. Besides, when we give permission, we usually use “can” and “may”,but not “could” and “might”.When we report permission,“may” is not usually used. Are you clear about it?

T: Then try to finish the following exercises, please.

(Teacher shows the exercises on the screen.)

1.-______I use your phone?

-Yes, of course. You ______.

2.______ you come into the meeting room without showing a passport?

3. Mary said that I ______ borrow her car.

Suggested answers:

3.might/could(“Might” and “could” can be used after a past verb.)

T: Next, which modal verbs do you think are necessary to review?

Ss: The modal verbs expressing “necessity”.They are very important.

T: Yes, I agree with you. We can use “must/have to/have got to/need” to express “necessity”.But about how to use them, I want you to review them by understanding the following sentences by yourselves. Look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the sentences on the screen, and then asks some questions.)

1.I really must study hard.

2.You must be here by 3 o’clock.

3.You have (got) to go and see the manager.

4.You needn’t work on Sundays.

T: From the sentences, who can tell me the difference between “must” and “have to”?

S1:I want to have a try. When “must” is used, the necessity comes from the speaker. If the necessity comes from “outside”,“have (got) to” is more common.

T: Congratulations! Do you know how to use “need”?

S2:I think in negative sentences,“don’t need to”,“needn’t” or “don’t have to” is used to say that there is “no necessity”.

T: Please give me an example. OK?

S2:I know the reason why you were late. You needn’t try to explain.

T: Thank you. In addition, I want to tell you “have got to” is used instead of “have to” in informal English. Is that clear?

T: Now look at the blackboard.(Write the following on the blackboard.)

1. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.

2. You can’t have seen him yesterday, for he is still in Australia.

3. You could have told me he was coming.

4. She is very late. She may have missed the bus.

T: These sentences have something in common. Who can tell me what it is?

Ss: The modal verbs in these sentences are used together with perfect infinitives.

T: Very good. Then let’s review the modal verbs used together with perfect infinitives.

S3: When should we use modal verbs together with perfect infinitives?

T: When we talk about the past, we can use the structure, but it has a special meaning. It is used for speculating (thinking about what possibly happened) or guessing (thinking about how things could have been different).Have you got it?

T: Now let’s do some exercises to consolidate the usage of the structure.

1. I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I ______for her.

2. You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you ______ so tired.

D. had driven; wouldn’t have got

3.-I want to know why she is late.

-She ______ the early bus.

4.-I stayed at a hotel in New York.

-Oh, did you? You ______ with Barbara.

5. The light is still on. He ______ to turn it off when he ______ the room.

(Teacher shows the exercises on the screen and gives students enough time to finish them, and then checks their answers and gives them some necessary explanation.)

Suggested answers:

T: Now, it’s turn to review modal verbs expressing “advice”.Who’d like to tell me which modal verbs we can use to express “advice”?

S4:I think we usually use “should/ought to/had better” to give “advice”.

T: Yes. In most cases, both “should” and “ought to” can be used with more or less the same meaning. However, there is a very slight difference. When we use “should”,we give our own subjective opinion.“Ought to” had a rather more objective force, and is used when we are talking about laws, duties and regulations. Are you clear about that?

T: Who wants to give us an example using “should” and “ought to” expressing “advice”?

S5: People ought to vote even though they don’t agree with any of the candidates.

T: Well done. What about “should”?

S6: Let me try. You should see “Hero”-it’s a great film.

T: Thank you for your good performance. Do you know how to use “had better”?

Ss: Yes. When we use “had better”,we don’t usually mean that the action recommended would be better than another one. We simply mean that he/she ought to do it.

T :Please make up a sentence using “had better”.

S7: You’d better hurry up, if you want to get to the factory on time.

T: Up to now, we have reviewed modal verbs which express possibility, necessity, permission, advice and modal verbs used together with perfect infinitives. They are all very important. After class, try to do more exercises to master them better. That’s all for today. See you tomorrow.

Step Ⅴ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

1. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.

2. You can’t have seen her yesterday, for she is still in Australia.

3. You could have told me he was coming.

4. She is very late. She may have missed the bus.


3. Use the modal verbs “must; can/could; may/ might”

Many of you have heard and read different stories, including fairy tales; science fictions; whodunit; love stories; funny stories; sad stories and so on.

Let’s discuss what kind of stories you like best? Why?

What is in the picture? (an old man who is holding a picture; two young people; sea; an island in the sea; some plants near the sea. Some seagulls)

What is happening in the picture? (immortal; travelers; a sea monster; treasure)

Ask the students to think over and tell a story. Ask the other students whether their stories interesting, funny or mysterious.

Encourage the students to act out their stories. (a narrator; two actors and an actress)

1. Play the tape for the students to listen and check their answers.

2. Discussion: Who do you think could steel Mary’s necklace and cellphone? How can you solve this mystery?

Make sure the students understand what they are going to hear. Then play the tape for them to listen. If necessary, play twice or three times.

2. Prepare speaking practice. Choose one of the situations and create a play, each group one of the four. The plays will be acted out in the next class.

Ask a student to read the situations one by one. Then listen and watch their plays.

1. Ask the students to read the request in TALKNG on page 84. Then do as they are told to.

1. About the author: Guy De Maupassant (see: Paper)

2. Play the tape and get the students to read the text and find out how many scenes and how many characters in the play.

3. Ask the students to read the play one scene after another carefully and answer some questions on each scene, and find out the main idea of each scene.

4. Put some sentences in the right order.

5. Read the play again and find out some detailed information about some clues, and fill in the chart on the screen.

6. Choose the correct answers to the comprehension exercises on the screen.

Let the students prepare for a short time, and then act out their play in front of the class. If time is limited, the acting can be done in the next class.

Step 1 watch the vedio of the “ Necklace”

Step 2:

Language points:

1. I don’t think I know you.

2.That’s because of hard work.

He cried ______ the pain in his arm.

He dropped the pan _____ the oil was burning.

3. Years of hard work, very little food, oil a small room to live in, and never a moment rest. 數(shù)年勞累,食不果腹,屈居寒舍,片刻也不得休息

4. 不定式做定語,與所修飾詞有動賓關(guān)系,

I have a lot of work to do today.

He is a man easy to work with.

Could you please give me a pen to write ______?

Could you please give me a piece of paper to write ______?

Could you choose a topic for us to write ______?

5.marry sb. get / be married (to sb.)

sth be worth + n.

It is worth while doing/to do sth.

sth is worthy of + n.

sth is worthy of being done.

sth is worthy to be done.

He _______ a nice gift from John and happily _________ it.

receive /accept /refuse an incitation 收到/接受/拒絕 邀請

9. after all ---in spite of all what has been said, done or expected

So you are here after all.

It’s not surprising you look so tired. After all, you were up until eleven last night.

10. call on sb ; call at a place = pay a short visit to sb / a place

pay (money) for sth 付錢買…

12. at (the) most; at (the) least

I don’t have much money with me. I can only pay twenty pounds _______.

Mathild looked so old that she must be forty _________.

(1)fill or occupy (space or time)

This table takes up too much room.

His time is fully taken up with writing.

(2) start or begin sth, esp. a job

She has taken up a job as a teacher.

She will take up her duty next week.

1. Rewrite the story of “The Necklace”.

2. Orally retell the story, supposing you are Mathilde or Jeanne or Pierre.

3. Prepare to act out the play, one group one scene.

1. Listen to the students retelling of the story.

2. Dictation:

(1) Years of hard work, very little food, only a small room to live in and never a moment’s rest.

(2) I can’t be the only woman who isn’t wearing jewellery.

(3) There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose.

(4) You tried it on and it looked beautiful on you.

(5) We asked everyone there if they had found a necklace, but without luck.

(6) It can’t be true. I don’t believe it.

Check the students’ exercises.

Step 1 Dictation:

(1) Writing a short play is not that difficult.

(2) Besides, we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays

(3) If we work together, we might come up with a very good story.

(4) On her way to her grandma’ she met an alien who takes her in his spaceship.

(5) Their ideas are alien to our way of thinking. (opposite)

1. Fast reading the passage with questions:

(1). Which does Tim prefer, watching plays or playing computer games?

(2). What happens to the first girl on her way to see her grandmother?

(3). What happens to the second girl on her way to school?

2. Deal with some language points:

(1). Walking is a good form of exercise, both for young and old.

Can ten years change a person like that?

(2) besides= what’s more; also; in addition

I don’t want to go out now2, and besides, I’m much too tired.

(3) come up with = think up (an idea; a plan)

He is such a smart boy that he can always come up with bright ideas when we turn him for help.

1. Complete all the exercises in the unit.

2. Write one of the plays according to the story in the text in exercise books.

1. finish off the exercises in the workbook

2. Tranlate some sentences in the exercise-books

1). 誰能想出一個(gè)好辦法來解決這個(gè)問題?

2) 他們的想法和我們的截然不同。

3) 他夢想當(dāng)一名編劇。

4) 艱苦的工作能磨練人的性格。

5) 即使他邀請我,我也不去參加這個(gè)聚會。

Step 2 Integrating skills reading

1. Fast reading: Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Para. 1-----The third sentence (The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an actor and the belief that she or he can act well.)

Para 2-----The first sentence (Learning how to act can be fun.)

Para 3-----The first sentence (Acting exercises may also teach the students to trust each other and to communicate.)

Para 4-----The first sentence (When actors prepare for a performance, they have to do more than just learn the lines of the play.)

Para 5-----The second sentence (Many of the skills an actor or actress has to learn can be useful in our everyday life and may even help you learn faster.)


Ⅰ. Teaching Goals:

1. Talk about eating habits and health. Talk about seeing the doctor. Practise giving advice and making suggestions.

2. Use the modal verbs: had better, should and ought to.

3. Learn some useful cooking terms. Read and write recipes.

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: sweet, mushroom, fried, junk food, fat, snack, stomach, fever, salad, peach, ripe, ought, examine, plenty, all the time, have a fever, be careful with, plenty of.

2. Sentence Patterns: (1) advise sb. (not) to do sth.

(2) There’s sth. wrong with…

3. Train the Ss’ listening ability.

4. Develop the Ss’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion.

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Trains the Ss’ listening ability.

2. Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and everyday English and make the Ss be free to talk about their favourite food and give reasons for their decisions.

3. How to finish the task of speaking.

§ Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answering activity to help Ss go through with the listening material.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

§ Teaching Aids:

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Warming-up: Brainstorm (words about food)

* List the food we eat in the Spring Festival:

rice, porridge, noodle, dumpling, corn, big flatbread, steamed bun, fried twisted dough sticks, walnut, peanut, chestnut, bean cake, mushroom, fried chips, hamburger, ice cream, chocolate, apple, pear, banana, orange, grape, chicken, beef, fish, pork, cucumber, carrot, tomato, potato, cabbage.

Name Food Junk food / Healthy food

* Talk: Are these food good for our health, or be harm to our health?


A: Do you like eating fried chips? B: Yes, I like it very much.

A: But I think it is junk food, because it has a lot of fat and sugar.

B: Really? So I’d better not eat too much.

T: There are so many food for us to eat, right? They are very delicious, but if you eat too much in a meal, or eat some raw food, you will be ill as Sharon. Turn to Page 3, read the dialogue and pay attention to the useful expressions.

I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts. I don’t feel well.

There’s sth. wrong with my back / my knee / my arm.

Lie down and let me examine you. Let me have a look.

* First time, listen carefully and try to understand what does it talk about?

* Second time, answer the following questions

1. What’s wrong with Mike?

2. What did Mike have for breakfast?

3. Can you give Mike some advice? What should he eat less of?

* Third time, answer the next three questions

1. Which side of Mike’s stomach hurts?

2. Does Mike have a fever?

3. What does the doctor tell Mike to do?

1. One reading exercise everyday

§ The Design of the Writing on the Bb

Unit 13 Healthy eating (first period)

Brainstorm: Words & Phrases:

noodle… be careful with…

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: soft, bar, fuel, diet, calory, pace, bean, fibre, mineral, disease, environmental, chemical, probably, balance, keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for, go for

2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

3. Enable the Ss to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for.

3. How to make the Ss understand the reading material better and answer the questions on the passage.

§ Teaching Method:

1. Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn

2. Discussion after reading to make Ss understand what they’ve learned better

3. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph

4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text

§ Teaching Aids:

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Review the words and phrases learnt last period

Q1. Which of the following gives you the most energy: a banana, a soft drink, a bar of chocolate? (a bar of chocolate)

Q2. How many meals do you eat every day? Which meal do you think is the most important? Why? (3, breakfast)

Q3. How much water do you drink every day?

* Fast reading, what does the text mainly talk about?

Q1. What does the word “green” mean in the text above? What about the word “fuel”? Can you find any other words used in the same way?

A: unpolluted, unharmful and good for people’s health; other words used in the same way; fuel means all the things we eat for our bodies, it can help keep our body functioning and fighting disease.

Q2. The text gives examples of how people make choices about what they eat. List the examples and the reasons why people eat or don’t eat certain kinds of food.

A: Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe. Some people are vegetarians, because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or because they do not think we should kill animals for food.

Q3. How have our eating habits changed? Why? Try to think of as many examples and reasons as possible.

A: People have experienced the processes from having no enough food to having enough food, and later from having enough food to having better food. Now people buy and eat sth. , we not only think about if the will give us the nutrients we need, but also if the food belongs to eco-foods.

Q4. Why do people go to fast food restaurants?

A: it is very convenient, and it can save time.

Q5. Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar or fat?

A: If people eat too much sugar and fat, they put on weight very easily and some of them may have bad teeth.

Q6. Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?

A: Because people want to be smarter, healthier, in particular, young people want to be more beautiful. It goes with the need of the times.

Q7. What can we do to keep a balanced diet?

A: Buy and eat good, nutrient foods from all the food in the right amounts, and eat less sugar and take more exercise.

* More exercises: translate the sentences underlined on Page4 into Chinese

2. Preview the integrating skill reading on Page74

3. One reading exercise every day

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: soft, bar, fuel, diet, calory, pace, bean, fibre, mineral, disease, environmental, chemical, probably, balance, keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for, go for

2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

3. Enable the Ss to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for.

3. How to make the Ss understand the reading material better and answer the questions on the passage.

§ Teaching Method:

1. Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn

2. Discussion after reading to make Ss understand what they’ve learned better

3. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph

4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text

§ Teaching Aids:

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision: What does the text mainly talk about?

Ask some Ss to try to say sth. about the text.

Step 2. Integrating Skills--Don’t be a Mouse Potato (on Page74)

Read the quickly in 5 minutes, and then answer the following questions.

Q1. What is a couch potato?

A: couch potatoes means people who spend too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food.

Q2. What is junk food according to this text?

A: It is food that has a lot of calories but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Q3. Why are people becoming potatoes and what can people do to avoid it?

A: One reason is our modern way of life; we must make sure that our diet is varied and balanced.

* More reading exercises on extra materials from English Weekly.

Step 3. Important Points and Difficult Points

1. prepare (sth.) to do / for… 2. in the form of… 以…形式

prepare oneself for… 3. be short of 短缺…

be / get prepared for / to do… 4. go for 也如此,對…也適用,向…攻擊

6. exercise不可數(shù),意為“運(yùn)動” exercises可數(shù),意為“練習(xí),體操,演習(xí)”

7. not a bit一點(diǎn)兒也不 not a little非常

1. Bob is a diligent student and is ___ his coming examinations while his mother is ___ supper.

A. preparing for; preparing for B. preparing; preparing for

C. preparing for; preparing D. preparing; preparing

2. We should do more exercises, both __ for our health and __ for our knowledge.

A.exercise;exercise B. exercises;exercisesC.exercise;exercises D.exercises; exercise

3. ___ do you base your calculation?

A. On which B. On what C. About what D. For what

4. some stones weigh ___ fifteen tons.

A. as more as B. so more as C. as much as D. as many as

5. ---Are all the telephone numbers ___ in the directory? ---Yes, all __ Jane’s.

A. listed; included B. listing; includes C. listed; including D. being listed; includes

6. Before the election, the candidates(候選人) ___ each other in the newspaper.

A. went with B. went for C. went over D. went forth

7. The boy __ on the ground __ that he had seen a cock __ an egg.

A. laying; lay; lay B. lying; lie; lie C. lying; lied; lay D. lay; lying; lay

8. Jenny ___ have kept his word. I wonder why she changed her mind.

A. must B. should C. need D. would

9. We ___ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study

Answers: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C

1. One reading exercise every day

2. Prepare a healthy diet and explain why it is healthy

3. Remember the first 15 words and prepare for the dictation.

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Review the words learned in the last three periods.

2. Learn and master modal verbs: had better, should, ought to

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2. Let the Ss learn how to give advice or opinion about sth. , especially master hoe to use “should, ought to, had better and their negative forms” to give advice.

§ Teaching Aids:

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision---dictation about the first 15 words in this Unit

1. junk food 2. fat 3. stomach 4. salad 5. ought to 6. energy 7. peach 8. plenty of 9. examine 10. ripe 11. soft 12. fever 13. fuel 14. diet 15. keep up with

Give Ss 5 minutes to do the exercises on Page5, then ask some Ss to say the Chinese meaning of the sentences, and check the answers.

1. nutrient 2. diet 3. vitamin 4. mineral 5. fat 6. sugar 7. protein 8. calory

* Translate the following sentences into English

1. 外面很冷,你最好穿上你大衣。

It is cold outside, you’d better put on your coat.

2. 你最好別脫下你的衣服。

You had better not take off your clothes.

3. 我們應(yīng)該尊敬老師和父母。

We should / ought to respect our teachers and parents.

4. 你不應(yīng)該這么粗心。

You shouldn’t / ought not to be so careless.

* More exercises on Page5 and Page74

1. One reading exercise every day





(1)知識目標(biāo):學(xué)生能掌握下列重點(diǎn)單詞和短語的意義和用法:greet, represent, approach, e_pression, defend, misunderstand, adult, cheek, major, likely, in general。能夠表達(dá)一些Body language.









Step 1. Lead in

(1)The teacher shows a question on screen:How can we communicate with others when we can’t speak ?

Then ask a student to answer.


(2) The teacher shows some pictures on screen of some body language and ask some students to guess and discuss the meaning they stand for.設(shè)計(jì)說明:引出本節(jié)課的題目。

Step 2. Fast reading

1. Go through the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

o Match the main idea of each para. with lines.

(Para.1) A. Other e_amples of different greeting body language.

(Para.2) B. Different people have different body language.

(Para.3) C. Summary of body language.

(Para.4) D. Meet the visitors at the airport.

(Para.5) E. E_amples of different greeting body language.

2. Try to write down the main idea of the te_t.

The te_t is mainly about different _____________ in different countries. In order to avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads, we should ___________________________.


Step 3. Careful reading

Read Para. 1 and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1) Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. ( )

(2) After an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.

( )

Read Para.2&3 and match the people with their ways of greeting

Tony Garcia (Columbia) A. shakes hands and kisses others twice

on each cheek

Ahmed Aziz B. Bows


Akira Nagata (Japan) C. shakes hands

George Cook (Canada) D. approaches others closely and touches

their shoulder and kisses them on the cheek

Darlene Coulon(France) E. stand quite close to other men but will

usually not touch women.

Read Para. 4&5 and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(1) All cultures don’t greet each other the same way. ( )

(2) From the passage we can see western cultures are better than eastern cultures. ( )

(3) It’s necessary to study body language because it helps us to get better understanding among people from different cultures. ( )

(4) Only a small number of people greet by shaking hands. ( )


Language Points

1. approach vi. &vt.向……靠近;n.靠近;方法,步驟(后常跟介詞to)


(1) When I ____________(approach) the dog, it ran away at once.

(2) Can you come up with a good approach of solving this problem? (單句改錯(cuò))

2. likely adj.可能的;有希望的

be likely to do很可能……;有希望……(主語既可以是人,也可以是物)

It is likely that...很可能……


(1)She is the most _________ girl to win the prize.

(2) It’s likely that he will succeed.(句型轉(zhuǎn)換)


3. Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital International …...

representing是現(xiàn)在分詞(非謂語)作定語,相當(dāng)于定語從句:who represented ….,謂語是went。


(1) Mr. Wang, who taught us English before, retired last week. (把劃線部分變?yōu)榉侵^語)_____________

(2)The girl __________(study) in the classroom is my sister. (用非謂語填空)

4. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.



(1) The boy stood there and cried.(把劃線部分變?yōu)榉侵^語)

The boy stood there_________.

(2)The boy is sitting before the computer__________ (play) games. (用非謂語填空)


Step 4. Consolidation


Yesterday, another student and I,(1)___________(represent) our university’s student association, went to meet this year’s international students. After half an hour of (2) _______(wait), I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around(3) ___________ (curious). I went forward to meet (4) _______(their). After being introduced, they greeted each other in different ways, (5) __________(cause) some cultural mistakes.

As I get to know more international friends, I learn more about this

(6) __________ (culture) body language. People communicate not only with

(7) _________(speak) language, but also through physical distance, actions or posture. These actions are simply ways in (8) __________cultures have developed. (9) __________general, studying international customs can certainly help avoid(10)__________(difficult) in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. I stood for a minute watched them and then went to greet them.

2. Julia stepped back appearing surprising.

3. Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiled.

4. Most people around the world now greet each other by shake hands.

5. These action are not good or bad.

Step 5. Free talk

After discussing with your deskmate, think out the body language you know and act it out.

Ask some pairs to perform in front of the class.


Step 6. Summary

What have we learned in this class?

We have learned:

o some body language in different countries

osome language points

ohow to communicate with different people properly using body language


Step 7. Homework

Underline all the important words, e_pressions and sentences.



Yesterday, another student and I,(1)___________(represent) our university’s student association, went to meet this year’s international students. After half an hour of (2) _______(wait), I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around(3) ___________ (curious). I went forward to meet (4) _______(their). After being introduced, they greeted each other in different ways, (5) __________(cause) some cultural mistakes.

As I get to know more international friends, I learn more about this

(6) __________ (culture) body language. People communicate not only with

(7) _________(speak) language, but also through physical distance, actions or posture. These actions are simply ways in (8) __________cultures have developed. (9) __________general, studying international customs can certainly help avoid(10)__________(difficult) in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. I stood for a minute watched them and then went to greet them.

2. Julia stepped back appearing surprising.

3. Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiled.

4. Most people around the world now greet each other by shake hands.

5. These action are not good or bad.


2. 地球面臨的最大問題是什么?

What is the biggest problem facing the earth?

4. 造成嚴(yán)重的污染 cause serious pollution

8. 做筆記 take notes of…

14. 可持續(xù)發(fā)展 sustainable development

without damaging the environment

attend the international conference

according to the World Health Organization

put an end to the death and suffering

28. 盡所能去做某事 do whatever one can to do

32. 有大的成效/有所不同 make a difference

36. 對。。。掌握;熟悉 have a good knowledge of

37. 找到解決辦法 find solution to the problem

Education is the key to the future

40. 對學(xué)習(xí)滿意 be content/satisfied with

42. 充分利用時(shí)間 make full use of time

44. 防御 defend oneself against/from

stress the importance of protecting

48. 剛。。。就。。。 hardly/ barely/ scarcely… when

55. 消息傳開 Word got around.

61. 面對激烈的競爭 face fierce competition

a place of interest/ places of interest

69. 為你的觀點(diǎn)辯護(hù) defend your argument

74. 找出, 發(fā)現(xiàn), 查明(真相等), 認(rèn)識到, 想出, 揭發(fā) find out

75. 別無選擇只能 have no alternative but to do



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